Instagram Reels vs. TikTok: Which Is the Better Platform for Brand Marketing?

视频内容是吸引人们注意力并阻止他们滚动的必经之路之一。如今,垂直视频的咬合大小的长度使您的追随者更容易从头到尾保持参与度。和89% of marketersset to strengthen their marketing strategy with short-form video content, video-sharing platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok are set to optimize their channels for content creators and brands.

在改善视频营销的竞赛中,哪个平台最适合您?在本文中,我们将比较Instagram Reels和Tiktok的功能,功能和目标人群。

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok:


照片和视频共享平台Instagram推出了Instagram Reelsin August 2020. This new addition to Instagram’s features allows users to share short-form video content. In essence, an Instagram Reel is a vertical video anywhere between 15 to 60 seconds long. Users can stitch together video clips, add filters, and set the reel to music from the app’s music library.

Instagram Reels offers users the creative space to publish refined content. It also promotes engagement as it can appear on Instagram’sExplore页。Reels are designed to widen your audience reach and establish your identity to the public. On the other hand, Instagram Stories, another well-loved in-app feature, limits audience interaction through direct messages.


Instagram Reels and Stories can look similar, but they serve different functions. Stories are great for sharing quick real-time updates, while reels are the perfect medium to share your filmmaking abilities.

长度:Instagram Reels typically has 15- to 60-second-long video clips. Meanwhile, each story post can be 15 seconds long, but it is designed to let you add multiple 15-second clips throughout the day.

内容格式:InstagramStories lets you post static photos and video clips and share posts from the native Instagram feed. Instagram Reels, on the other hand, has exclusively video content. If you want to share a photo collage in video form, you can opt to share it in a slide video presentation.



字幕:类似的帖子的native Instagram feed, you can add captions and relevant hashtags when sharing an Instagram Reel. Instagram Stories doesn’t make use of captions. You can add hashtags, but these don’t have a direct impact on increasing your stories’ reach.


寿命:InstagramStories is notorious for feeding off people’s FOMO (fear of missing out). A story only lasts for 24 hours. Meanwhile, reels stay up for as long as you want. You can access Instagram Reels in a separate Reels tab on your profile.

Cross-posting:You can share Instagram Reels to the Reels tab, your native Instagram feed, and even add the reels to your Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories functions more like an archive where you can share your and other people’s posts, stories, and reels.

By optimizing its features for vertical video content, Instagram proves how powerful videos are in engaging the audience, establishing partnership and collaborative potential, and driving sales. Latest statistics show thatInstagram Reels earns more engagement by 22%compared to video posts shared on the native feed.

Learn more about creating and publishing Instagram Reels in our detailed guidehere. Together with carousels, IGTV content, and regular photo and video posts on the Instagram grid, businesses and creators can add Instagram Reels to their marketing strategy and expand their audience reach.


TikTok是一个专注于共享垂直视频内容的社交网络平台。Tiktok以前是一个受欢迎的唇部同步应用程序,爆炸到视频共享应用程序中a billion monthly users可以加入趋势(其中包括唇部同步),并共享各种一到三分钟的视频,例如一口大小的教育内容,ASMR视频博客和令人震惊的生活骇客。

@sidneyrazyears and years of realization right here#inmy30s #毛巾 ♬ original sound - sidneyraz

当世界被迫锁定在3月2日020, people turned to social media to connect and entertain themselves. TikTok was among the social media applications that surged in popularity, becoming the most popular app for iOS and Android devices in the years 2020 and 2021. TikTok’s为你page operates on an advanced algorithm that studies the user’s activity on the platform to suggest videos that will particularly pique their interest.

和TikTok’s success in vertical short video content, other social networking platforms began debuting their own iterations of vertical videos. Instagram launched Instagram Reels, and YouTube rolled out YouTube Shorts not long after.

Despite the majority of TikTok content being informal and far from professional film content, the exponential growth and engagement within the platform entice brands from various industries to join the community.TikTok创造者with a massive following and personable content get offers from brand ambassador or affiliate programs. In fact, TikTok led to the rise of indie musicians and visual creatives.

To master content creation for TikTok, head on to our beginner-friendly guideherewhere we can introduce you to TikTok’s basic functions.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok Features


Instagram Reels and TikTok focus on providing a platform for publishing vertical short video content. While they look similar at first glance, offering the same set of user functions and editing options, the two still have some striking differences.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok: on Video Length

Instagram Reels和Tiktok都开始支持15秒长的视频上传。今天,Instagram卷轴支持60秒的视频。同时,Tiktok逐渐扩展了视频长度支持。Tiktok首先将视频长度扩展到一分钟,并在2021年7月推出了另一个扩展名,为视频提供了长达三分钟的支持。截至2022年2月,Tiktok上的视频上传可以长达10分钟。

Instagram Reels vs. Tiktok:关于语音效果,视频和脸部过滤器

Due to its origins as a lip-syncing platform, TikTok provides a range of effects and filters for users to spice up their videos. TikTok also picked up on certain video editing trends and challenges, adding these effects to its massive library for a more convenient video editing and publishing experience.

Instagram Reels also offers a selection of video filters, but Instagram only added voice filters in 2021.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok: on Text-to-Speech and Closed Captions

应用程序正在简化其功能以访问并满足残疾人的需求(PWD)。Instagram Reels在2021年启动了文本到语音的语音过滤器。

TikTok, however, has long supported text-to-speech for easy narration, with a variety of voice effects to choose from. TikTok creators also use closed or auto-generated captions to help the audience follow along with the dialogue.

