

通过声音,心理学家发现有可能影响受众的情绪。这很重要。如果品牌可以在视频中与观众引起正确的情感和弦,他们可以意识到31% success rate为了他们的营销活动

视频的影响和重要性还有更多。这就是为什么我们制定了此视频营销统计列表的原因。它充满了惊人的数字,显示了包括视频在内的功能多么强大数字营销策略can be for your brand.

60 Powerful Video Marketing Statistics:

Video Marketing Statistics & Trends


  1. Over 100 million people watch YouTube TV on their TV screens each month in the U.S. (与Google思考)
  2. 在过去的一年中,全球观看时间增加了800%。((与Google思考)

  1. YouTube拥有超过20亿个活跃的每月用户。((YouTube)
  2. YouTube每天播放超过10亿小时的视频。((YouTube)
  3. 超过65%的YouTube观众表示,该平台上的视频内容就像现实生活中。((与Google思考)
  4. Mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year. (Insivia)
  5. 73% of consumers want to see videos on social media that are "entertaining." (HubSpot)
  6. 54% of people want marketers to produce more video content. (HubSpot)
  7. 86% of videos related to business content are viewed on desktops while mobile phones show 14%. (HubSpot)
  8. More than 70% of watch time on YouTube comes from mobile devices. (YouTube)
  9. People are 1.5 times more likely to turn to mobile phones to watch a video. (Facebook)
  10. 预计到2021年,视频将占所有互联网流量的82%。(Cisco)


It’s hard to escape the influence that social media has on the world, harder yet to ignore how video has played its part in charging social media. Here’s a look at video marketing statistics for social media.

  1. Facebookgets over 8 billion video views per day. (TechCrunch)
  2. Twitter receives over 2 billion video views per day. (Twitter)
  3. Snapchat用户每天观看超过100亿个视频。((可混合)
  4. As much as 62% of people agreed to being more interested in a product after seeing it in a Facebook Story. (Marketing Land)
  5. 多达45%的Twitter用户希望来自名人的更多视频。((Twitter)
  6. 每天有7500万人访问Facebook的视频平台。((Adweek)
  7. 脸部OK视频促销现在与照片促销一样受欢迎。((社交者)
  8. 在手机上观看视频时,多达70%的千禧一代更喜欢在肖像视图中使用手机。((Adnews)
  9. 90% of Twitter video views are experienced on a mobile device. (Twitter)
  10. 社交媒体视频的产生比文本和图像内容总和多1200%。((G2 Crowd)
  11. LinkedIn视频的最佳长度是30到90秒。((LinkedIn)
  12. 49%的消费者在Instagram TV上观看了至少一个视频。((Animoto)
  13. 81%的企业选择Facebook进行视频营销。((缓冲)
  14. 60% of Instagram Stories videos are watched with the sound on. (Instagram)
  15. Video marketing campaigns on LinkedIn can generate view rates as high as 50%. (LinkedIn)
  16. 46%的消费者在社交媒体平台上观看更多的视频广告,而不是在电视上观看。188滚球地址((Animoto)
  17. Video is shared 20 times more often than any other content formats in the LinkedIn feeds. (LinkedIn)
  18. 85%的Facebook视频没有声音。((Instagram)
  19. 多达57%的千禧一代消费者在社交媒体上观看更多的视频广告,而不是在电视台上观看。((Animoto)
  20. Video campaigns are generating view rates as high as 50%. (LinkedIn)


  1. On average, businesses publish 18 videos each month (HubSpot)
  2. 第一次视频营销s, 48% decided to commit to video because they found it easier to persuade colleagues of its value. (Wyzowl)
  3. Attention spans are shortening leaving marketers with 2.7 seconds to capture audiences. (MarketingMag)
  4. As much as 35% of businesses are using intermediate or advanced analytics to measure the performance of videos. (HubSpot)

  1. Millennial internet users are more likely to watch television shows on Netflix and YouTube than turn to a television network. (思维研究)
  2. Personalized videos are 35% more likely to retain viewers than non-personalized video. (HubSpot)
  3. 80%的营销人员确认视频有助于增加销售额。((Wyzowl)
  4. 不到两分钟的视频会产生最多的参与度。((Wistia)
  5. 80% of marketers对在社交媒体上发布的视频广告的投资回报率感到肯定。((Animoto)
  6. Businesses that create over 50 videos a year are 2.5 times more likely to use advanced video analytics. (HubSpot)
  7. 81% of marketers have used paid media to promote a video on Facebook. (Animoto)
  8. 只有37%的观众观看视频到最后。((HubSpot)
  9. 47% of consumers appreciate ads on Instagram Stories. (Animoto)
  10. Video ads on social media are the most common way for consumers to find new brands and products before purchasing. (Animoto)
  11. Explainer, product demos, how-to, and testimonials are the four most popular videos businesses produce. (HubSpot)
  12. 根据CNBC的说法,有65%的观众跳过在线视频广告。((CNBC)
  13. 87% of marketers credit video for the boost in website traffic received. (Wyzowl)
  14. 少于90秒的视频保留率为50%。((HubSpot)
  15. 93% of marketers use video marketing. (SingleGrain)
  16. 95% of marketers say video has helped buyers better understand their products and services. (Wyzowl)
  17. 在着陆页上合并视频可以将转换提高80%或更多。Adelie Studios)
  18. Almost half (48%) of consumers want videos to reflect topics and content they are want to see. (Marketing Charts)

  1. Facebook上的本机视频比供稿中使用的YouTube链接高10倍。((SocialBakers)
  2. The average conversion rates for websites that use video is 4.8%, compared to 2.9% for those that don’t use video. (Adelie Studios)
  3. 多达83%的营销人员说视频帮助他们产生了潜在客户。((Wyzowl)
  4. 根据Hubspot的说法,在2020年,使用视频的99%的营销人员将继续这样做。(((HubSpot)
  5. Video drives can generate an increase of 157% in organic traffic from SERPs. (Brightcove)
  6. Two-thirds of U.S. teens watch online videos daily. (常识媒体)
  7. 社交媒体审查员发现,有57%的营销人员使用实时视频。((社交媒体的考官)


1. More people are watching more video

今天,全球越来越多的人正在观看大量视频。例如,YouTubehas over 2 billion active monthly users谁每天流式传输10亿小时的视频。当然,大多数人转向YouTube进行娱乐,但并非所有人都这样做。According to Google, people watch videos to see products before making a purchase, to learn how others have used them, to find out more about a product they are interested in, and to find credible reviews from buyers. This proves that the right video marketing can help buyers find, and purchase your products and services.


视频比文本和图像更具吸引力。他们提供更多的感官刺激。Psychologists have discovered正确的音乐可以诱发情绪状态,从而可以直接影响观众如何响应您的视频。更重要的是,research by the University of Southern California shows那个带有情感内容的广告活动优于没有那些没有的广告。

3. Video is an always-on salesperson



视频是一种强大的营销工具。计划并整合到content marketing漏斗,他们可以提升您的品牌信息,吸引,教育并将更多买家转化为潜在客户和销售。如果您尚未进行飞跃并投资视频营销,请花一些时间来了解听众。

While these states prove that video is effective, they are also backed by hours of research and execution by marketers across the globe, and span various verticals. To find what works best for you, commit to quality content that adds value to your buyer’s life before opting for the sale.

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