What Is a Creator? (+How to Improve Your Content Creation Skills)

What is a creator? Don’t worry, this isn’t a philosophical think piece about religion and spirituality. We’re talking about content creators here. You’ve probably heard the term before, but what does it actually mean? Who counts as a creator and what is it that they do?

内容对于为您的业务创造强大的在线影响力至关重要,它确实可以改变您的底线。例如,投入博客的营销人员从营销工作(HubSpot)中看到积极的投资回报率更高。而且,根据Oracle,content marketinggenerates 3X more leads per dollar spent.



What Is a Creator?

A content creator is someone who produces entertaining or educational content that meets the interests and overcomes the challenges of a具体的目标受众。This content can take many forms including:

  • Blogs and articles
  • Industry news articles
  • 图像和信息图表
  • 视频和屏幕捕获
  • Audio and podcasts
  • Email
  • 社交媒体


经验丰富的内容创造者知道你的品牌的s content has to align with your brand strategy and匹配品牌的声音。These creators are well-versed in creating performance-based content that will help your brand build trust, authority, and credibility while reaching the ultimate goal of generating more sales or conversions.


Creators cover a wide range of platforms, channels, and approaches to creation. We’re going to cover 4 broad types of creators:

  • Web content creator
  • YouTube creator
  • 播客创建者
  • 社交媒体创建者


When we talk about web content creators, we’re referring to those who use written content like landing pages, blog posts, sales copy, and more. These creators could be generalists who work across content types or they could be specialists who opt to write only a specific type of content.

Each type of content has its own purpose, but at its core, written content is intended to inform and educate readers about a product or service, share why it’s useful and how to use it, and push the reader towards a conversion (either directly or indirectly). Most of the time, creators重新利用内容进入其他类型的内容,以产生更多的潜在客户和兴趣。

这里有几个内容类型that web content creators might work on:


Blogging is the most common type of web content. Businesses use their blogs to improve SEO and increase the chances that their site will be found in web searches for relevant keywords. Blogs can also be monetized using on-site ads oraffiliate marketing


Checklists are user-friendly content that creators use to provide step-by-step instructions or easy to follow guides for readers about a specific process. Presenting complex processes in a checklist makes it feel more approachable and increases the likelihood that readers will be able to successfully complete a task.


White papers are typically longform content that’s used to provide detailed information to potential customers as well as to set up the writer (or their company) as an authority on a subject.


Similar to white papers, eBooks are another type of longform content that provides value to your audience. While white papers can be used as sales tools, eBooks generally are not. Instead, they’re used to provide value and build trust.

Case Studies

Case studies are another common type of web content. They feature a specific client who has enjoyed success with a business’s products or services. This is done by revealing the real-life application of a product or service. Case studies are a form of social proof that show potential customers the successes that your customers are having with your products and services.

▶️YouTube Creator

YouTube始于2005年,是3名前PayPal工人之间的合作,并已成为仅次于Google的互联网上第二大网站。YouTube也是Internet上第二大搜索引擎,仅次于Google。它已成为视频内容创建者的首选平台,有几个YouTube影响者who have made a name for themselves on the platform.

YouTube creators vary widely in the topics they cover, how they integrate into the YouTube community, and the way they approach content creation. Here are a few things to consider when looking tobecome a YouTube creator或试图为您的品牌找到一个:



Channel Focus

YouTube creators can either be the star of their shows or run things from behind the scenes, but it’s most common for YouTube creators to be on-camera.


虽然一些YouTube创作者有生产团队with writers, editors, animators, and marketers, most YouTube creators take those roles on themselves, producing, recording, editing, and promoting their own content.


Many YouTube creators seek out partnerships with others on the platform as well as with brands and sponsors.

因此,基本上任何人都可以create a successful YouTube channel, but it’s certainly not easy. YouTube hasmore than 2 billion monthly active visitors,其中5000万正在积极创建内容。每分钟将超过500个小时的视频内容上传到平台。这使得平台竞争激烈。但是,鉴于YouTube多年来已向YouTube创作者支付了超过20亿美元的费用,该平台清楚地了解了YouTube影响者的价值。


Podcast Creator

如果这些天似乎每个人都有播客,那是因为他们这样做。根据Podcast Insights(2020),目前有超过850,000个活动播客,其中有超过3000万集。另外,从2019年到2020年,每月播客听众增长了16%(爱迪生研究,2020年)。可以肯定地说,播客会留在这里。

Similar to YouTube creators,播客创建者vary widely in the topics they cover, the way they engage with their listeners and the podcast community as a whole, and the way they approach podcast creation. Additionally, podcast creators can be entirely solo acts or have a team that works on production for them.


