
Brands and organizations of all sizes
从$ 89起
Brands and organizations of all sizes
从$ 89起

发芽社交is one of the more professional social media management platforms, and it lacks the free or cheap plan that most of the other platform reviews have. It clearly targets larger organizations with more heavy-duty needs.

As with all these apps, you begin by attaching all your social accounts. Sprout Social makes this much simpler than much of the competition.


下一个标签似乎是Sprout Social独有的。这将您的所有社交任务汇总在一起 - 归类为一般,潜在客户和支持。当您看到需要注意的消息时,请单击PushPin图标(在“消息”部分中),以将任务分配给团队的适当成员。

The Feeds tab shows all your Twitter feeds, Instagram hashtags you wish to monitor, LinkedIn feeds, and any RSS feeds you have subscribed to. This provides you with a huge quantity of content that you may choose to share via your social feeds.

Of course, Sprout Social would be useless as a social media manager if you couldn’t create and schedule your own posts. You can easily create content for all your social accounts, adding graphics, links and other material as needed. The calendar shows all your social posts (both the ones you have already made, and the new ones you schedule). Again, you can show these for any combination of your social accounts.

If you work with a team (as most people who use Sprout Social will) you can set up the entire approval process, making team management a seamless process.

Sprout Social的不太常见特征之一是其社交听力模块。您选择相关主题,使您能够发现趋势,分析情感并从社交对话中提取可行的见解,以更好地为您的营销策略提供信息。向您展示了有关您所选主题的大量数据,包括分析所分析消息情绪的分析。

Of course, if you use social media management software, you’re going to want to know how your posts and social accounts are performing. Depending on the plan you have chosen, Sprout Social provides an extraordinary range of reports – everything from cross-network paid performance, to comparing your Twitter profiles with your competitors to see how you stand up, to analysis of your Pinterest performance.

Finally, unique to Sprout Social, you can create a chatbot to help automate repetitive conversational tasks, resolve customer issues faster, and create unique marketing experiences.

Sprout Social是一个流行的社交媒体管理平台,可提供时间表,分析和参与工具。从一个地方通过其多合一平台来管理您的社交媒体,并获得见解以了解您的受众和KPI。数据驱动的Ingiths可帮助企业提高响应能力。
Robust reporting
Competitive analysis features
支持can be slow
Lack of native support for some social networks



作为SASS平台,每月出售获得Sprout Social的访问。Sprout Social在经过30天的试用后提供了三项付费计划。所有付费计划都可以按月支付。可以使用预付款选项,并允许您的帐户按照您的计划和用户数量借记。您可以每月购买25美元的每月费用。

  • Standard, $99/user/mo– 5 social profiles, all-in-one social inbox, publishing tools to schedule, draft and queue posts, social content calendar, profiles, keywords and locations monitoring, tasking, and social CRM tools, group, profile and post-level reporting.
  • Professional, $149/user/mo– 10 social profiles, all-in-one social inbox, publishing tools to schedule, draft and queue posts, social content calendar, profiles, keywords and locations monitoring, tasking and social CRM tools, group, profile and post-level reporting, competitive reports for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, incoming and outgoing message content tagging, scheduling for optimal send times, paid reporting for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Advanced, $249/user/mo– 10 social profiles, all-in-one social inbox, publishing tools to schedule, draft and queue posts, social content calendar, profiles, keywords and locations monitoring, tasking and social CRM tools, group, profile and post-level reporting, competitive reports for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, incoming and outgoing message content tagging, scheduling for optimal send times, paid reporting for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, custom report builder and scheduled delivery, Spike Alerts for specific mentions or keywords, digital asset and content library, chatbots with automation tools, and more

The Details

Sprout Social在这些社交媒体管理应用程序中更为专业。即使是标准计划,也提供了大多数休闲社交用户所需的要多,如果您有多个社交团队成员,那么高级计划就可以加起来。

It describes itself as a “social media management and optimization platform for brands and agencies”, and the optimization part is Sprout Social’s point of difference. It even allows you to maintain CRM via your social media.

Of course, you can’t just jump into this without setting up. Sprout Social is one of the easier social media management apps to set up. It walks you through the process step by step.

Sproutsocial Review

一旦你已经签署了社会(我发芽mmediately selecting your plan or taking up the offer of a 30-day free trial, you will want to connect all your social networks. Sprout Social makes this effortless, even for the usually complicated Instagram (although like with all these apps, you will first need to ensure that you have an Instagram Business Profile attached to a Facebook Business Page before you try to use it here.)

如果您打算与一个团队合作,此时,您将邀请团队的其余部分。Sprout Social包括允许您所有团队合作的工具。您可以轻松地将任务分配给团队的每个成员。它提供完整的任务工作流程可见性。您甚至可以将Sprout Social集成到Zendesk,Hubspot和Uservoice,以创建,跟踪,管理和解决问题,而无需离开各自的仪表板。

Every time you enter Sprout Social you are presented with a Dashboard. This offer suggestions of what you should do next – both while you’re still setting, up and later when you’re using the app daily.


One of the best features of Sprout Social I found was that it places social engagement at its core. I found myself beginning each session by going through Sprout Social’s Smart Inbox. Although the inbox starts empty, it doesn’t take long for it to fill up with all your messages, particularly if you have multiple social accounts.

