
拥有最好的SEO工具可以使您的网站排名和业务蓬勃发展变得更加容易。In this article, we’re going to share our picks for the 16 best SEO tools.如果您正在寻找合适的工具,这些工具可以帮助您优化网站结构,请找到达到目标受众的最佳关键字,并跟踪您的性能,请继续阅读!


How Long Does SEO Take?

Before we dive into our list of the best SEO tools, it’s important to have an understanding of how quickly you can expect to see results from your SEO efforts.

SEO is hard to do. You need to know about search engines and the algorithms they use to rank pages, as well as stay on top of regular changes to those algorithms.

There are a lot of moving parts involved with SEO. You need to create content that’s optimized for your target keywords, get backlinks from high-authority sites, and make sure that your site’s architecture supports a quality user experience.

It can take anywhere from 3–6 months to see results from your SEO efforts. It will take longer if your website is new since you’ll have to buildDomain Authority从头开始。

16 Best SEO Tools to Boost Your Rankings

Here are the best SEO tools we’ve found to help you improve user experience and rank higher on search engines.

1.Google Analytics

Google Analytics(分析)屏幕快照

We’re starting our list of the best SEO tools with a wildly popular free tool from Google.

Google Analytics(分析)可让您访问广泛的数据,可用于改善SEO。它使您可以跟踪和分析有关您的网站和访问者的数据。

Google Analytics(分析)跟踪您网站上的三种活动:

  • pageviews:每次有人访问您网站上的页面时,这会触发。
  • Events: This triggers when someone takes an action on your site.
  • Transactions: This triggers when a visitor buys something on your site.

You can use Google Analytics to amplify your marketing efforts, improve site performance, and improve your SEO.

Google Analytics Features:

  • 将次要维度添加到您的报告中以细分数据并进行更深入的挖掘
  • 高级过滤器让您细分数据结果,因此您可以专注于对您重要的事情
  • Pivot view lets you create a quick pivot table from your data without having to export to Excel or Google Sheets

Google Analytics Pricing:


2.Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free SEO tool that provides data about your website’s search metrics. It includes problems on your site regarding indexing, mobile usability, keyword performance, and more.


Google Search Console Features:

  • 索引覆盖报告可帮助您了解Google如何爬网,并找到阻止您的页面索引的问题
  • The URL inspection tool lets you see how Google actually sees your page
  • The overview report gives you a snapshot of how your site is performing technically in search engines

Google Search Console Pricing:



semrush analytics and content marketing

SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO tool and is one of the best SEO tools on the market today. It offers all the tools you need to create new high-quality content, find link building opportunities, and improve your technical SEO.


SEMrush Features:

  • Analyze сompetitor ad budgets and keywords
  • 深入分析
  • 找到适合SEO和PPC广告系列的正确关键字
  • Understand your potential customers’ behavior and media consumption


Semrush提供有限的免费计划。付费计划起价为$ 83.28/月(每年收费时)。


SpyFu is a powerful keyword research tool that includes竞争对手分析工具. It lets users find profitable keywords and shows all ad campaigns run by your competitors as well as their organic searches.

SpyFu Features:

  • PPC广告等级跟踪可帮助您跟踪广告,甚至建议扩展关键字
  • Keep track of competitors and their PPC strategies
  • Find keywords used by your competitors plus the number of clicks they get


SpyFu pricing starts at $33/month (when billed annually).



ahrefsalso offers organic search reports so you can analyze the traffic of your competitors’ sites.


  • 通过一次搜索生成数十万个关键字
  • See the ranking history of keywords used on your site
  • Monitor outbound links





You can even check the box to show source links. This means that a clickable link will show up next to each question that, when clicked, takes you to the thread.

QuestionDB Features:

  • 按受欢迎程度或主题排序
  • 轻松提出种子关键字列表
  • Check comments in the original thread for more content ideas





VidIQ is a video SEO software that includes tools for video keyword research, analytics, and video optimization. With the Boost feature, you can “boost” a video to get keyword suggestions for your video’s title, tags, and description.

VidIQ Features:

  • YouTube关键字研究
  • 分析仪表板显示观点,订阅者和评论
  • Best Time to Post lets you know the best time to publish a YouTube video

VidIQ Pricing:

VidIQ offers a free plan. Paid plans start at $7.50/month.

Interested in learning more about YouTube marketing? Check out thisguide to YouTube marketing!



Whitespark has all the tools you need to leverage local SEO. It helps you find citation opportunities, monitor your local and organic search performance, and make it easy for customers to review your business.


  • 跟踪您在任何城市的搜索引擎排名
  • 增长你的在线评论,增加客户feedback, and testimonials
  • Quickly find key citations your competitors have that you need

Whitespark Pricing:

Whitespark offers a free plan. Paid plans start at $17/month (when billed annually).



