
Year after year, marketing predictions tell us that video marketing is a trend to watch. But, at this point, video marketing isn’t a trend—it’s a requirement. And YouTube is far and away the most popular way to consume videos online. If you’re not using YouTube advertising to leverage the platform’s reach, you’re missing out.

Video combines visuals, sounds, and effects to give viewers a full picture of your offer in a way that static images or text just can’t. It’s engaging and commands attention. Plus, it drives conversions like nobody’s business. So, why aren’t you using YouTube advertising?

Many marketers turn to Google Ads and avoid YouTube Ads. Why? Because video is viewed as complicated and expensive. But with Cisco predicting that 82% of global internet traffic will come from video streaming and downloads by 2022, can you really afford to ignore YouTube advertising?

The answer is no. You can’t.

YouTubeis the second most popular website on the internet, bringing in more than 2 billion users worldwide (Statista, 2019). That’s why 80% of marketers consider YouTube to be the most effective video marketing platform (GO Globe, 2019). We’re not quite sure what question the other 20% of marketers were answering; with an audience that effectively makes up 25% of the entire world’s population, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more effective video marketing platform.

And this bears out when you take a look atYouTubestatistics

  • 90% of people say they discover new brands and products on YouTube (Thinkwithgoogle).
  • 近一半的营销人员(48%)投资于YouTube广告,有62%的营销人员计划增加其YouTube广告支出(Hanapin)。
  • 在里面US alone, YouTube made $4.96 billion in net advertising revenues in 2019 and is estimated to make $5.47 billion in 2020 (Statista).

There’s no doubt that YouTube advertising is worth it. But how do you do it?

In this article, we’ll walk you through the different YouTube ad formats and show you exactly how to set up a YouTube ad campaign so you can start to use this powerful advertising channel to grow your brand.


有80%的营销人员认为YouTube是最有效的平台video marketing, there’s little reason to doubt that it should be a part of every business’s advertising strategy. But due to being a video platform, advertising on YouTube is a bit different than advertising on othersocial media platforms(和谷歌广告光年不同)。

Many of the marketers who haven’t embraced video advertising dismiss it because they think it’s hard to do or expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. There are so many different options with YouTube advertising that we’re sure you’ll be able to find a YouTube ad format that works for your brand, in your budget.

Types of YouTube Ads

YouTube广告是Google显示网络(GDN)的一部分。它们是在YouTube上或搜索结果中广告的一种方式,以最大程度地提高用户覆盖范围。由于它们是Google的一部分,因此广告客户从Google获得的大量用户数据中受益。这些数据可用于create a highly focused target audience

There are several different types of YouTube ad formats:

  • Skippable in-stream ads
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads
  • Video discovery ads
  • Bumper ads
  • Masthead ads
  • 购物广告

If you’ve been using YouTube as part of yourmarketing strategy, you probably already know all about these ad formats. However, let’s walk through them briefly since things are constantly changing with technology and the functionalities available to you.

1. Skippable In-Stream Video Ads

Skippable in-stream video ads are for promoting video content before, during, or after other videos on YouTube and across websites and apps that are Google video partners. They’re available for these campaign goals:

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website traffic
  • Brand awareness and reach
  • Product and brand consideration

How Skippable In-Stream Video Ads are Charged

There are a few different types of bidding you can use with this ad format. With CPV bidding (cost per view), you pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video (or the full video for videos under 30 seconds) or if they interact with your video, whichever happens first.

With Target CPM (cost per mille), Target CPA (cost per acquisition), you pay based on impressions.

Interested in putting a dollar amount to your YouTube ad spend? Find outYouTube广告的成本是多少here.


Non-skippable in-stream ads are for promoting your content before, during, or after other videos on YouTube and across Google partners. This ad format shows the entire ad without giving the viewers the option to skip. Ads are up to 15 seconds in length. They’re available for the “brand awareness and reach” campaign objective.

How Non-Skippable In-Stream Video Ads are Charged

Non-skippable in-stream video ads use Target CPM bidding, so you pay based on impressions.

