Should You Be Concerned About YouTube AdBlockers?



In this article, we’re going to discuss what YouTube AdBlock is, investigate how many people are actually using some kind of tool to block their YouTube ads, and cover why you don’t need to worry about ad blockers.

Should You Be Concerned About YouTube AdBlockers?

What are YouTube AdBlockers?

YouTubeAdblockers是浏览器扩展that keeps ads from popping up and interrupting videos as users browse YouTube. In fact, there are a number of them available on Google Chrome’s extension marketplace now.

广告拦截器安装的人都不会看到ny advertisements while they watch YouTube videos, allowing them to have an uninterrupted video streaming experience.

虽然我敢肯定我们都可以同意广告可能很烦人,但广告阻滞剂会影响两个YouTube的收入and its creators。This is why many businesses and YouTubers alike are concerned that ad blockers could potentially hinder their income.



According toeMarketer Research,,,,an estimated 27% of US internet users were using ad blockers in 2021. And we can also see that the growth rate of ad blockers in use has also slowed, dropping from 7.5% from 2017 to 2018 to 3.3% from 2020 to 2021.

This shows us that while ad blockers are still in use, and more people are using them each year, it’s far from the majority and the growth is stalling.

但是,上面的数字正在谈论所有广告阻滞剂。我们更关心YouTube广告阻滞剂,以及HubSpot did their own survey在这方面了解更多。


如果只有10个YouTube用户中只有9个YouTube用户阻止广告,那么仍然留下约23亿用户,这些用户仍然可能看到您的video ads



Based on surveys run byMarketingSherpa,,,,HubSpot,,,,andPageFair,,,,some of the most common reasons include:



Personally, we welcome the use of AdBlock if it can keep something like that from happening. Those consumers wouldn’t purchase from your business anyway, so there’s no need to be worried about missing out on those views.

为什么您不需要担心YouTube Adblockers

Based on the data showing the number of consumers actually using ad blockers andGoogle对广告阻滞剂的态度,,,,we don’t think YouTube AdBlock is something to be concerned about at this point.

Not convinced? We’ve got three reasons why below.

1. AdBlock users likely aren’t going to click on your ads anyway.


In the end, that means these users are saving you money. You don’t need to be concerned about losing out on viewers that simply won’t convert.

2. There are fewer people using ad blockers than not.

We’ve seen the numbers. The vast majority of people are not using any type of ad blocker. And when we look specifically at YouTube, only 11% of survey respondents admitted to using an ad blocker.


Because you still have access to so many other YouTube viewers, ad blockers really don’t need to play much of a factor into yourvideo marketing。Which brings us to our last point.


如果您仍在脑海中保持YouTube adblock,那很好。您仍然可以导航视频营销策略在他们旁边。

Let’s talk about how.

Don’t rely exclusively on YouTube.

YouTubeis not the only outlet you can place your video ads. There are a number of different social media platforms you can utilize to cross-promote your video content and make sure your ads are seen by a large enough audience.

A few to consider are:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest

Each of these platforms gives you the ability to share the video ads you’ve worked so hard on and want to put in front of the right audience.


This isn’t to say you should use theseinsteadof YouTube. They’re padding in your video advertising strategy to ensure you’re reaching as many people as possible.

Create valuable, native video ads.

每个品牌应该做的第一件事就是重新审视他们已经创建的广告。这些实际上是否为YouTube观察者增加了价值?您的目标受众会感兴趣吗?最重要的是 - 您的广告会破坏吗?

Making sure you’re only placing valuable ads that don’t create obnoxious disruptions (read: loud noises or salesy voiceover that can put off viewers) will be key to a successful video ad strategy.

如果您可以创造有价值的本地人YouTubeadsthat feel like a part of the overall YouTube experience, your ads won’t frustrate viewers and drive more users to turn on AdBlock. Instead, they’ll start to welcome ads—especially those that are helpful to them.



It’s a good idea to create multiple target audiences that you can reuse each time you run a new video ad. You can have a separate audience for each of yourcustomer personasas well as an audience based on different products, services, or features your business offers.


targeted ads

  • Affinity Segments:基于他们的生活方式,喜欢和行为的整体情况吸引观众。
  • 人生大事:Reach viewers based on life events like graduation, marriage, homebuying, or having children.
  • In-Market Segments:吸引可能正在寻找和购买像您这样的产品或服务的观众。
  • Custom Segments:Reach viewers based on your own custom audience that you’ve created by entering keywords, URLs, and apps they’re likely searching for/using.
  • 再营销/您的数据段:Previously known as remarketing (which is a term most marketers are familiar with), this allows you to reach viewers who have previously interacted with your business in some way.
  • Detailed Demographics:Reach viewers based on things like their age, gender, parental status, and more.

确保您正在利用YouTube的目标,以便您仍在吸引大量的受众群体 - YouTube Adblock没有。


Just because people have the ability to block YouTube ads doesn’t mean you need to keep your ad budget off the platform. The majority of YouTube’s 2.56 billion users don’t have an ad blocker installed, meaning you’re still likely to reach your target audience.

所以我们说放心大胆地添加YouTube your digital marketing strategy, creating and promoting incredible video ads that generate buzz around your brand.





There are a number of ad-blocking tools available for Google and YouTube that keep ads from showing while they use these platforms.


If a consumer is using an ad blocker, they’re not being shown ads, therefore the creators of the videos they watch aren’t able to receive revenue from those viewers. While this can impact their income, we’ve discovered that the majority of YouTube users aren’t using these tools.


No, using an ad blocker is not illegal. Users with apps or extensions like this added to their devices do not need to worry about getting into legal trouble or being blocked by YouTube or Google.

Does an ad blocker cause YouTube to lose money?

In short, yes. If the ads aren’t being shown, there’s no ad cost for YouTube to gain. However, they tend to accept this loss because their main goal is to have as many people using their platform as possible—even if they’re using an ad blocker.


