
As a source ofviral video content和互联网趋势,Tiktok在短短几年内迅速成为最受欢迎的社交媒体平台之一。188滚球地址在2021年,它甚至以每月在平台上花费的时间来超越YouTube,人们将其用于average of 24.5 hours each month。这在很大程度上是由于平台的上瘾性,它诱使人们继续消费内容,这是其战略性设计的算法的结果。

由于平台看到的高水平参与,许多品牌正在利用Tiktokto raise brand awareness and connect with younger audiences. But how does the TikTok algorithm work exactly and what makes it so addictive? More importantly, how can you make this algorithm work in your favor? Read on to find out.




As a result, the For You page is highly personalized for each individual user, and no two users will see exactly similar pages. It gets extremely specific by narrowing down the recommendations to niche interests, which means NFL fans will see football-related videos and not generic sports content.

@nflmamba mentality#stefondiggs #nflplayoffs ♬ Paper Birds (3 min) - Jordan Halpern Schwartz

This also means that the types of videos you see can also change as your preferences and state of mind change over time. The TikTok algorithm will quickly pick up on your behavioral changes to recommend the most appropriate content in the current moment.

For example, you may see a lot of cooking TikToks on your For You page as you develop a new cooking hobby and start to watch more videos related to food. But once you lose interest a few months down the line, you might see a decline in these types of videos as you begin to interact less and less with the cooking videos recommended on your For You page.

Factors that Influence the TikTok Algorithm


Factors that Influence the TikTok Algorithm


Tiktok算法与Instagram algorithmin that it places serious weight on how users interact on the platform. In other words, it looks at how you behave on the platform to understand what you might like. It considers key data signals like:

  • Videos you like
  • 您分享的视频
  • 您关注的帐户
  • 您创建的内容
  • 评论您发布
  • 您添加到收藏夹的视频
  • Creators you hide
  • 您标记为“不感兴趣”的视频


Video Information

In addition to your activity, TikTok factors in the information on the video to identify the subject matter and then assess which ones you’d be interested in. It often looks at details such as:

  • 标题以识别任何可以告知算法的关键字
  • Hashtags to categorize the content and/or inform the algorithm what the video is about
  • 声音和歌曲等音频,以识别趋势音频内容并将其提供给更大的受众


TikTok also puts your device and account settings into consideration, although not to the same level as user activity and video information. It uses these factors more as a way to optimize performance and less as content recommendation signals because users don’t explicitly express them as preferences. Some of the device and account settings TikTok considers are;

  • Device type
  • Country setting
  • Language preference

What the TikTok Algorithm Doesn’t Show

In an attempt to constantly optimize the user experience, TikTok excludes some content from showing up on your For You page to ensure that you don’t keep seeing the same videos or videos you’ve explicitly expressed a disinterest in. That means the TikTok algorithm will not recommend the following types of videos:

  • Content you’ve already watched
  • Spam content
  • 重复的内容
  • 您标记为“不感兴趣”的内容
  • 可能有害/沮丧的内容

Going Viral: How to Make the TikTok Algorithm Work for You

无论您是一个想要在平台上大大化的内容创建者,还是想要通过Tiktok扩大其影响力的品牌,了解该算法会为您提供急需的杠杆作用。它可以帮助您了解如何创建内容以获得更多的曝光,并最终attract more TikTok followers。以下是创建Tiktok算法将优先考虑视频的一些提示:

1: Focus on a Subculture/Niche


So it’s crucial that you first decide on a subculture or niche to focus on, which will allow you to tap into an existing community and boost your content visibility with the right audience. This is pretty straightforward for brands as they already have products in place and industries defined. It’s all a matter of figuring out what types of content are popular within those industries and niches and using them to inspire your TikTok content strategy.

例如,Elf Cosmetics使用该平台共享一口大小的提示,客户评论,教程和相关视频。

@ElfyeahGet with the e.l.f.ing program besties♬原始声音 - 格雷西

For content creators, this step may be a bit more overwhelming because there are so many options to choose from. Since you have a knack for comedy, perhaps you’re considering the entertainment subculture. But you’re passionate about skincare and makeup so you also want to do a bit of beauty TikTok too.

The good news is you don’t have to pick just one. You can even narrow it down to a few subcultures and mix them up a bit. Whatever you decide on, make sure it’s true to your heart so your content is always authentic.



尽管Tiktok让您创建最多60秒的视频,你必须瞄准更短视频硬脑膜tion if you want higher video completion rates. Try to keep most of your videos between 15 and 20 seconds long to increase the chances of users completing them.

