Create Better Reels Faster with Instagram Reels Templates

With Instagram pushing Reels on the platform, everyone’s creating them to gain more visibility and engagement. But we all know the headache of trying to crop your video clips just so and getting them to sync with the audio you want to use. This can take up a lot of your precious time and may be a major cause for frustration because you need to be very precise. Even a slight delay could throw the entire transition into a loop.

As a result, brands and creators alike may struggle to keepproducing high-quality Reels他们想要的速度。这是Instagram卷轴模板输入图片的地方,使您可以在短短几分钟内创建一个新的,值得一共的卷轴。那么什么是卷轴模板,如何使用它们?让我们找出答案。

Create Better Reels Faster with Instagram Reels Templates:

What Are Instagram Reels Templates?

As the name suggests, Instagram Reels templates come with pre-set clip durations and music that you can use to guide your content creation. All you need to do is add your photos and videos into the designated slots and that’s it.

这将为您节省大量的时间和麻烦,因为you no longer have to manually adjust clip lengths to make them sync with the audio you want to use. Instead, you can quickly choose the photos or videos you want to add, and the template will automatically display them for the pre-set duration. It also means you won’t have to switch to a different app to create a new Reel since you can do it all within Instagram.

Why Use Instagram Reel Templates?

现在您可能想知道:“大惊小怪?”您已经是一个满足的天才,可以在几分钟之内鞭打一个值得一共的卷轴。那你为什么要使用Instagram Reels模板?让我们来看看。


To Save Time

No matter how good of a content creator you are, you still spend plenty of time adjusting the length of your clips to get the perfect transition. Reels templates have designated slots that are already adjusted to the perfect length to align with the audio. This allows you to quickly add videos and photos without worrying about adjusting their length.


To Improve Accuracy


To Get a Professional Finish


To Produce More High-Quality Content More Often

有能力节省时间并迅速提出高质量的卷轴, you get to produce better content more often. You’ll be able to create plenty of share-worthy Reels in minutes. And the more often you post, the better your chances of gaining visibility on Instagram.

How to Use Instagram Reels Templates

Excited to start using these Instagram Reels templates? We’ve got you covered. Let’s guide you through the process of creating a Reel using a Reels template. You have two options.

Use Templates from the Video Editor


Tap on “Templates” at the bottom of the screen. Then scroll through the different Reels templates available in the library. Once you’ve found the template you want to use, tap on “Use template” and start adding the video clips or photos you want to use.


Repurpose a Reel You Like

Come across a Reel that you really want to recreate? Or perhaps you just love the transition and how it syncs with the audio. Just look for the “Use template” button above the name of the creator. If you see it, it means there’s a template available.

Keep in mind that if the video has been edited outside of Instagram, this template won’t be available. This is because Instagram is unable to identify the time stamps associated with each clip. As such, you’ll find Reels templates only for those videos that have been created within Instagram by joining multiple clips together.

Tap on the “Use template” button to begin editing with the template. You can tap on the “Add media” button at the bottom of the screen or tap on any of the empty clip slots to add a new photo or video. That’s all there is to it–although you could go through the usual process of editing and fine-tuning the Reel before you hit “Publish.”

Repurpose a Reel You Like

In both cases, if you’re adding clips from a longer video, make sure to adjust which portion of the video you want to include in your Reel. If you’re adding an image file, the template will automatically display the photo for the pre-set duration without you having to manually adjust the time slot.

Depending on the template you use, there will be a predetermined number of clips you can add to the Reel. For instance, some templates may require that you add at least 13 clips, while others may only need three. While you can’t add more clips than what’s included in the template, you can choose to skip some of the clips if needed. That means you can choose to add only three clips even if the template allows for five.

5 Tips to Improve Your Reel Game

Now that you know how to create Reels using templates on Instagram, you’re probably all ready to start testing it out. Before that, let’s give you a few tips and best practices that will help you improve your Reel game.

1. Use the Canva Template Library

As helpful as the template library on Instagram is, it tends to be a little difficult to navigate. Users can browse only by swiping left or right. This can make it a bit challenging to find the exact template that you want to use. Instead, consider using something like theCanva template library.

This library gives you access to thousands of Reels templates that you can browse by thumbnail. So a quick glance will tell you which template you might want to use. Hovering the cursor over each thumbnail will also show you the duration of each template, making it easier to find something similar to what you have in mind.

Canva Template Library example

此外,帆布使您可以轻松过滤搜索以缩小最理想的选择。您可以使用样式过滤器专门查找干净,优雅,美学,公司或极简模板。同时,主题过滤器使您可以故意缩小搜索范围 - 无论是关于婚礼,时尚,动机,教育,公告或营销。

2. Create Reels Using Trending Music and Templates


所以要跳在卷的模板the next big trend. Since templates make it a lot easier to create new Reels, you can quickly join in before the trend really takes off. This improves your chances of attracting viewers, enabling you to become one of the trendsetters.


Remember that one Reel you spent hours to get perfect? Well, that effort doesn’t have to go to waste. Instagram automatically turns your Reels into templates once you publish them, provided:

  • Your account is public.
  • It contains music.
  • It includes three or more clips that you edited together within Instagram.

This means you get to repurpose your own templates and reuse them to create high-quality content consistently. Reusing your own templates could help you maintain consistency, which is important if you’re making recurring content around a specific topic or theme. For example, you could use the same template to announce the theme for your monthly contest.

4. Schedule Your Reels to Go Out at the Perfect Time

Although theInstagram algorithmhas undergone a lot of changes, timing is still critical. If you post at a time when your audience is active, they’re more likely to see your content. This improves the chances that they’ll engage with it. And the more engagement your Reel gets, the more visibility it’ll get across the platform.

That’s exactly why it’s important to perfect your timing when publishing your Reels. In our study on thebest time to post on Instagram Reels,我们分析了超过100,000个短形式视频,以确定最佳参与率。这有助于我们缩小整个星期发布的最佳时间。

According to this analysis, early mornings worked surprisingly well, with Reels getting lots of engagement as early as 2 AM and 4 AM on Tuesdays. Check out the full graph below to see the best time to post on Instagram Reels.

best time to post on Instagram reels




Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create an Instagram Reel template?


Can I save a Reel template to use later?

If you’re not ready to use a Reel template right away, Instagram gives you the option to save a Reel to your collections. That way, you can access it later when you’re ready to use the template.


Instagram can only detect the time stamps for videos that were edited together within the app. So many Reels don’t have the “Use template” button because the videos were edited using a different app. Alternatively, Reels without music or Reels that have fewer than three video clips won’t have this option either.

Where can I get free Instagram Reels templates?


Can you copy someone’s Reel on Instagram?

