5 Ways Brands Can Improve Their Content Strategy

Content strategies can feel a bit daunting for a lot of brands. In today’s world where every form of content is being pushed from every direction imaginable, how does one know how to effectively create meaningful content anymore? Furthermore (as if content creation weren’t already complex enough) in today’s world of influencer marketing, we now have content being created on behalf of brands. This can make all of this even more complicated or overwhelming. Having worked with loads of brands and influencers over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two about effective content strategy- especially how influencers fit into that mix. Here are five ways brands can improve their content strategy and make their influencer marketing campaigns more successful.

5 Ways Brands Can Improve Their Content Strategy:

1. Develop Your Social Voice

您的社交声音是品牌标识中最关键的组成部分之一。为什么?沟通是任何关系的骨干,这使您的声音成为建立品牌和受众之间信任的黄金机会。目的是建立如此的一致性,以至于您的所有消息传递(无论是博客文章,推文还是Facebook帖子)听起来都来自相同的声音 - 听起来像是一个值得信赖的朋友。

建立这个问题的一种好方法是将您的声音视为一个真正适合您品牌的实际人。注意:如果您引用一个可识别的人,几乎总是容易的 - 无论是名人还是电视角色。例如,一个以大胆或喜欢娱乐的方式自豪的时尚品牌可能会将自己的社交声音视为sex and City的萨曼莎·琼斯(Samantha Jones)这样的人。为您的社交渠道创建内容不仅变得更加容易,而且更加一致,当您可以问自己“ <这里插入角色>这么说?”此外,在将有影响力的人带入混合方面,此工具可能非常有帮助。您的社交角色似乎是与参与您的竞选活动的影响者相处的人吗?您能看到他们都一起坐下来共进晚餐,并以某种方式有共同点吗?

Furthermore, having this persona and voice that you can share with your influencer partners during a campaign brief can be extremely helpful as they create content. While part of the point of leveraging an influencer is to have them share in their own voice, painting a clear picture for them of your brand voice will only make it easier for them to do their job well.

2. Determine What Actions You Take Online

There issomuch content continually being pushed in the social space, and it would be a mistake for brands to try to participate in every conversation. Just because something is trending or viral doesn’t mean it’s relevant to your brand, so determining a series of social actions can help you vet when it’s appropriate to chime into a cultural conversation (not to mention, create day-to-day content that’s consistently on brand).

建立这些行动的好练习,Adweeksays, is the “we are, we are not” exercise. “This helps you to determine boundaries for your writing voice, or example: We are funny. We are not goofy.” The “we are” example explains your brand, while the “we are not” serves to curtail that feature. The more that you refine and sharpen who you are, the easier it will be to determine what kind of posts you create. For example, if you’re a medical practice it may be very important for your brand to continually educate your audience on the types of procedures you offer. Or, if you are a beauty brand, perhaps you want your audience to feel empowered with confidence? Knowing how you want your audience to feel walking away from your platform (whether it’s more informed, more empowered, or any other attribute) will help you craft posts that are more meaningful and intentional.

Furthermore, once you integrate influencers into the mix, this makes content creation on their end much more straightforward. Giving them a list of objectives means less guessing and instead, having a tangible action item, so “I need to create content about this product” becomes “I need to create content that shows how this product can empower confidence”.

3. Know Your Audience

While you may have a vision for your target audience in the early stages of branding conception, it is imperative to continually pay attention to who your audienceactuallyis. This doesn’t mean that you have to change your entire approach if you aren’t reaching who you initially planned. Instead, it can help you optimize how you frame your messaging to more effectively communicate your brand goals in a way that impacts your current audience.

Spending time diving into your Facebook insights, Instagram insights and Google Analytics to learn more about your audience’s age range, geographic location and specific interests. For example, if you realize your audience is predominantly above the age of 60, making pop-culture references to boy bands that millennials love may not resonate well. Knowing more about who your audience is and who you’re trying to reach is extremely helpful when it comes to influencer identification.


4. Establish Unique Strategies for Each Platform

这些天没有两个188滚球地址平台是一样的。不仅基于“增大化现实”技术e people using different platforms, but they’re using them in completely different ways. Brands should pay close attention to how users are engaging on each specific platform and build their content accordingly. Gone are the days of creating one post and blasting the same exact message across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram alike. For example, since Twitter is often a popular place for breaking news and real-time updates, this platform could be where you prioritize sharing news articles or press mentions of your brand. Since Instagram is such a visual platform, maybe you make sure all of your best photography finds it’s way into this content calendar.

The type of content is not the only factor of differentiation here. Brands should also pay close attention to when is the best time of day to post on each unique platform (you may find your users are more active on Twitter first thing in the morning but scroll Instagram later in the evenings). While there are certain best practices for each platform that will apply universally, there are still plenty of unique findings specific to your brand that you should take the time to learn and understand. Not only will this helpyourcontent strategy, it will also help guide the content that influencers create on behalf of your brand if they know how you typically behave on Instagram vs. Twitter vs. Facebook.

5.Do What Comes Authentically

This may sound a bit cheesy or like something you’d put on a marketing bumper sticker, but it rings true. So many brands today try to create content they see is successful with other brands instead of remaining authentic to who they are. Consumers can sniff out forced marketing and when brands are “trying too hard”. If your brand skews more serious and intellectual, don’t try to be a BuzzFeed or other “funny” brand. Similarly, if your product appeals to more of a “girl next door” type of audience, do not try to be overtly high-fashion and aspirational. Embrace what makes you brand what it is without trying to imitate something else.

This same sentiment applies to pulling influencers into the mix. While it’s obviously important to identify influencers who already align with your brand in some way, it’s also important to remember that influencers are their own brand. They have their own guidelines and objectives that have helped them build the audience they have today. If you’re wanting that influencer to promote your brand or product, allow them to do so in a way that’s authentic to them. Otherwise it feels forced and inauthentic to their audience. Optimal brand/influencer partnerships are executed in a way that’s authentic and effective to both parties without one having to force their tactics on another (if it’s starting to feel like that, chances are it’s not the right partnership to begin with).



Jason Pampell

Jason Pampell is CEO and Founder at HireInfluence.com, a 'white-glove' influencer marketing agency with offices in NY, LA and Houston. Since 2011, HireInfluence has delivered innovative campaigns with industry-leading results for the world's most prominent brands. The agency is recognized as an elite service provider, with an offering that includes influencer casting, strategy development, on-site engagement support, experiential project management and expert consultation.

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