
YouTubeis the biggest video-only social media platform, with as many as20亿每月观众。这是一个庞大的用户群,您可以通过创建YouTube频道并共享视频来利用它。

而且,即使它是一个仅视频平台,您仍然可以通过创建视频来做很多事情。视频是最吸引人的内容之一,并且也非常通用。而且有很多YouTube视频创意that you can try.

However, it is not easy to simply create a YouTube channel and be an overnight success. It takes a lot of time and effort to run a successful channel. But, with the right tactics, you’ll be off to the right start.



1. Create Your YouTube Channel: The Basics

If you have a Google account, then you can simply sign-in using that, and you won’t need to create a new YouTube account. If you don’t, then simply click on “sign-up” andcreate a YouTube business account


Profile Name


Create a name that describes you or what your channel is all about. Don’t make it too long. And, try to make it catchy, something that makes people want to explore more.



About Section




While you might be creating a new YouTube channel, you can still get these insights from other platforms. Your website, for example, can provide tons of information about your current customers and what their preferences are.


3. Plan and Upload Content


You should also plan ahead and have a pipeline, (like a content calendar, but for YouTube), ready. This will help ensure that you post regularly and do not run out of ideas. Having a clear plan will also make things easier and help you avoid any last-minute challenges.

As for the type of content, that depends on your type of business and your audience.




YouTube不仅是一个视频共享平台,而且是世界上最大的视频搜索引擎。就像SEO为您的网站工作一样,YouTube SEO为您的YouTube频道工作。

You should optimise your YouTube channel for keywords to rank higher in search results for those keywords. And, as the channel has only video content, titles and descriptions are the best places to use those keywords.


Similarly,YouTube视频描述should also be optimised for keywords. And, because the character limit is higher, you can add primary as well as secondary keywords there.

Video descriptions can be used for many other purposes as well. Here are a few ways to optimise your video descriptions:

  • 编写描述,清楚,精确地描述您的视频内容,以吸引更多观点。
  • Don’t reveal too many details and make people curious to find out more by watching the video.
  • Use long-tail keywords, as they are similar to what people actually type to search for a video.
  • 将相关的主题标签添加到您的视频描述中,因为它们有助于对视频进行分类并改进您的SEO。
  • 将句子和段落保持短短,以使您的描述易于阅读和移动友好。
  • You can also use your descriptions to direct people to other useful resources like similar or related videos by adding the URL.
  • 如果您在描述中包含您的网站链接,则视频说明也可以用于吸引网站的流量。


Just creating a YouTube channel and getting subscribers is not the end goal for most businesses. After all, social media is just another way for you to achieve your bigger marketing goals like increasing traffic and driving sales.

And, for that, you need to find creative ways to direct your YouTube viewers to your website or other platforms.

There are several ways in which you can do that. You can add links to your website and other social media accounts in your “About” section. You can place links to specific product and service pages in your video descriptions.


Image viaYouTube

And, of course, you can always add links in the form of CTAs at the end of your YouTube videos.

Use one or more of these to place your social media account links and website links in your YouTube channel and direct traffic to where you want.


Just creating great content does not necessarily translate into success. You could be running the best YouTube channel in your niche, but people won’t even know about it unless you promote it.

While optimising your channel for YouTube SEO works great for improving discoverability, it is not enough. It takes time and effort to create good video content and it deserves to be promoted the right way.




最后,但并非最不重要的,分析你的表现et an understanding of what works and what doesn’t. YouTube has a built-in analytics tool that you can use to understand how your account and individual videos have performed.


Here’s a screenshot of the interface that shows the different tabs and types of insights that you can get.

通过YouTube Analytics图像


Final Thoughts

These are some of the key things that you need to know to create a successful YouTube channel. Use these tips to set up your channel, optimize it to get your videos ranked, and gain more subscribers.


Start your channel now and watch it grow by using these tactics.


