4 Ways to Find Your Target Audience On Social (& How to Reach Them)

社交媒体营销人员 - 您在和谁说话?或者更好,你是谁thinkyou're talking to? If you don't have a clear answer, then it's likely everybody (and nobody).

And it's hurting your chances of reaching the right people.

The solution: Learn who your target audience is and how to reach them.


4 Ways to Find Your Target Audience On Social (& How to Reach Them):

How do you find your target audience?

在您可以之前“找到”您的目标受众,您必须知道他们是谁。因此,第一步是建造customer persona。而且,我不仅在谈论您在Google Drive文件中收集虚拟灰尘的内容。

But those with actionable information needed to build successful marketing campaigns. And that goes beyond identifying basic audience demographics like income level, education level, and marital status.

If you want a true competitive advantage, then you need to learn things about your audience, like their:

  • Favorite social platform to get information (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit?)
  • 首选的内容类型要阅读(主题和格式,例如博客文章,视频和故事)
  • 讨论的流行主题(新闻,人,活动?)
  • 他们跟随并与之互动的值得信赖的人(影响者,思想领袖,品牌,博客作者?)

With this knowledge, not only do you have a better understanding of your tribe—you also know what content to create. Your ticket to developing a winning marketing plan.





Interviews capture more than a survey can. For example, the emotions when describing a problem or how your solution resolves it. Plus, interviews open the door to follow-up questions—a gold mine for adding context, examples, and backstory for your notes.


Surveys offer none of this—just short sentences, one-off answers, or rambling paragraphs. Not the weight needed to capture your audience's essence in your content.

那么,您在客户调查中问什么?目标是学习他们的“触发器”和习惯,以便您可以在内容中解决它们。凯特琳·布尔戈因(Katelyn Bourgoin)在接受阿曼达·纳蒂维达(Amanda Natividad)的采访中逐步打破了这一措施。





You share the same social media audience, so see what folks say about them and how you can swoop in and offer solace to their woes.

Some tools to try:Sprout Social,Buzzsumo, 和Falcon

"We perform social listening a lot. By monitoring people’s mentions and sentiments about our business and those of competitors, we identify what concerns and issues our products can address. We also learn about questions they have, and we respond and create content to answer them. In social media marketing, businesses can lure their target audiences to their brand by actively listening and providing helpful information." — Stacey Kane, Business Development Lead at EasyMerchant


In Sparktoro, you can search for insights about audiences using keywords and hashtags. For example, people with "Executive Chef" in their profiles in the United States. You'll find a ton of nuggets like this:

Audience insights



Then you can use the following insights to find additional profiles to follow and engage with related to your intended audience:

words phrases in profile bios



Then based on the common hashtags this audience uses, you can find posts to discover and join discussions. And even use these same hashtags in your social media posts.

hashtags in social media posts.





Based on the results, most executive chefs live in New York, California, and Chicago. Use this to create highly targeted social media ad campaigns.





使用上面的示例,美国的行政厨师与Bon Appetit,eater.com,James Beard Foundation和Eric Ripert最合作。

Social accounts website


And the hidden gem is Stephanie Izard. Hidden gems are accounts or sites that don't have a large following, but have a high engagement for their size.

Remember, in social media marketing, it's all about engagement, not follower count.


4. Use Google Analytics to find traffic sources

Don't overlook the insights you can pull from Google Analytics. Here, you'll find information about your target market, like the keywords they use to find your brand.

Use these in your social media posts, since they likely use it to search for content on social media platforms. Google Analytics also shows where traffic comes from, including social media sites.

See the most frequently used and target these social media channels for your social posts.



The question now is, what content should you create to build engagement and guide purchase decisions? You need topics to discuss in formats your audience wants to consume.

According to发芽社交指数,消费者遵循品牌的主要原因是:

  1. 57% want to learn about new products or services
  2. 47%的人想保持有关公司新闻的最新信息
  3. 40% want promotions and discounts
  4. 40% want entertainment


Based on your research, you should have a list of keywords, topics, and keywords. This is the foundation—now, build upon it with topic themes and branches related to your findings.


Some social media users prefer infographics, while others gobble up videos. Whatever they like, add it to your marketing efforts. Tie it with the topics they enjoy discussing, and you have a starting point for your social media content strategy.

