How to Promote Your YouTube Channel: 8 Tips To Get Started


Promoting your YouTube channel can even amplify your other marketing efforts because YouTube is currently the second most visited website according toAlexa。And your visibility on the site could influence your visibility on other platforms and channels as well. It could help you drive traffic to your site, help you reach a bigger social media audience through shares, and more.

In this post, you’ll discover some of the most highly effective ways to promote your YouTube channel.

How to Promote Your YouTube Channel:

#1:从适当的YouTube SEO开始

适当的YouTube SEO对于推广频道至关重要,因为它可以帮助您在YouTube搜索结果中提高视频和频道可见性。




So once you nail your YouTube SEO, you should have significant leverage in promoting your channel. YouTube SEO mainly involves proper keyword optimisation and video tagging.

Optimise your video titles and descriptions with the right keywords without stuffing them. You should also sort your videos into the correct category and add tags to help YouTube understand the context of your video.





  1. 使用数字或列表。示例:您应该与影响者合作的十大理由,15条省钱的旅行技巧等。
  2. 保持清晰和简洁,因为较短的标题更易于阅读和处理。
  3. 通过使用来吸引观众的情绪high-emotion words。这将取决于您要引用的情感。例如,坦白,有争议和秘密之类的词可能引起好奇心。
  4. Run your title through theCoSchedule Headline Analyzerto test how compelling it is.










如果您想宣传YouTube频道,则需要创建吸引观众的内容。这意味着创建吸引他们并吸引他们的内容。使用YouTube Analytics检查不同视频的性能,以查看观众与内容的互动程度以及似乎下降的位置。




运行一个比赛,人们有机会win something is a great way to drive more engagement and promote your channel. The opportunity to win a free prize will motivate a lot of viewers to engage with your videos. You can keep the rules simple by getting people to like your video, subscribe to your channel, and leave a comment.

If you’re an influencer, you could even partner with related brands and include their products as giveaway prizes. Or you could run contests to celebrate your channel milestone – gaining 5000 subscribers, second birthday, etc.

内容创作者刘易斯·希尔森特(Lewis Hilsenteger)举办了一场赠品竞赛,以庆祝他的频道Unbox Therapy,获得了1000万订户。

如果您有品牌,您可以have an influencer promote your giveaway contest through their channel so your contest generates a bigger impact. However, make sure that you adhere to theYouTube指南在跑步比赛中。

In addition, you should avoid running contests just for the sake of it without understanding how they impact your channel performance. Observe your channel and video performance in terms of views and engagement rates to see whether there’s any improvement after your contest. Otherwise, you’ll just be throwing away money on free prizes without actually promoting your channel.

#6: Collaborate with Other Influential Creators

If you’re a YouTube content creator, collaborating with other influential creators is a great way to promote your channel. Build relationships with other influencers by mentioning them in your videos, following them on social media, commenting on their videos, etc.

After you’ve established a strong bond, you could suggest a partnership. Maybe you can interview them in one of your videos, maybe you can live stream together, or maybe you can co-create content that they promote to drive viewers to your channel.

您有很多选择,但是首先建立真实的关系至关重要。例如,YouTuber Roomie定期与Boy合作在乐队中,这是他的视频中另一个有影响力的YouTuber。

如果您有品牌,您可以与影响者的合作伙伴as well. It’s a bit easier for brands to execute this because it doesn’t necessarily have to be organic. You can pay influencers to review your products and services, you can interview them, you can feature them in your live stream, and more.

#7: Promote Your Videos on Social Media


In fact, 74% of consumers share brand videos on social media, according to theSprout Social 2018 Index。And they watch almost as much videos on Facebook (40%) as they do on YouTube (49%). In addition, 58% of consumers prefer visual-first content on social media with produced videos, graphics, and images leading the way.

So if you want to effectively promote your YouTube channel, you should regularly share your videos on social media. While you can share the video link on some social media sites, you should consider creating a short preview video that plays directly on social media platforms. This will entice the audience and assure them that if they click on the full video link, it’s going to be worth it.

Rockstar Games创建了一个简短的15秒视频预览,以宣传他们在YouTube,Twitch和Facebook上进行的第一个正式阅读的在线社区流。


您只能有机地实现这么多东西。算法改变and user behaviour can affect how well your videos reach viewers through organic means.


There are tons of paid advertising options – whether you want to在平台上宣传,在Google,甚至在社交媒体上。确保您对受众的目标高度具体,以便您到达合适的人,并确保每一美元花费良好。您可以尝试针对具有与现有观众相同特征,行为特征和人口统计学的人。



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