You can use WooRank to simplify your digital marketing by tracking and analyzing your site’s SEO, social media, usability, and other critical factors.

WooRank Features:

  • See all your important SEO data in one place
  • 通过知道您的目标关键字在哪里来跟踪SEO策略的成功
  • Discover and fix how Google interprets your website for use in search results
  • Identify and qualify leads and create sales pitches based on real website data

WooRank Pricing:



Serpstat is another all-in-one SEO tool that lets you track a high volume of keywords. It does competitor and keyword research, PPC analysis, ranking tracking, and more.

Serpstat is a great option for companies needing a basic tool with the ability to track a high volume of keywords.

Serpstat Features:

  • 通过表现最好的关键字扩展您的在线形象
  • 确定竞争对手并了解他们的优势和缺点
  • Research your competitors’ advertising campaigns
  • Monitor your and your competitors’ webpage rankings daily

Serpstat Pricing:

Serpstat pricing starts at $55/month (when billed annually).


也要is a free SEO tool that lets you enter a keyword and then shows you what other questions people ask about that keyword.

But it doesn’t stop there.

It then shows you a visual representation of how each level of questions is topically grouped with the next.



  • Get an understanding of how questions are topically grouped
  • More longtail keyword ideas
  • Easy to understand visual representation of PAA data



12.Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a free tool to help you analyze your website’s performance and get suggestions to make it better. Since Google rewards pages that load faster, improving your site’s speed can lead to better rankings.

It reports on the performance of a page on both mobile and desktop devices and provides easy to understand suggestions on how that page can be improved.

Google PagesPeed Insights功能:

  • Get a performance score that summarizes your page’s performance
  • Results are based on real-world field data
  • Get suggestions on how to improve the page’s performance metrics

Google PagesPeed Insights定价:


13.Screaming Frog SEO Spider

尖叫的青蛙是澳大利亚最好的SEO工具之一it your website quickly and painlessly. Just enter the URL and Screaming Frog crawls your site to find missing tags, duplicate content, broken links, and more.

Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider works great on both small and large websites and lets you analyze results in real-time.


  • Find temporary and permanent redirects, identify redirect chains and loops, or upload a list of URLs to audit
  • 立即爬网,找到断开的链接(404)和服务器错误
  • Quickly create XML Sitemaps and Image XML Sitemaps
  • 评估内部链接和URL结构

Screaming Frog SEO Spider Pricing:

Screaming Frog offers a free plan. The paid plan is $183.92/year.


AnswerThePublic is a keyword research tool that gives you visualizations of search questions and suggested autocomplete searches. The results are organized in categories like what, where, and why, giving an overview of the questions people are typing into search engines across various devices.

Not a fan of visualizations? You can easily switch to a data view for nicely organized lists.

AnswerThePublic Features:

  • Get keywords results in the form of questions, prepositions, comparisons, related keywords, and alphabetical listings
  • Download your results to a CSV file
  • Get relevant and current long-tail keywords


AnswerThePublic has a free plan. The paid plan is $79/month (when billed annually).

15.Keywords Everywhere

无处不在的关键字是可以安装在Google Chrome或Firefox上的大型关键字研究工具。安装后,它显示了Google中关键字搜索的每月搜索量和每次点击的成本。



  • See related keywords on Google and Bing, including People Also Search For (PASF) keywords on Google
  • Get YouTube insights and YouTube tag information
  • 分析任何URL以获取页面上使用的关键字列表以及关键字密度

Keywords Everywhere Pricing:

Keywords Everywhere prices based on credits (1 credit = 1 keyword). Pricing starts at $10 for 100,000 credits.


We love this tool because it shows up directly in your browser. You get CPC and search volumes for any keyword PLUS related and also searched for results all within the Google search engine.
It’s a necessary part of ANY freebie search tool stack.

WMS Everywhere Features:

  • -Get monthly search volumes and CPC for a variety of keywords
  • - 来自不同位置的搜索以获得准确的全球结果
  • -Get results in browser - no need to install software or go to a site

WMS Everywhere Pricing:

WMS Everywhere is 100% free and always will be. That’s a price we think everyone can afford.

Use the Best SEO Tools to Boost Business

If you want to get the most from your SEO efforts, you need the best SEO tools. Any of the tools on our list will help you easily optimize your content, monitor your competitors, and improve your rankings quickly.

The best SEO tools are always updating to stay on top of ever-evolving algorithms. With this list of paid and free SEO tools, you’re sure to find the best SEO tools to drive traffic,generate leads,提高销售并扩大您的影响力。
