什么是影响者?- 社交媒体影响者定义的[2022年更新]

If you hunt around this website, you will find an ever-increasing number of articles related to Influencer Marketing. This includes our take on What is Influencer Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide. But there is an even more fundamental question you need to consider before you think about participating in influencer marketing.

什么是影响者?- Social Media Influencers Defined:


  • 由于与他或她的听众的权威,知识,职位或关系,影响他人的购买决定的权力。
  • 他或她积极参与的独特利基市场的追随者。以下大小取决于他/她的利基市场主题的大小。





Over the last decade, we have seen social media grow rapidly in importance. More than34亿人们积极使用社交媒体 - 这是世界人口的45%。

Inevitably these people look up to influencers in social media to guide them with their decision making.

Influencers in social mediaare people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views. Brands love social media influencers because they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy products they promote.

Influencer Marketing Course for social media influencers



你可以单独的不同类型的有影响力的人multiple ways. Some of the most common methods are by follower numbers, by types of content, and by the level of influence. You can also group influencers by the niche in which they operate. This means that influencers who may appear in a low category by one measure may seem more influential when looked at in another way. For example, many mega-influencers are also celebrities. Yet both these groups often have less real influence on their audience because they lack expertise in a dedicated narrow niche. Some micro and even nano-influencers can have a tremendous impact on followers in their specialist niche. They may be of significant benefit to a firm selling a product targeting that sector.




许多大型影响者是名人,他们脱离了脱口秀的名声 - 电影明星,运动赛,音乐家,甚至是现实电视明星。但是,一些大型影响者通过在线和社交活动获得了广泛的追随者。


This group tends to consists of two types of people. They are either B-grade celebrities, who haven't yet made it to the big time. Or they are successful online experts, who have built up more significant followings than the typical micro-influencers. The latter type of macro-influencer is likely to be more useful for firms engaging in influencer marketing.
However, you do need to be careful with this level of influencer. This is the category most likely to engage in influencer fraud – some have only reached their position thanks to the followers they have purchased.



A micro-influencer may not be aware of the existence of a company before that company tries to reach out to him or her. If that is the case, the company will have first to convince the influencer of its worth. Micro-influencers have built up specialist followings, and they will not want to harm their relationship with their fans if they are seen to promote a lemon.
This requirement for the relationship between micro-influencers and brands to align with target audiences means that influencers are often picky about with whom they work. Some micro-influencers are happy to promote a brand for free. Others will expect some form of payment. Regardless of the price, any influencer is unlikely to want involvement with an "inappropriate" brand for their audience.

The nature of influence is changing. Micro-influencers are becoming more common and more famous. Some have risen from virtual obscurity to being nearly as well known as traditional celebrities. This is particularly the case for Generation Z, who spend more time on the internet than watching television or going to sports or movies.
在所有的现实,micro-influencers影响ers of the future. The internet has led to the fragmentation of the media into many small niche topics. Even if you are into something relatively obscure, you are likely to find a Facebook group or Pinterest board devoted to it. And it is in these niche groups and boards that micro-influencers establish themselves as genuine influencers.


获得认可的最新影响者类型是纳米影响者。这些人只有少数关注者,但他们往往是晦涩或专业领域的专家。您可以将纳米影响者视为小池塘中的众所周知的大鱼。在许多情况下,他们只有不到1,000名追随者 - 但他们将热衷于感兴趣的追随者,愿意与纳米影响者互动,并听取他/她的意见。






A variation on having a blogger write something that recommends your product is to participate in guest posting. If you can grab a guest posting spot on a large blog, you can control the content, and you will typically be allowed to place a link to your own site in your author bio.

If a blog is large and influential enough, you may be able to buy a sponsored post on their site. This allows you to either write a post yourself or heavily influence the blogger to write a post on your behalf. Unlike a casual mention in a blogger’s post or a guest post you have written, you will have to pay for a sponsored post (and it is likely to be labeled as such). However, this hasn’t harmed the results for many firms that have sponsored posts on blogs. Generation Z, in particular, seems to be immune to the Sponsored Post tag, and as long as the product aligns with the blog’s core audience, there shouldn’t be a problem.


Of course, a blog is not the only type of popular content on the internet. Another favorite type of content is video. In this case, rather than each video maker having their own site, most create a channel on YouTube. Brands often align with流行的YouTube内容创建者


Podcastingis a relatively recent form of online content that is growing in popularity. It has made quite a few household names now, possibly best epitomized by John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to enjoy podcasts, Digital Trends has put together a comprehensive list of the Best Podcasts of 2019.

Social Posts Only

Of course, bloggers, podcasters, and YouTubers rarely rely solely on their existing audiences to just turn up to their site, hoping there is new material. They usually promote new posts or videos heavily on social media - which makes most of these bloggers and content creators micro-influencers as well.
In fact, the vast majority of influencers now make their name on social media. While you will find influencers on all the leading social channels, the standout network in recent years has been Instagram, where many influencers craft their posts around a stunning image.

By Level of Influence


Celebrities were the original influencers, and they still have a role to play, although their importance as influencers is waning.



One problem with using celebrities as influencers is if they may lack credibility with a product’s target audience. Justin Bieber may be highly influential if he recommended a type of acne cream, but would have little chance of influencing the buying patterns of those looking for a retirement village.



Industry experts and thought leaders such as journalists can also be considered influencers and hold an important position for brands.


These experts include:

  • 记者
  • Academics
  • Industry experts
  • 专业顾问


博客作者and content creators often work with industry leaders and thought leaders, and it is not uncommon to see them quoted in blog posts and even used in social media campaigns. The line between traditional media and social media is blurring.

One thing to be aware of when working with key opinion leaders is that many have built up their reputation in an offline setting and may not have a large or active social following.



尽管还没有为这些人创建一个通用术语,但英国代理机构PMYB提出了他们的商标名称 -Chromo-Influencers™。这些是基于影响消费者行为的46个关键因素,是该机构绩效最高的影响者。





- 由于其权限,知识,立场或与听众的关系,影响他人的购买决定的权力,
- 在一个独特的利基市场中的追随者,他们积极参与。以下大小取决于其利基市场的普及。
Influencers in social media have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic.



How many followers do you need to be an influencer?

The number of followers you need to be an influencer very much depends on the niche in which you operate. Mega influencers have many followers on their social networks, often more than 1 million followers on a platform. People with followers in the range between 40,000 and 1 million followers on a social network are macro-influencers. Most influencers are micro-influencers with between 1,000 and 40,000 followers. In really specialist niches, you have nano-influencers with fewer than 1,000 followers.


It can be challenging to compare influencers who operate on different social platforms. How can you easily compare the top YouTubers with those who rule Instagram, for instance? As of October 2020, however, the top 10 influencers on Instagram, as calculated by HypeAuditor, are:
凯莉·詹纳(Kylie Jenner)
Leo Messi
Kendall Jenner
金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian West)



Affiliate marketing
Sponsored posts / images / videos and brand campaigns
Courses, subscriptions, and eBooks
Co-created product lines
Influencers have both reach and influence on their audience. This makes an ideal situation for brands trying to reach a matching target audience

Do influencers pay for followers?

尽管有些人无疑为在线追随者付款,但真正的影响者不必这样做。的确,您应该将任何证据视为少数虚假追随者的证据是一个巨大的危险信号。好吧,许多大型名人帐户都有他们的虚假追随者,由机器人创建,不知名。他们不会为这些虚假的追随者付费 - 名人帐户上的机器人看起来很可信。但是,具有更易于管理的追随者数字的真正影响者检查其大部分追随者是真实的。