However, make sure you’re not compromising the quality of your content. Rather, aim to keep your videos punchy and straight to the point. This will help youengage your audienceand get your message across more clearly.

3: Make the First Few Seconds Count



For example, Levi’s has a huge brand presence on TikTok with 434.4k followers and 11.4 million total likes. The secret to their success is short and engaging videos that instantly captivate the audience in the first few seconds. In the TikTok below, the first scene immediately shows the reward – why they should watch the rest of the video – using text overlay.

@levisBecause just machine washing is mid#denimhacks #LiveInlevis ♬原始声音-Levi's

4: Leverage Popular Hashtags


寻找趋势主题标签under the Discover tab and see if there are any opportunities for your brand. Even better, be on the lookout forhashtag challenges您可以参与。趋势挑战不仅给您内容灵感,而且参与其中的挑战可以提高您被发现的机会。实际上,Tiktok报告that 61% of users like brands that participate in a TikTok challenge.

For example, the New Story Charity account used the #LearnSomethingNew hashtag to raise awareness about social housing projects gone wrong. The video received 20.9k likes and 265.6k views, while most of their videos usually see about 500-700 views.

@NewStoryCharityWhen social housing projects ignore the needs of the families they’re supposed to help#learnsomethingnew #learnontiktok #墨西哥 ♬ Creepy and noisy synth lead song(838982) - utukemono

You can even take this approach to the next level and create your own trending hashtag. Brands like Guess, BMW, Elf Cosmetics, and Samsung have all launched highly successfulTikTok challengesthat got their branded hashtags trending. Pepsi also created the#pepsicanbalancechallenge where, as the name suggests, users were challenged to balance a Pepsi can. The hashtag became immensely popular, garnering a total of 12.2 million views.



5: Use Trending Audio to Your Advantage

TikTok isn’t just limited to hashtags when it comes to content discovery features. It’s a place where audio elements can be used to find popular content. As you can see below, TikTok lets you conduct a search using trending songs in addition to hashtags.

Use Trending Audio on tiktok


So to improve your content visibility, make sure you leverage trending songs and sounds in your videos. In fact, the TikTok report cited above also found that 68% of TikTok users remember a brand better when it uses a song they like in its video. Plus, 58% feel more strongly connected to the brand while 62% are more curious to learn about the brand. This speaks volumes (pun intended) about the power of trending audio elements on TikTok.

品牌甚至可以创建自己的声音,并试图使其趋于趋势以获得进一步的知名度。例如,Fabletics与Kevin Hart合作,创建了其他用户可以在视频中使用的原始声音。宣传这种原始声音的视频可获得34.8k的景色和4,875个赞。

@fabletics #hartxfabletics回到你的#style。使用 @Imkevinhart的声音炫耀您的声音#Fabletics ♬f提高您的风格Kevin和Eniko Hart用于Fabletics -Fabletics

6: Make Your Captions Relevant and Engaging


You can use this space to insert relevant keywords but make sure you’re not just stuffing it with random keywords in an attempt to “game” the algorithm. Keywords should be used naturally as part of a phrase or sentence to help draw in your viewers and get them to engage with your videos. You could write funny and relatable captions, ask questions, or prompt them to take some sort of action.

For example, Buxom Cosmetics created a TikTok comparing their various products to “Euphoria” characters. They used the caption space to ask their viewers a simple question – “Who are you?” This is a great way to get people to engage with the video and leave a comment.

@buxomcosmeticsWho are you?#euphoria #化妆品 ♬ EUPHORIA CHARACTER VOICES - livvyyy


Understanding how the TikTok algorithm works is one of the key ways to win at TikTok. So if your brand is planning to leverage the platform, take advantage of the tips above to make the algorithm work in your favor. This is also an effective way for content creators to gain visibility and build influence on the platform.



TikTok uses an algorithm that recommends relevant video based on user activity and video information.

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

The TikTok algorithm considers several factors to determine which videos to show to users. These factors include user interactions such as video likes, shares, and account follows. It also considers the video information such as hashtags, audio, and caption.

How does TikTok decide what to show you?

TikTok considers several factors such as how you’ve behaved on the platform and which accounts you interact with to show you content that it deems most relevant to you.


您可以通过了解其工作原理并创建内容以与所考虑的各种因素保持一致的内容来“击败” Tiktok算法。

When is the best time to post on TikTok?

在Tiktok上发布的最佳时间在每个帐户方面有所不同,但总的来说,星期二的美国东部时间上午9点,星期四上午12点,在星期五的EST *上午5点提供了特别高的参与度。


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