TikTok Marketing for Beginners – A Marketer’s Guide to Advertising on Tiktok





Probably the most significant impediment to TikTok marketing success has been that most marketers (and business managers) older than 30 have never heard of the platform.

It has made the news a few times lately because of concerns over whether it issafe for youngsters. This came to a head in early April when India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology ordered TikTok be removed from app stores, after a High Court in Madras stated the app was encouraging pornography and other illicit content. The ban was short-lived, however, and the courtlifted the ban4月22日,在Tiktok更加严格地审查其内容之后,删除了超过600万次视频,认为违反了其使用条款和社区准则。

除此之外,Tiktok在过去的一年中发展巨大。该应用程序是2018年上半年下半年下载最多的免费iOS应用程序。它还在2018年10月的Google Play中脱颖而出。总的来说,Tiktok在2018年11月在全球排名第三。

TikTok enjoyed over 1.1 billion installs as at March 2019. Users downloaded it more than 660 million times in 2018 alone, with a further188 million downloads在2019年第一季度。全球有超过5亿人每月使用Tiktok。短期印度禁令一定是Tiktok管理层的真正关注点,因为其43%的全球用户来自印度(记住这些数字不包括Douyin的中国用户)。


TikTok encourages its users to upload short videos. Most of its former Musical.ly users simply uploaded videos of themselves lip-synching to music videos. The more talented, enthusiastic, and technically proficient members uploaded videos of original content, and it is these people who became the influencers on the platform.

Most TikTok videos are up to 15-seconds long, although you can create and share 60-second Stories-type videos.

Both the original TikTok and Musical.ly targeted the same audience – teens and tweens. Therefore, it is no surprise that the combined TikTok also focuses on 13-24-year-olds.



Indeed, TikTokers don’t even need to follow anybody. They can simply open their app, go to their Discover page, and start playing videos that look like they’ll interest or entertaining. They can even search for videos on preferred topics by using relevant hashtags.


Who Uses TikTok?



Douyin has operated in China since 2017. In the beginning, over 50% of its users were under 24. Notably, those early Douyin uses appear to have stayed with the platform as they have aged, meaning that the average age of Douyin users has gradually crept upwards. As at February 2018, only 31.8% of Douyin users were under 24, with 23.4% of users aged 25-30, and another 23.4% of users aged 31-35. It will be interesting to see if we see a similar trend with TikTok in the rest of the world over time.

How Can Brands Use TikTok?

There are three main ways that brands can market on TikTok.

  1. They can create their own channel and upload relevant videos through their channel
  2. 他们可以与影响者合作,以将内容传播给更广泛的受众
  3. They can pay to advertise on TikTok – it is very early days for TikTok advertising – there certainly isn’t a market yet like there is for YouTube. However, TikTok may become more popular and established over time.

很多品牌都运行自己的组合channels and working with influencers to spread content to a broader audience. You might try some of the ideas listed below on your own channels, or you may suggest that your influencers create and share these kinds of content.

Hashtag Challenges

Challenges are an essential feature of TikTok’s community. TikTok’s users love taking up a challenge and making and uploading videos accordingly. These challenges are usually given a #-tag name, to make them both memorable and easy-to-find.

也许最著名的挑战是美国电视名人吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)的#TumbleWeedChallenge。他挑战用户上传视频,显示自己跌落到地面上,像滚筒一样滚动,并带有西方音乐主题在后台演奏。这导致了超过8,000份提交和超过1,040万的参与。从那以后,吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)继续给蒂克托克(Tiktok)带来挑战。


User-Generated Content


Generation Z loves the full immersive experience. That’s why they don’t sit at home watching traditional broadcast TV – it’s too much of a passive experience. Generation Z far prefers to be involved.

If you can find a way to encourage your customers to share videos of themselves using or interacting with your products ins some way, you’re likely to get a high buy-in.

中国餐厅Haidilaodiscovered this with a DIY option on their menu. Customers who selected the DIY menu item created their own unique off-menu dish and then filmed the experience. Being Chinese-based, Haidilao encouraged their clients to share their videos on Douyin.

User-Generated Content


Once a few patrons uploaded their culinary attempts, others flocked to the restaurant so that they could also create their meal and video. Ultimately, more than 15,000 people requested the DIY option; 2,000 ultimately uploaded videos of their creations, and 50 million people viewed the videos. We have also developed a tool to serve as a guide toInfluencer earnings on TikTok. This should give you a better indication as to influencer pricing for user generated content campaigns.

Traditional Influencer Marketing

Of course, all the influence marketing techniques you see on other video-based platforms, such as YouTube, work on TikTok too. If your product suits an influencer’s audience, your TikTok influencer campaign should succeed. In most cases, you should leave it to the influencers to create the content – they know what their followers like.

As always, the key to influencer marketing success is setting appropriate goals, targeting a specific part of the purchase funnel. The young broadcasters of TikTok need to remain authentic to their followers for influencer marketing to succeed.

Often all a brand needs to do is to encourage influencers to make videos depicting them wearing or using the sponsor’s product. Again, this will only work if the influencer is the sort of person who would typically use the product. There is little value trying to encourage an influencer to promote an inappropriate product. You’re not going to sell retirement homes or hearing aids on TikTok successfully.

Another side effect of TikTok’s young clientele is that they are far less interested in flash camerawork and high video production values. You need to trust your influencers enough to produce their videos their way – even if they look amateurish to a marketer’s eye. TikTokers are interested in originality and fun, rather than the quality of your videos.

TikTok Advertising

TikTok has experimented with advertising over the last year but has not yet set up any formal profit-sharing system yet. However, they are getting closer to the point where more people will be able to advertise on the platform. They started showing short ads in January 2019.

他们创建了一个广告俯仰甲板在2018年末,给的类型的ads that could eventually be made available to brands on Musical.ly. Somebody leaked the document to Digiday. Possible ad types include:

  • 品牌收购
  • In-feed native video
  • Hashtag challenge
  • Snapchat风格的2D镜头过滤器用于照片。

TikTok is currently testing ads in both the US and Europe.

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