How Marketing Funnels Work (and How You Can Create One)

Marketing funnels map a buyer’s journey with your brand. From the moment that they first hear about your brand to actually making a purchase, a buyer goes through many interactions with a brand.

And,marketing funnels识别并定义买方旅程的不同阶段,以帮助您以正确的方式对准它们。将其视为从A点到B点引导的路线图。仅,A点是第一个互动,而B点正在购买。


Once you understand the different consumer touchpoints, you’ll know when and how to target people at different stages in the funnel.



AIDA模型是最基本的营销渠道,通常用于解释该概念。它将客户的旅程分为四个不同的阶段 - 意识,兴趣,欲望和行动。



This is the stage where a consumer hears about your brand for the first time through social media, advertising, word-of-mouth, or any other source.



At this stage in a buyer’s journey, they start taking an interest in your products and try to find more information about them. This is the best time to engage your prospective customers and inform them about what makes you better than competitors.


This is the stage where the consumer actually develops purchase intent and is almost at the decision-making stage. During the desire stage is the perfect time for you to provide a final nudge to these prospects and turn them into customers.



While this is the final stage in the AIDA model, some marketers believe that marketing funnels should include a post-purchase stage as well.



Marketing Strategies for Each Stage of the Funnel



Run marketing campaigns that are aimed at maximizing your brand reach and awareness. They may include:

  • 针对广泛受众的付费广告活动
  • 利用庞大的追随者基础来利用影响者,并要求他们提及您的品牌
  • 社交媒体标签活动
  • SEO策略以获得更多有机交通
  • 主持网络研讨会或播客
  • Creating and posting YouTube videos



  • 试图通过赠品和竞赛使人们在社交媒体上关注您
  • 使用金博宝188备用网址吸引更多追随者
  • 吸引您的网站访问者使用有趣的内容,例如信息丰富的博客文章
  • Creating content that introduces your products



  • 产品评论是此阶段的最佳内容类型,因为这些内容解释了您的产品的功能和好处。
  • 对于服务公司而言,另一种选择是让人们免费试用或演示该服务。
  • 对于高价,B2B产品,人们可能需要进行更多的研究。这是电子书和案例研究进入图片的地方。


This is the final stage where you need to push your prospects to become customers by making a purchase. All marketing tactics at this point should create a sense of urgency and provide enough motivation to make a purchase.


  • A limited-time offer or discount is a good way to lure customers into buying.
  • 对于网站访问者,应使用CRO技术将它们带到产品或服务页面,或者让他们要求报价。
  • 您还可以通过强调只有有限数量的产品才能鼓励人们快速购买产品来造成稀缺性。


Now that you understand how marketing funnels work, it’s time to actually start creating one for your business.

While the general stages remain more or less the same for every buyer’s journey, the actual steps in a funnel might differ from business to business.


On the other hand, a high-ticket B2B product might have a much longer marketing funnel that might take even months to get a sales conversion.





To understand the journey of your customers, you need to do thorough research and analyse how you actually gain customers.


The best place to start understanding this is to look into the Google Analytics data for your website. This will show you all the traffic sources where you are getting your website visitors from. It would also tell you what share of your website traffic comes from social, organic, referral, or other sources.

Then, you need to track each and see what made those people visit your website. Was it a social media promotion, a guest post on a popular website, or something else?


This research will lay the groundwork for your marketing funnels.

Create Multiple Marketing Funnels

By now, you must have noticed that you are获取潜在客户from different sources and they are interacting with your business in different ways.

This means that there is not just one path that prospects take before becoming a customer. There are multiple buyer journeys and paths and each requires a separate marketing funnel.

This means that you need to map out all possible buyer journeys and paths that could lead from awareness to conversion.

确定每个阶段的营销和内容Your Funnel


So, your final marketing funnel should include the various customer touchpoints and how you will target them at each. This needs to be done for each of the different marketing funnels that you have.

Here’s an example of a marketing funnel at work:


2.Direct them from your social media page to your website using a shoppable post.


4。If a prospect tries to leave, then use a pop-up to give a one-time-only discount to encourage them to make a purchase.




What Next?

As mentioned earlier, your marketing funnel doesn’t need to end with a purchase. You can retarget your existing customers or people who didn’t convert by using remarketing strategies.

In fact, you could create a separate remarketing funnel that aims to target people who have had an interaction with your business in the past.


Use this post as your reference guide and start creating successful marketing funnels that convert.
