Tiktok Marketing 101:如何在最受欢迎的社交应用之一上推销您的品牌

当流行音乐泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)于2019年4月发行了她的单曲“我”时,这首歌立即传播开来。它以恐慌为特色!在迪斯科和音乐视频他们两个在柔和的颜色的万花筒中唱歌和跳舞。发行后不久,Swift的Tiktok帐户发布了视频中带有标签#AnoTherlikeme的剪辑,这是这首歌的歌词。帐户说:“向我们展示您对这款舞蹈的最佳创造,使用Medancechallenge,我们会找到最爱。”

A week later, #AnotherLikeMe had received over 3 million views and #Medancechallenge had received over 500,000 views on TikTok. It was a marketing win for Swift.

自发布以来,Tiktok应用程序 popularity has shown vast growth 。2018年10月,它是全球Apple Store中最容易销量的照片和视频应用程序。该应用程序 stats will blow your mind 。It reportedly has amassed over 800 million monthly active users, the US being the most popular country where it has been downloaded almost 100 000 million times. With millions of teens using the platform, it has the potential to drive hit songs like Taylor's, products and advertising campaigns. But being as far from traditional marketing as can be, it has also discombobulated many brands who are uncertain how to use the platform to drive sales and brand exposure. Some have deemed it another 'fad app' that will crash and fade as fast as it rose to success, others like like Coca-Cola, Nike, ABC and Google have embraced the app and run advertising campaigns on TikTok. Even Khloé Kardashian has been posting sponsored content on the platform at payment.


If you're not sure yet how and why to embrace this funny and irreverent platform, here is our best TikTok marketing advice.

TikTok Marketing 101:


In 2018, popular late night TV host Jimmy Fallon challenged The Tonight Show viewers to submit videos of themselves rolling around on the ground like human tumbleweeds to Western music on TikTok in the #tumbleweedchallenge. By early 2019, more than 8,000 #tumbleweedchallenge videos had been shared on TikTok. The response made him follow up with a second TikTok challenge, asking his viewers to share clips of themselves drawing mustaches on their faces with permanent marker.

The challenge is a huge part of TikTok’s allure and success. At any time, there will be a number of challenges that users are participating in. The concept of the #HashtagChallenge entails users taking an idea, whether funny, outrageous, or requiring some talent, and iterating upon it with their own videos. Brands use the challenge in the same way Taylor Swift did, by challenging TikTok users to create videos inspired by the brand’s original video.


2. Creative, viral content



In 2018 in the US alone over 26 million monthly active users spent on average 46 minutes per day on the TikTok. Yet, with the app still in its baby shoes, there's a real opportunity for marketers to expand their brands' reach and exposure as it is not yet as crowded as platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. Spontaneous, viral content can therefore get you much further, where there is less competition for users' attention. It is also cheaper to expand your marketing on TikTok if you want to venture into ads. Most brands using the app have started small, with this type of organic content to test the waters.

该应用程序为用户提供了无穷无尽的创造力,它也适用于销售创意内容和服务的品牌。根据GlobalWebIndex的数据,Tiktok 10用户中有六名在社交媒体上共享他们喜欢的音乐,而53%的用户专门分享音乐视频。这就是为什么像Swift这样的艺术家是Tiktok首次抓住机会的人之一。





如果您担心自己的主题标签挑战不会像您想要的那样起飞,也可以在Tiktok上购买标签挑战广告。有史以来第一个这样做的品牌是时尚品牌猜测#inmydenim挑战。每个打开Tiktok应用程序的用户都针对挑战,该挑战被流行和有影响力的内容创建者(例如@ourfire(230万粉丝)和@Madison_Willow(+983 000粉丝))启动。#InmyDenim挑战收到的观看次数超过3600万。


5. Native video



这些本机视频广告的长度与常规的Tiktok视频(尽管测试广告仅为5秒),是全屏(类似于Instagram Stories Ads),并且可以被用户跳过。它支持用于应用程序下载和网站访问的通话活动,并通过视频观看次数,平均视频播放时间,视频参与度和单击率来衡量。


金博宝188备用网址影响者营销绝对是Tiktok的小巷,许多有影响力的Tiktok用户自发布以来,该应用程序已经出现在该应用程序上。几个大品牌已经开始尝试该应用程序上的有影响力的广告系列。例如,电影制片厂Universal Pictures在发射之前使用了影响者来推广其电影《墙壁上的房子》。

正确的影响力能有效改变sponsored content in an authentic message that speaks to users. However, as a brand, don’t try to change the influencer's voice and dictate too much how they present your content. They are influencers for a reason and their followers enjoy value their content because it is authentic. While this goes for most social media platforms, it is particularly true on TikTok where Generation Z users will likely catch win of any type of orchestrated content.

加尔文·克莱因(Calvin Klein)是一个在Tiktok上获得影响者的市金博宝188备用网址场营销活动的品牌,他在2018年退出了跑道时尚,试图重塑品牌并在年轻人中发展其消费者基础。肯德尔·詹纳(Kendall Jenner),肖恩·门德斯(Shawn Mendes)和A $ AP Rocky等名人在Calvin Klein中亮相#Mycalvin运动,穿着品牌的内衣和牛仔裤。它很快成为Tiktok上最成功的广告活动。

Influencer marketing is still relatively new on TikTok and much cheaper to pull off than on other platforms. Because the space is not yet very crowded, the right growth hacker could engineer a trend that will bring you massive ROI.


Following the trends on TikTok is a smart move, especially as they change every week. In fact, they can change almost daily. It is important to stay up to speed with what users are interested in. If you're using influencers, trust them to know which trends to follow and which not – it's how they've gotten this far. TikTok stars in particular know what the best trends are to follow that can help your product in getting the best exposure and drive more potential customers to your store. If you've missed a trend because it only lasted a day, don't stress over it. The next one is already on the rise.

当您打开tiktok时,它会直接进入主页。在这里,您可以从热门Tiktokers找到最新的热门视频。您无需关注任何人即可开始,就可以在登录时立即显示内容。随着您开始关注越来越多的人,您的主页也将由这些用户的内容填充。除主页外,“ Discover”页面可让您搜索主题标签和用户,并展示当前的一些热门挑战和标签。

8. Coming soon: 3D/AR lenses



9. User-generated content

用户参与和用户生成的内容应成为任何Tiktok营销策略的基石。由于该应用程序的成功建立在用户创建的内容上,因此将其引导到某种形式的广告中是绝对有意义的。一个很好的品牌是中餐厅Haidilao。Haidilao introduced a “DIY” option to its menu, so that customers could create their own unique, off-menu dish with the elements available on the restaurant's menu. When customers requested the DIY option, they were encouraged to make a short video of them creating their own meal and share it on Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok).