3. Video Discovery Ads

Video discovery ads are used to promote video content in places of discovery, like next to related Youtube videos, on the YouTube mobile homepage, or as part of YouTube search results. These ads show a thumbnail from your video along with some text. The size and appearance vary depending on where the ad appears. They’re available for the “product and brand consideration” campaign objective.

How Video Discovery Ads are Charged



Bumper ads are 6-second (or shorter) ads that play before, during, or after another video. They’re not skippable. This ad format shows up on YouTube videos and across websites and apps that are Google video partners. They’re available for the “brand awareness and reach” campaign objective.

How Bumper Ads are Charged



Masthead ads are perfect to drive awareness for a new product or service or to reach a large audience during a short time period. These ads are only available through a Google sales representative on a reservation basis. They work a little differently depending on where they’re being viewed.


On desktop, masthead ads autoplay without the sound for up to 30 seconds at the top of YouTube’s home feed. They can show in a widescreen or 16:9 aspect ratio format and include an information panel to the right of the video that uses your channel assets. You can also include up to 2 companion videos in the information panel if you wish.


在移动自动播放上的标头广告,没有声音的整个视频,YouTube应用程序或移动家庭供稿的顶部。像桌面广告一样,移动广告包括视频缩略图, customizable headline, descriptions, and a call to action, as well as information from the channel.

TV screens

Masthead ads appearing on TV screens will autoplay without sound (where supported) for the entirety of the video at the top of the YouTube TV app. The ads appear in a widescreen or 16:9 ratio and people can use their TV remotes to interact with the ads. You can’t add a CTA to masthead ads on TV screens.



7. Shoppable Ads

YouTubemade an announcement in June 2020 about a new direct response ad format that will make YouTube video ads shoppable by including browsable images under the ads to drive traffic to brands’ product pages.

要使用这种新的广告格式,您需要将Google Merchant Center Feed与视频广告同步。然后,您可以扩展广告的通话行动,以展示您想要在广告中提供的产品。



Step 1. Link Your YouTube Channel With Google Ads

在启动YouTube视频广告活动之前,您需要将YouTube频道链接到Google Ads。为此,打开Goog​​le广告并单击工具& Settings在屏幕右上角。从那里,去Setup > Linked Accounts

在链接帐户页面上,选择YouTubethen click theDetails按钮:

On the next page, clickAdd Channel并遵循提示。

Don’t have a YouTube channel yet? Check out our guide to创建成功的YouTube频道

Step 2. Create a New Video Ad Campaign in Google Ads

Now that you’re connected, it’s time to create your YouTube advertising campaign. To do this, click on广告系列in the left menu. This will bring up your campaign dashboard. To create a new campaign, click on the按钮,然后选择新运动from the menu.

Next, you’ll choose a campaign goal. Since you’re probably new to running YouTube ads, we recommend choosingCreate a campaign without a goal’s guidance。这使您可以访问所有招标options so you can start off by setting your cost per view (CPV) while you’re collecting the data that will be beneficial for the other campaign objectives.

For the campaign type, chooseVideo。For this YouTube advertising guide, we’re going to choose自定义视频活动

Step 3. Select a Bidding Strategy and Budget

Now you need to choose a bidding strategy and set your budget. For the bidding strategy, we’re going withMaximum CPV(通常在$ 0.05– $ 0.12之间)。对于预算,我们建议您设定每日预算,以便您每天运行广告的广告支出都相当均匀。

You can also set a start and end date for your campaign if you want. Some marketers choose to leave the end date open because they monitor their campaigns closely and can just stop the campaign manually if they need to.


After you’ve chosen your bidding strategy, it’s time to decide where you will (and won’t) show your ads. To do this, select网络>YouTubeVideos。We’re going to uncheckYouTube搜索结果和显示网络上的视频合作伙伴

现在,选择您的语言并设置您的位置。要按半径设置位置,请选择输入另一个位置then clickAdvanced Search

Now that your networks are set, you may want to set exclusions to further refine where your ads will appear. Go to库存类型and choose from Expanded, Standard, and Limited. This lets you opt-out of categories unrelated to your business.

