How to Post a Tweet on TikTok

曾经发布过一条热门推文,您希望与您的TikTok followers?或者,也许您已经跨越了其他人的推文,这激发了您创建Tiktok视频的启发 - 无论是添加评论还是尝试他们分享的提示。无论具体细节如何,您都可能会阅读本文,因为您想在tiktok上发布一条推文。


From Twitter to TikTok: How to Post a Tweet on TikTok:

Why Post Tweets on TikTok?


But the thing is, this wouldn’t have the same impact. By being able to see the Tweet, it brings context into the video. This helps viewers to better understand what you’re talking about or why you’re talking about it.

TikTok videosbeing mostly short form, adding the Tweet in the background instead of having to explain it also helps you save significant time. That way, you’re not wasting even a single second of the video. This gives you more time to focus on the original part of your content–whether it’s a commentary or a reaction clip.

Some Tweets may even inspire your TikTok videos. For example, you could try acting out a fake scenario that a Twitter user posted as a joke and ended up going viral. This can be a great way to constantly provide your followers with fresh and creative content even after you’ve run out ofTikTok video ideas

最重要的是,Tiktok用户喜欢在平台上看到推文。实际上,#tweet主题标签获得了68亿次观看次数。这说明了Tiktok上的流行推文。能够利用此类主题标签可以帮助您吸引更多的观众和grow your TikTok following


5 Ways to Post a Tweet on TikTok

There are several options to post a Tweet on TikTok. You can upload a screenshot of the Tweet directly from your camera roll using the native TikTok app. Alternatively, you can also use a bunch ofvideo editing tools如果您想要更多的编辑灵活性。

First, go to the Tweet you want to upload and take a screenshot. Then crop the screenshot and keep only the part that you want to include in your video. Once that’s ready, here are some of the top ways you can post a Tweet on TikTok.



Follow the steps below to post a screenshot of a Tweet directly using the native TikTok app:

Step 1:点击“+”按钮以打开创建者窗口。

Step 2:From the sidebar on the right, select “Speed” and choose how fast you want the playback to be. This will determine the speed at which the photos you upload are displayed, so it’s especially important if you’re uploading multiple Tweets in one video.

Step 3:From the bottom panel, tap on “Upload” right next to the camera button.

Step 4:Now select the Tweet screenshot you want to include in your video. If you want to upload more than one Tweet, you’ll also have the option to select multiple screenshots in one go.

TikTok app Direct upload

Once you’ve made your selection, you can go through the typical process of creating and uploading a TikTok video such as adding filters and stickers. Most Tweet posts on TikTok will have a voiceover or a music track, so it’s a good idea to add an audio element to make the video more engaging.

Option 2: As an overlay


Step 1:Record the video natively on the app. Or if you want to use a pre-recorded video, you can also upload it from your gallery. Then tap “Next.”

Step 2:Tap on the “Stickers” button from the sidebar and select the pictures icon.

TikTok app “Stickers” button

Step 3:选择要在视频中包含的推文屏幕截图,然后点击“确定”。然后,图像将在您的视频中显示为覆盖层。只需将其拖放到屏幕上即可将其放置在您想要的位置。您还可以通过使用夹紧动作来放大或最小化图像。

然后,您可以通过通常的过程creating a TikTok video。这可能包括添加其他贴纸,更改视频速度,添加文本,使用效果和过滤器,添加音频剪辑等等。

Option 3: As a green screen effect

Another option is to add the Tweet as a green screen in your video. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1:点击“+”按钮以打开创建者窗口。

Step 2:Select the “Effects” option from the bottom panel to open all the effects options.

Step 3:Scroll to the right and tap on the “Green Screen” tab.

Step 4:Tap on the “+” icon to open your camera roll and select the Tweet you want to upload.

Step 5:Now you’re all set to start recording with the Tweet showing up in the background.



当上传推特的裁剪截图directly on TikTok, you may experience some issues displaying the whole image. If this happens, you can also use an app like Canva to edit your video to display the entire Tweet. Plus, you may prefer this option for a number of reasons as it gives you better control over your video editing. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1:Go to the Canva app on your mobile and search for “mobile video.” If you’re using the web app, you can find the “mobile video” option under the “Videos” tab on your homepage.