For example, if your target consumers are small business owners struggling with taxes, you can offer tax tips to answer their frequently asked questions. Or you may find they like infographics and videos over blog posts.

If so, invest in visual content to engage your audience. That's what Botpress did to increase its click-through rate by 726% inone year

"Our best performing video posts are explainer videos and how to guides that show our clients how to use our product, and customize it for their specific business needs. The average CTRs for these types of videos is around 9%." — Jylian Russell, Chief Marketing Advisor at Botpress



  1. LinkedIn(占网站视频流量的50%以上)
  2. Twitter
  3. YouTube
  4. Facebook
  5. Instagram


Hashtags help social media users find content and profiles relevant to them. So adding the right ones to your social media posts will get your content found

but avoid adding too many to your posts or risk looking spammy. Plus, some social media algorithms dislike this tactic and will downgrade your visibility in the feed.





"On Twitter, we search for tweets with a high volume of engagement from our audience. These tweets match our audience's interests--content marketing, writing, and research processes. We then follow those accounts to get their attention. Last month, we earned more than 80 new followers from this strategy." — Shayla Price, Founder of PrimoStats




有时,这是您最不期望的社交渠道。像新妈妈hanging out on TikTok(it's a frequented channel for Gen Z and some Millennials, so not too shocking).

According to Savannah Sanchez, targeting new moms on TikTok works well because of the platform's algorithm.

Check out their results from using one brilliant piece of user-generated content:

Then to sweeten the deal, we see a newbie mom in the comments confirm TikTok is a happening spot:

Achieving consistent results isn't simple. It requires ongoing research, a bit of experimentation, and tons of reiterations to hit your groove.

数字营销顾问Ross Kernez使用针对广泛的目标受众的顶级广告帮助护肤品牌产生了惊人的成果。它击败了外观和兴趣的观众活动 - 令人震惊!


寻找高性能的社交媒体广告宣传requires regular A/B testing. Constant adjustments to your organic and paid social content strategy will happen. So embrace playing around with your:

  • Image captions
  • 帖子类型
  • 广告计划
  • 广告副本和报价


"In terms of mistakes, we made many. You will too. The secret is to take a scientific approach and test multiple hypotheses. This is why many people stop advertising after their 1st failure. They don't understand that failing the 1st time or even the 1st few times is part of the data-gathering process and is completely normal." — Ross Kernez, Digital Marketing Director at Ross Kernez Consulting


您的潜在客户已经知道并喜欢社交媒体上的影响者。Tap into those relationships by collaborating on a project with several trusted socialites. Pay attention to their engagement levels to ensure they're not talking to virtual air.



“ M&M希望帮助人们与亲人建立联系,他们由于锁定限制而无法彼此见面。我们将产品播种到150多个Tiktok影响者(无弦线)以吸引他们的目标受众。”- 泰勒·拉格斯(Taylor Lagace),联合首席执行官 Kynship



The outcome: over 5 million views and 100k+ engagements within weeks. The UGC also outperformed traditional creatives in paid social marketing A/B tests. The company saw a 67% boost in Mother's Day gift sales and a 457% increase in Father's Day gift sales (compared to 2020).


Using this guide, you have the tools and techniques needed to start finding and connecting with your target audience. So use them to build organic social posts and paid advertising efforts.

Mixing the two can amplify and hasten your result--don't forget to run experiments and allow time for campaigns to run their course before checking the numbers (and making a ruling).




Frequently Asked Questions



How do I find my target audience?

It requires a mix of customer research, social listening tools, and competitor analyses to find where your audience likes to hang out and where/who they engage the most.


Defining your target audience helps you plan and execute a successful社交媒体营销策略。It also allows you to measure how effective your campaign was.

What are the benefits of having target audiences?

Knowing who you want to attract to your business makes it easier to focus your messaging, so it resonates. Targeting specific groups means creating more relevant posts, and increasing engagement and conversion rates.

有什么不同的目标市场和助教rget audience?

A target market is a wide audience of people exposed to your message. A target audience is the subset of people who will respond to your messages. For example, if you sell makeup to a target market of women between 18 and 65, your segmented target audience in your ads may be a younger group between 18 and 30.

Sure, the older women can buy it too, but focusing on the younger group will change how you speak to your audience and the topics covered in your posts. It's about focusing on who your exact audience is vs. targeting a broad audience.

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