You can find more exclusion options by clicking其他设置。在这里,您将能够在要显示广告的特定设备上,添加频率封盖以防止广告频繁显示,甚至设置广告时间表。

Step 5. Set Up Ad Groups and Audience Targeting

Now it’s time to set up your ad groups. Start by giving them descriptive names that you’ll understand when you check back in to see how the ad’s performing. After that, you’ll have 2 things to do:

  • 定义您的听众和人口统计
  • Refine your audience using keywords, topics, and placements

Define Your Audiences and Demographics

YouTubehas extensive targeting options, making it ridiculously easy to target as broad or as narrow an audience you want. Start by selecting the gender, age, parental status, and household income for your target audience.



  • In-market audiences:这些人在过去两周中搜索了与您的广告相关的关键字或键形。
  • Life events:These are people who’ve recently gotten married, moved, purchased a home, or experience another life event.
  • 自定义意图受众:Use keywords to create an audience based on products and services your target audience is actively researching.
  • Remarketing:These are people who have interacted with your brand in some manner.重新定位广告是一种非常有力的策略,因为您将品牌留在已经感兴趣的人面前。
  • Affinity and custom affinity:Use interests, URLs, places, or apps to target your ideal customer.


You can choose to show ads based on specific keywords related to your YouTube video, channel, or a website that your target audience is interested in. In theKeywords部分,您可以直接在列表中输入关键字,或者,如果您想提出建议,则可以从URL中摘取相关关键字,也可以添加关键字短语以获取建议:

在里面Topicssection, you can choose the audience to target based on topics like Arts & Entertainment, Business & Industrial, and more. You can really get deep into these topics by clicking the arrow to the right to see sub-topics.

You can also choose specificPlacements对于您希望广告出现的位置。您在这里有大量选项,可以针对Google Display网络或YouTube上的特定网站,视频和频道。


After you’ve chosen your keywords, topics, and placements, you’ll need to set a maximum CPV (cost per view) bid amount. This is the amount you’re willing to pay for a view or when someone clicks your ad. A view is when someone watches your video for at least 30 seconds or in its entirety for videos under 30 seconds. This means that if a viewer skips your ad after 10 seconds (or even 25 seconds), you won’t be charged.

You can start out with a bid on the lower end and adjust as you start getting impressions to maximize your ad’s potential.

Step 7. Create Your YouTube Video Ad

Great news! You’ve gotten the ad details taken care of so now all you need to do is创建您的YouTube视频ad. To add your YouTube video ad, just search for the video or enter the video’s URL. If you have already uploaded your ad video to YouTube, just click转到YouTube并上传视频

YouTubelets you upload videos of various sizes. In addition to the horizontal 16:9 ratio videos, you can also upload vertical videos (9:16 ratio) and square videos (1:1 ratio). Adding a variety ofYouTube视频尺寸to your ad campaigns helps you meet the needs of users who may be watching from their mobile devices (which is about 80% of YouTube viewers).

After you’ve found the video you’re using for your ad, you’ll be able to choose the video ad format. We’re going to go withSkippable in-stream ad

接下来,添加您希望人们单击广告后要去的URL。我们建议在此广告中使用自定义着陆页。您也可以输入显示网址。在我们的示例中,我们正在为目标URL使用着陆页,并且显示显示URL只是显示我们的域。Important:both URLs must be on the same domain or YouTube will reject your ad.

We also strongly encourage you to include a call to action so your viewers know what you want them to do next. You don’t have a lot of room for your call to action and headline, so keep things short and punchy.

Finally, you have the option to upload a companion banner (or autogenerate one using your channel banner). This gives you more space for your YouTube ad on desktop. The companion banner shows at the top of the screen to the right of your video and will continue to display even if the ad was skipped.

Here’s what our example ad looks like. You can see the call to action button and companion banner to the right as well as on the video itself:

当您对广告满意时,请单击Create Campaign你就完成了!

Win Big With YouTube Advertising

This guide to YouTube advertising will help you create awesome YouTube ads no matter if it’s your first time or 101st time. To get the most from your YouTube advertising campaigns it helps to learn other ways topromote your YouTube channelas well as社交媒体广告策略so you can create ads that resonate with your target audience and deliver results. And don’t forget to check out ourYouTube营销指南

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