The Ultimate TikTok Influencer Marketing Guide


Like YouTube, TikTok's most significant feature is sharing videos. So any TikTok influencer marketing campaign will revolve around influencers making, sharing, and sometimes livestreaming videos that will in some way promote your brand and make it attractive to their followers.

当然,如果您超过35岁,您可能从未听说过Tiktok,除非您一直保持最新状态previous Influencer Marketing Hub postson the subject. So, we will begin by discussing, what TikTok is and how it works.

TikTok Influencer Marketing Guide:


TikTok as we now know it began life as two separate apps, both originating in China. The first started as Douyin in China but was named TikTok internationally. TikTok/Douyin initially found most of its supporters in Asia. The other app was Like TikTok/Douyin, this was founded by Chinese developers but built a sizeable audience in the West, particularly in the USA. In 2018, however, the owners of TikTok decided to buy They rebranded a combined app TikTok outside of China. They still operate their original Douyin app in China, however.

tiktok/douyin的一个共同特征 - 音乐。合并后不久,Tiktok成为了世界上下载最多的应用程序之一,其下载量要比知名的Instagram多得多。

随着Tiktok受欢迎程度的增长,我们开始看到另一个基于视频的社交网络的兴起 - 有点像YouTube的利基版本,并具有Facebook的许多社交功能。

How Does TikTok Work?

The original selling point of was that it provided an easy-to-use platform for predominantly young people to create videos of themselves miming to their favorite music tracks – a glorified karaoke vehicle. The original TikTok had a similar basic premise, so the two apps merged well.


As with all social / video-sharing apps, you begin by setting up an account the first time you open the app. Most people probably start by "lurking" – watching others' clips, finding channels they like, and following those they would like to revisit. In time, however, many of TikTok's members gain the confidence to make a 15-second video and upload it for the world to see. And yes, many people still begin their TikTok uploads by sharing a video of themselves lip-synching to their favorite music track.


Indeed, you can even merge your 15-second videos into longer ones, adding further possibilities for your TikTok influencer marketing.

虽然你仍会发现简单的卡拉ok视频on the platform, there has been a big push towards other types of videos, which give many possibilities for those wanting to express themselves, both as themselves and as representatives of a brand.


TikTok is strongly youth-oriented. The youngsters of Generation Z may have Facebook accounts, but they rarely use them. Facebook is where their parents spend their time. Instead, Generation Z wants their own social spaces. Sure, they are prepared to "share" Instagram with Mom and Dad, but they are just as happy to use SnapChat (for sharing what they want to keep secret form "The Olds" and TikTok as a “kids-only” video-sharing platform.

The largest group on TikTok are people aged between 16 and 24. Theymake up 41%of the total user-base.

There aren't any rules prohibiting older people from joining TikTok. And we sometimes stretch "kids" to mean people up to about age 30. But you will find few TikTokkers older than that.

TikTok also has a distinct female slant. That doesn't mean it can attract guys – there are still many young men, both making videos and watching them on the platform. It has probably more to do with interests. TikTok is not very strong in the gaming niche – gamers prefer to use Twitch for their livestreaming.

What Types of Content Do Well on TikTok?

Like YouTube, the heart of TikTok is the videos that people share. The more entertaining the videos, the better they resonate with the audience. Unlike YouTube, the videos are generally short, and they are filmed in a vertical format, the usual way that people hold their phones.

Home-Made music videos still perform well on TikTok. Original music can be even more popular than cover versions. But they probably provide fewer opportunities for delivering promotional messages than other types of video.


The absolute worst mistake on TikTok, however, would be to post anything resembling a traditional advertisement. Don't attempt to give your influencers a script. Influencer marketing at its heart is like storytelling. You need to give your influencers enough flexibility to tell your story to their fans in a way that keeps them authentic. The influencers' followers will instantly know if the videos promoting your products are made in a different style to the influencer's usual videos, and they are likely to react badly.


与所有影响者和社交媒体营销一样,您必须避免在Tiktok上过于销售。由于Tiktok的年轻人口统计,尤其是这种情况 - 品牌发现Z世代臭名昭著的难以到达,因为它们完全不屑于类似于传统广告的任何东西。


You can market on TikTok without using influencer marketing. It's taken a while for TikTok to implement it, but there is now a formal advertising system. You could also try to promote using a business TikTok account. However, as with all social networks, it can be tough building a sizeable audience on TikTok to hear your company message. This is particularly so for most businesses who don't have a staff of the same demographic as their audience and struggle to run a company account.

It is far easier for most brands to work with TikTok's established broadcasters – their influencers – than to build a loved and much-followed company account.

How Do Brands Market on TikTok?

1. Paid Ads


TikTok has suggested you combine you use one of the following ad formats:

  • 品牌收购
  • In-feed native video
  • Hashtag challenge
  • 镜头2D,3D和AR



3. Hashtag Challenges


The usual type of TikTok challenge involves somebody setting a challenge (beginning its name with a #, hence the term Hashtag Challenge. The challenge typically challenges others on TikTok to make and share a particular type of video.

例如,在一个病毒挑战中,吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)在tiktok上推出了#TumbleWeedChallenge。他挑战了Tiktok用户,以使自己的视频落在地面上,像滚筒滚草一样滚动,西方音乐在后台播放。现在,人们在Tiktok上分享了8,000多个#TumbleWeedChallenge视频。

TikTok recentlyshared a deckwith a European advertising agency and recommended hashtag challenges as an excellent advertising format for the platform.

4. Influencer Marketing


You just need to work with your influencers to come up with a creative strategy that helps them pique the interest of their audience to build interest in your brand and product.

As with much influencer marketing, you should take most notice of metrics relating to engagement and awareness. These can be an excellent guide to brand loyalty.

Selecting the Right Influencers for Your Brand



Assuming you sell to a youthful audience (possibly, but not necessarily with a female bias), you then need to consider which types of videos are most likely to attract your target market. Are they going to be most interested in TikTok's core music videos, are they more into clips showing beauty tips, are they into comedy sketches, or maybe even skateboarders performing tricks?

You will then want to find popular TikTok influencers who appeal to the same niches as your primary target customers. If you need help finding relevant influencers, you might consider working with an influencer platform. We have previously looked at7 Best Platforms for Finding Influencers on TikTok.

The advantage of searching for popular influencers in your niche on TikTok is that they will have a large enough following of interesting, engaged people, who will take notice of any videos they share about your product/brand.

Always remember, however, relevance is more important than reach. Don't merely opt for TikTok influencers with the most massive followings – go for those with the most suitable audiences for your goals.

Once you have selected suitable influencers, you will need to contact them and form a partnership. You have to ensure that any deal is acceptable to your influencers. They will not want any involvement unless there is something for them, and also they can see how it can help their followers.

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