There are few things that have changed the way we engage and communicate with each other the way社交媒体有。根据我们的社交,有超过34亿活跃的社交媒体用户花了近2.5个小时社交媒体平台188滚球地址, browsing and messaging every day (GlobalWebIndex).

社交媒体创建者s, broadly known asinfluencers, are great at building up engaged lists of followers. This makes them the perfect vehicle for sharing your marketing messages.

The type of content social media creators actually create will depend on the platform they favor.Instagram influencers, for example, tend towards beauty, health, fitness, and fashion because Instagram is such a visual platform. This makes it really easy to show off the beautiful imagery typically involved in those industries. Twitter, on the other hand, is an excellent platform for bloggers, politicians, comedians, and news sites due to its primarily text-based nature.

这里有几个of the different types of content social media content creators produce:

  • Articles, blog posts, guides, eBooks, and more
  • 图片
  • Videos, including video Stories and live videos
  • Infographics
  • 推荐和评论
  • 比赛
  • Announcements
  • Holiday content
  • GIFs


Now you know what a creator is, but what makes someone a great content creator? Here are 5 things we’ve found to set “okay” creators apart from those who are in demand as thought leaders.

1. Understand Your Audience

The most important thing you can do as a content creator is to fully understand your target audience. This goes deeper than demographics; you need to get into what drives the people you’re creating content for. When you understand their interests and motivations it makes it all the easier to create content that really resonates with them.

You should also talk about your target audience instead of yourself. With your content, especially if you’re trying to出售产品,您真的在向观众出售自己的最佳版本。如果您不谈论他们,就无法做到这一点,使用您的内容向他们展示您了解他们的痛点并可以帮助他们解决它们。

2. Stay Up to Date

当您是内容创建者时,您必须对自己的行业(包括法规和趋势)保持最新和知识渊博。这使您可以连接行业中发生的事情与客户如何播放之间的点。您可以通过关注来保持最新状态thought leaderson social media, setting up Google alerts for the latest news, and reading any trade publications relevant to your chosen niche.


No matter what type of content you create, you need to be a decent writer. Fortunately, there are tons of books and other resources that exist solely to help you成为更好的作家。语法和海明威等工具将为您提供有关语法,拼写和单词选择的关键见解,而Strunk&White风格元素是一个出色的样式指南。

不过,不要仅仅提高您的研究技能和写作机制。讲故事对于内容创作者非常重要。粘长的故事Kindra Hall是一本专门针对内容营销人员的书利用讲故事来吸引和影响您的目标受众。

4. Create A Lot

More content = more traffic = more conversions.

Creating content for yourself isn’t something you do only when you have the time. The more content you produce, the better your chances of getting found by potential clients. According to HubSpot, brands that publish blog posts 16 times per month get nearly 3.5 times more traffic than brands that only publish up to 4 times per month.

即使您不写博客,也应该花时间在所选的媒介中创建和发布。您想被视为利基市场中的思想领袖,对吗?当您没有一大堆工作使您在Google,YouTube等搜索结果中出现的工作时,该怎么办?创建内容日历is a great way to stay on track.

5. Embrace Keyword Research


当您为自己创建内容时,请考虑一下潜在客户会搜索您的内容以找到您。If you’re a creator in the beauty industry who focuses on organic or green products, for example, you’d probably want to target keywords like “organic skin care,” “green skin care,” or “sustainable skin care” and not simply “skin care.” A subtle change can make a huge difference.

There areSEO工具that will make this process a lot easier and help you target the “high search volume, low competition” keywords that will really get your content ranked. We recommend SEMrush, but Ahrefs, SpyFu, and even Google’s Keyword Planner are all great and helpful tools.


Content creators, regardless of the type of content they create, play an important role in marketing. For brands, the right content creator can put them closer to their target audience and help them develop and maintain high-quality relationships.


What does a content creator do?

A content creator creates educational or entertaining content that meets the interests and tackles the problems of a specific target audience. The content that they create can be used offline or online. They can work on a wide range of channels and platforms such as social media, podcasts, YouTube or websites. Some of the most common types of content that they can create include blog posts, eBooks, YouTube videos, podcasts, guides and infographics.




Firstly, good content creators understand their target audience and are knowledgeable about the industry. They know what drives their target audience and can create content that resonates with them. Secondly, they embrace keyword research. Great content creators know how to make their content appealing to readers as well as search engines. They are intentional about the keywords that they use and most likely will use SEO tools to help with this process. Lastly, they are also decent writers.

Are blogs effective for marketing?



While virtually anyone can create a YouTube channel, it definitely is hard to create a successful one. The main reason for this is the fierce competition. YouTube has over 2 billion monthly active visitors of which 50 million are actively creating content. To add to that, more than 500 hours of video content get uploaded to YouTube every single minute. You might also need a production team with writers, editors, marketers and animators to help you produce, record and market high-quality content.