我发现社交收件箱方便,因为这意味着我很少必须自己打开社交应用程序。您可以回复您的消息,转发/重新播放或重新插入内容,例如项目等,全部来自Sprot Social。您还可以选择查看社交帐户的方式。您可以选择分别查看每个帐户的消息,所有这些帐户的组合或您设置的社交帐户组。例如,如果您是代理商,则可以将属于一个客户的所有帐户分组在一起,并在Sprout Social中一次爆发中浏览所有消息。


You can also filter your inbox multiple ways including by keywords and hashtags. You can categorize incoming messages with different tags and then allocate team members to handle messages, depending on the tag. For instance, you could have one person handle all messages of complaint, or somebody in charge of requests for assistance. You can even select the specific social accounts with which you want to engage with a particular message.


发芽社交’s Listening module works in a similar way. You can track mentions of your brand, your competitors, or selected keywords. It allows you to build complex queries, using Boolean phrases. You do this in their Query Builder which helps make your query more visual and obvious.

Of course, Sprout Social wouldn’t be a social management system if you couldn’t create and schedule social posts. It has one of the most comprehensive and intuitive systems to create posts.

如果您想从头开始启动帖子,可以在Sprout Social的清晰且易于使用的Create Post屏幕中创建它。


If you enter a link Sprout Social will find a recommended image for you to use. You can customize your post to meet the best practices of the different social networks. You can set your post for multiple time frames (allowing for some limitations caused by the networks themselves).

您甚至可以使用社会如果你喜欢铁道部发芽e graphical approach to post creation, uploading images to an Asset Library, which you can return to whenever you want to reuse images or videos in the future.

If you have multiple team members you can easily set up a message approval workflow, ensuring that the correct person gives approval for every post before it goes live.

You may prefer to work from a publishing calendar. This lets you set up slots for posts to each of your social accounts. You can filter what the calendar displays however you choose. You can queue content for effortless publishing.


Of course, you won’t want to create every post from scratch. This is an area where Sprout Social excels. You can access content from many sources, which you can import and then reschedule and/or add to your queue. This includes RSS feeds of your favorite blogs.

Sprout Social是唯一的社交媒体管理应用程序,除了Hootsuite之外,我能够引入Twitter提要,然后再安排转推。但是,这令人困惑,我从来不知道这条推文的外观。更改以后转发的推文也很难(现在与转发的不同)。


Sprout Social还提供了强大的分析/报告模块。您可以访问的细节级别确实取决于您选择的计划。标准计划仅提供级别的报告。更高的计划在其报告中更深入了,包括小组,个人资料和后报告。


Sprout Social是一个重型组织的重型平台,对于认真对待其社会账户以及影响者。它并不便宜,因此可能无法实现大多数小型企业的影响力(尽管将标准计划描述为专业人士的重要工具)。

However, you get more for your money here than with most of the other social media management platforms. This is because Sprout Social aims to be a complete management platform for all your social media needs. The CRM features may make it worthwhile for smaller business looking at a way to record information about their leads.

The social listening capabilities also put Sprout Social at a level above much of the competition. If you can refine your searches to ensuring that most of the mentions are truly about your firm, this might be another reason to try the product.

Sprout Social清楚地从购买渠道来思考。它具有帮助您在漏斗各个阶段与人合作的工具。



Sprout Social提供了三个计划:
Standard - $99 per user per month
Professional - $149 per user per month
Advanced - $249 per user per month
所有这些都有30天的免费试用版。您还可以通过收听,高级分析和倡导附加组件自定义,您可以添加到任何计划中。每年,每个用户的标准计划的费用为1,188美元,专业计划为每位用户$ 1,788,高级计划为每位用户$ 2,988。

Sprout Social有免费计划吗?

Sprot Social无法提供免费计划。但是,它确实提供了您选择计划的免费试用。您有30天的时间尝试发芽社交,无风险。无需信用卡即可开始审判。经过30天的免费试用,Sprout Social要求您选择计划并输入您的付款信息。您还可以请求免费的,定制的演示,并让Sprout专家向您展示他们的社交管理套件,客户服务,社交数据和智能以及倡导解决方案。


发芽社交is a professional social media management platform targeting the top end of the market. You begin by attaching all your social accounts. It places much emphasis on its Smart Inbox, which collects all your social messages. It also manages all your social tasks together – categorized as General, Leads, and Support. You can easily create content for all your social accounts, adding graphics, links, and other material as needed. Read the above review for more details on how Sprout Social works.

How do I post on Sprout Social?

如果您想从头开始启动帖子,则可以在Sprout Social的Create Post Screen中创建它。如果您输入链接,Sprout Social将找到推荐的图像供您使用。您可以自定义帖子以满足每个社交网络的最佳实践。如果您喜欢更图形的方法,请将图像上传到资产库。您可以从许多来源访问内容,您可以将其导入,然后重新安排和/或添加到队列中。

Can Sprout Social post to Instagram?

发芽社交integrates with Instagram and includes scheduling, publishing, engagement tools, and access to rich analytics. You can plan and schedule posts, monitor hashtags, and respond to comments with a comprehensive social management solution. Sprout accounts that connect their Instagram Business Profile(s) can directly publish a single photo or video from Sprout to Instagram on desktop, in much the same way you can publish to any other social network. You can also schedule posts and Instagram Story posts through the Sprout mobile app publishing workflow.

Can you schedule stories on Sprout Social?

您可以使用Sprout Social Mobile App Publishing Workflow发布或安排Instagram故事。使用工作流程在Sprout的桌面或移动应用程序中撰写您的故事帖子。然后将该帖子发送到通过您的移动设备发布。在适当的时间出现在Sprout的移动应用程序上,提示您完成发布过程。您可以指定用户充当您的Instagram发布者,以便他们负责将故事帖子发布到Instagram。

Brands and organizations of all sizes
从$ 89起
Brands and organizations of all sizes
从$ 89起