Step 2:Select the option to create a blank视频模板然后转到“相机卷”选项卡以导入要发布的推文。在Web应用程序上,您将找到在“上传”选项卡中上传文件的选项。

Step 3:推文添加到页面后,将其拖动到所需的位置(理想情况下在页面的中心)。您还可以更改图像的大小,以便正确显示推文。

Step 4:在底部面板上,您可以为您希望该页面显示在视频中显示多长时间的计时器。只需拖动磨砂条即可根据需要增加或缩短持续时间。

Canva bottom panel

Step 5:Once the video’s ready, tap on the arrow button from the top right corner and select the option to “Download.” Select the MP4 file type and hit the “Download” button to save the video to your camera roll.

The downloaded video can then be uploaded to TikTok, where you can add audio clips, stickers, effects, and other details. After everything’s ready, your Tweet can now be posted to TikTok.

Using CapCut

Another option is to use CapCut. This is a popular choice among many TikTok users as it lets you post directly to the app once your video’s ready. And the process is pretty straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1:Record your video outside of the TikTok app and upload it to CapCut.

Step 2:Select the option to add an overlay and upload the Tweet. It’s that simple.

Ideas for Using Tweets to Create TikTok Videos

Now that you know how to upload Tweets on TikTok, you just have to figure out how to use them strategically in your内容策略。您应该如何使用推文来驱动Tiktok上的视图和参与?这里有一些激励您的想法:

tweets for TikTok Videos

1. Posting reaction videos


For more authenticity, try to film a genuine reaction. This would require a blind reaction so you’re not just doing it for the camera. You’d need at least two people–one to find and upload the Tweet and one to blind react to the Tweet.


@rachelschrantzyy #greenscreenI’m back lol#FYP #为你 #喜剧 #jokes #为你page #lol #tweet #SpotlightAPI ♬原始声音-Rachel Schrantz

2. Adding commentary

You could also do a little bit more than simply reacting. Adding commentary to a Tweet is a great way to engage and inform your viewers. That way, you’re adding value and giving your viewers more reasons to tune in.

This is particularly ideal for establishing authority on specific topics related to your industry. You could use this type of video to debunk harmful claims, explain something a bit further, provide solutions, and share your opinions.

对进行了le, let’s say there’s a Tweet claiming that X is a good solution for a skincare problem, but you know that X is actually very risky to use. You could share a video informing your viewers about possible side effects and, if applicable, safer alternatives. This is a great way to provide your audience with value and establish yourself as an authoritative source on the topic.

@theluncheonlawyerWelcome#petty #whitehouse #worldprincessweek #tweet #greenscreen ♬原始声音 - TheluncheonLawyer

3. Sharing a deep/motivational quote

Tweet posts are also a great way to share inspirational or deep quotes with your audience. If you regularly come up with original quotes to inspire your Twitter audience, consider sharing those with your TikTok viewers as well. Or if you come across a quote that you think your audience might like, feel free to turn it into a TikTok video.

@tweet.quotesDefinitely moved me.#FYP #tweet #sadtweet #relatable ♬ original sound - Dominik

4. Sharing a joke


虽然您可以共享通用喜剧推文,但请考虑寻找与您的行业相关的笑话。分享您的听众会发现相关的幽默是吸引他们的最佳方法之一build a community

You could even create a compilation video of the best jokes that you found. This can be a collection of random jokes or humor around a specific theme.

@kardashian_clips8 #FYP #viral #viral #Truend #kanyewest #喜剧 #有趣的 #tweets #kardashians ♬ Gangsta's Paradise (feat. L.V.) - Coolio

5. Answering questions

One of the best ways to use Tweets in your TikTok strategy is for answering questions. If you come across a Tweet that asks a relevant question, use it as an opportunity to address common customer concerns. Whether it’s about how to use a certain product or how to solve a certain problem, you could provide your audience with tons of value by answering questions that matter to them.

Alternatively, you don’t necessarily have to answer only serious questions. You could also have some fun by getting your team to take turns answering questions related to their interests.

@lumberlendWhat is the greatest TV show of all time? Find more questions like this over on our Twitter @LumberlendCo#lumberlend #tvshow #twitter #为你 #FYP ♬原始声音 - 原始的蝙蝠杯



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I retweet on TikTok?



You can post a quote on TikTok by uploading a screenshot of the quote.

Does TikTok have a retweet?


How do I upload a tweet on TikTok?

You can upload a tweet on TikTok by taking a screenshot of the Tweet and uploading it from your camera roll.

How do you make a quote video?

You can make a quote video for TikTok by capturing a screenshot of the quote and uploading it to TikTok from your camera roll.