Instagram Reels’ Remix vs. TikTok’s Duet

Tiktok为用户提供了与另一个用户的原始视频上传的视频,二重奏feature. Instagram Reels also provides a similar function with itsRemixfeature.

Instagram Reels的音频与Tiktok的声音

TikTok is popular for amassing a huge collection of music and self-madeSounds.Users publish their videos’ sounds on to the music library for other people to use and incorporate in their videos.声音的on Instagram Reels is quite similar, but with a smaller collection of featured music and sounds.


Thefeature on TikTok allows users to clip their videos to a part of another user’s upload. This is often used in sharing reactions, opinions, or doing a commentary on a video. Stitching TikToks makes it easier for the audience to access the original video. Instagram Reels has yet to launch a function that can compete with TikTok’s video-stitching option.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok Content

While Instagram Reels follows behind TikTok’s video marketing strategy, the content between these two platforms differs. Whereas TikTok is loud, causal, and mostly occupied by Gen Z, Instagram Reels tends to be more mature, calm, and aesthetically pleasing.


Instagram Reels的Explore Tab vs. Tiktok为您的页面

TikTok is known for serving accurate or near-accurate videos that match your interests. TikTok revealed that its算法considers factors such as the videos you first viewed, liked, or engaged within the comments section. The algorithm is complex, yet it does a good job in pulling up videos that particularly interest you, or are related to your interests on your为你页。

Instagram Reels, on the other hand, has the opportunity to be featured in Instagram’sExplore标签。Instagram用户没有任何何时或如何达到的保证Explore标签。与Tiktok的算法相比,该算法还没有结构化,但是Instagram会在您的卷轴上亮相时通知您。

与Tiktok(唯一的内容形式是视频)不同,Instagram迎合了一系列媒体。平台可能很难优化每个照片和视频功能,这可以解释您的Exploretab is a mix of carousel posts, photo uploads, IGTV content, and reels.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok: on Audience Reach and Engagement

EmergingTiktok影响者赚了18% more engagementcompared to other social media platforms.Instagram Reelsstatistically grew engagement rateswithin the app by 22%. However, Instagram’s overall engagement rate lags behind, with growingInstagraminfluencersonlygaining 3.86%.TikTok’s easy content creation and sharing across platforms make it easier for individuals to establish their presence and gain a following.

Instagram Reels vs. TikTok: on Cross-posting and Video Downloads

You’ll know that a video came from TikTok with the signature TikTok watermark and the original uploader’s username. You can save TikTok videos on your phone with the in-appSave video选项。尽管下载视频带来了水印,但一些Tiktok内容创建者禁用此选项,以防止其他帐户重新宣传和货币化其内容。

Instagram Reels can be shared on your Instagram Stories, but the app doesn’t support a download feature for Instagram Reels. You can only save a reel within your profile, but it doesn’t let you download the reel to your device. Fortunately, there are ways to get around this if you want to repost your reels on other platforms. You can head on to our guideherewhere we can walk you through a step-by-step guide to downloading Instagram Reels.

TikTok创造者who also use Instagram Reels have the tendency to repost TikTok content onto their Instagram Reels. It didn’t take long for Instagram to announce it will not promote回收内容, convincing creators to approach both TikTok and Instagram Reels with specific content marketing strategies.


Both Instagram Reels and TikTok focus on sharing vertical short video content, but which platform comes out at the top?

If we’re talking about quick growth and trendy content, TikTok wins by a clear margin. However, Instagram Reels’ less saturated marketplace is also an opportunity to expand your presence across the Instagram community. Determining which platform works best also depends on where your target market is. Most millennials are well-acquainted with navigating Instagram, while Gen Z spends most of their time scrolling on TikTok.

Most businesses and content creators utilize both Instagram Reels and TikTok to leverage their engagement. The two platforms may be identical, but it’s clear that they serve different audiences. In maximizing your audience reach across Instagram Reels and TikTok, you can double the amount of your engagement and improve your discoverability.

Instagram Reels and TikTok can coexist—all you need is fresh and unique content that will capture your audience for each platform. A good brand or content creator knows how to usedifferent social media platformsto improve their reach and generate content that converts sales.



Instagram Reels is actively rolling out new features and updates to better serve its users. TikTok, on the other hand, is streamlining its application to provide a better user experience and video upload quality. Both platforms are exhausting the latest technology to provide a more entertaining experience in sharing videos. TikTok isn’t going away anytime soon, and Instagram Reels still has room to discover innovative features.



How do people on TikTok find my videos?

TikTok uses an advanced algorithm that pushes out content to a specific group of users that may find your content amusing or relatable. Your videos, regardless of the number of likes and views, get pushed on other people’s为你页。

How does Instagram penalize accounts reposting TikTok videos?

最初来自Tiktok的内容的Instagram卷轴不会在Explore标签。您的Instagram Reels becomes a low priority in Instagram’s algorithm, which may negatively affect your weekly interactions.

Why is TikTok extending video length?

TikTok is expanding its market and competing with YouTube, an established platform for short- and long-video content. With longer videos, TikTok can have a longer period of engagement and attract older audiences.
