How to Get More Followers on TikTok in 2023


蒂克托克(Tiktok)是最新的社交媒体平台之一,尽管它于2016年(超过七年前)188滚球地址开始,但2020年还是该平台的横幅一年。随着全球大流行使人们在室内和远离朋友远离朋友时,蒂克托克(Tiktok)越来越受欢迎。似乎该平台的新颖性并没有消失。In fact, as the platform continues to grow, the user base continues to include users outside of the platform’s target Gen Z demographic, first expanding to Millennials and then becoming increasingly popular among Gen X and Boomers (though the Gen Z and Millennial bases are still the most represented).

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Let's take a closer look at these tips to grow your TikTok followers so you can start implementing today!


如果您想发展tiktok的追随者,最重要的事情之一就是identify your target audience。像其他社交媒体平台一样,Tiktok用户涵盖了多188滚球地址个人口统计,位置和利基市场。对于一个组而言,内容良好的内容类型可能不会引起另一组的共鸣。因此,在您开始创建Tiktok营销或Tiktok影响者策略之前,重要的是要找出您的目标受众在平台上所做的事情。

一旦你发现你的目标受众,你娘家姓的d to create content specifically for that audience. While your goal is to get more TikTok followers, it's important to approach your content creation with the purpose of educating and entertaining your target audience to make real connections. Don't just go out and try to get followers for the sake of getting followers. You want the right followers, the ones who are interested in your brand and your products and services. Millions of followers aren't going to help you if those followers aren't interested in moving deeper into your营销渠道

Leverage Trends


Tiktok趋势are a great way to set your brand apart from your competitors and share a bit more of your brand's personality. Just take a look at The Washington Post's TikTok account to learn how it's done.

@华盛顿邮报AMC may have been bailed out by the actions of the wallstreetbets subreddit#stonks #stocks #gamestop #reddit ♬原始声音 - 我们是报纸。


最好的tiktok内容for brands and influencers is both educational and entertaining. Use TikTok to create engaging and educational content that provides value to your followers. It's a great idea to use clever TikTok content to share information about your products and services that can best serve your audience and make their lives easier.


主题标签在大多数社交媒体平台上都很受欢迎,因为它们使您很容易找到您感兴趣的内容的集合188滚球地址。在Tiktok上使用主题标签可以帮助您增加Tiktok受众群体,尤其是当您使用品牌标签的组合时,趋势标签,趋势标签,特定于商业的主题标签和一般主题标签。您可以找到一些很棒的主题标签free TikTok hashtag generation tool



Use your online presence to cross-promote your TikTok videos, sharing your TikTok content on other social media platforms. If you check out Instagram Reels (Instagram's answer to TikTok), you'll notice that many Reels users share their TikTok content on the platform. While you can easily just add your TikTok videos with the TikTok watermark (perfect to send your Instagram followers to your TikTok profile and grow your TikTok followers), you can also取下Tiktok水印to make the content look native to whatever platform you're sharing it on.





Engage With Other TikTok Creators

Remember that TikTok, like allsocial media platforms,是社交的。因此,重要的是,使用Tiktok的二重奏和针迹功能与平台上的其他Tiktok创作者互动以增加参与度。首先找到在这些参与工作中纳入有关产品和服务的教育的方法(但不要垃圾邮件),但不要因为您喜欢他们的内容而回避与其他创作者互动。

Use User-Generated Content

As you create more content and more challenges on TikTok, you'll start to amass a decent collection of用户生成内容。用户生成的内容(UGC)只是用户创建的内容。它可以帮助提高对品牌的信任,获得更多的参与度并增加您的Tiktok追随者。

To get your hands on tons of UGC, you can start your own challenge, host a contest, or start a hashtag trend.



Social Buddy


Social Buddy used advanced targeting to help you find followers who are interested in the content you're creating. You can target potential followers based on industry or niche, relevant hashtags, complementary accounts, and competitors to find followers that match your target audience. Social Buddy focuses on getting your TikTok account noticed by genuine users, not bots or fake accounts.


社会病毒buy TikTok followers

社会病毒lets TikTok creators buy TikTok followers at a low rate. It gives you access to new followers instantly, and you can also buy views and likes to boost your content and increase your chances of going viral so you can start bringing in even more targeted followers that you don't have to pay for.



饲料是一个社交媒体管理平台这适用于多个社交媒体平台。188滚球地址Tiktok Creators可以使用feedpixel获取更多关注者,观看和喜欢。它有75种语言可用,因此无论您身在何处,它都可能对您有效。Tiktok增长选项包括喜欢和视图,您甚至可以直接购买关注者和分享。


Tiktok继续受欢迎程度,因此,如果您有兴趣在Tiktok上吸引更多关注者,那么就没有时间浪费。利用本文中的提示,您将在吸引更多的Tiktok追随者,增加参与度并在平台上建立充满活力的社区的方式。和全球超过8000亿个每月活跃的Tiktok用户, it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll find your target audience on the platform—you just need to create the content they want to see.

Tiktok的主要供稿For You Page,根据他们观看和喜欢的视频以及他们关注的Tiktok创作者为每个用户提供高度个性化的内容。在Tiktok的页面上获取您的内容是在平台上成功的关键,但没有此列表上的其他提示,您的可能性是for for you page或在页面上始终如一的特征。





如果您刚刚开始使用Tiktok,则可以使用Tiktok增长工具,例如Social Buddy或FeedPixel。虽然使用这种工具并不是在Tiktok上获得更多关注者的理想方式,但大型追随者的提升可以通过Tiktok算法帮助增加信号。然后,为了吸引更多参与的Tiktok追随者,重要的是,您必须利用趋势,确定目标受众,使用主题标签,在正确的时间发布并创造和参与挑战。


User-generated content (or simply called UGC) is content that was created by actual users. It can help to boost trust in your brand, create more engagement and boost your number of followers. You can, for example, use TikTok to collect user-generated content by beginning your own challenge, hosting a contest or beginning a hashtag trend.

Should you use hashtags on TikTok?


How can you cross-promote TikTok videos?

您可以使用您的在线形象,并在Instagram Reels等其他社交媒体平台上共享Tiktok内容。188滚球地址许多Instagram Reels用户还可以在Instagram上共享其Tiktok内容。您可以只需将Tiktok视频与Tiktok Watermark添加到Instagram,或者首先删除Tiktok Watermark。通过选择保留水印,您可以将关注者发送到Tiktok个人资料,并吸引更多Tiktok关注者。


It is key that you engage with other creators on TikTok by making use of the stitch and duet features on TikTok to boost engagement. Without being overly promotional, you can try to include information about your services and products when you engage or simply engage with fellow creators because you enjoyed their content.
