
Social media has made it possible—even easy—for all businesses to get their message out to a large, growing audience. It’s a true leveler of the marketing playing field and gives small and mid-sized businesses a chance to increase brand awareness, get more followers, boost traffic, and get more conversions or qualified leads without spending tons of money to do it.


10 Social Media Services You Need



1. Full-Service Social Media Package

Let’s start out our list with something just for the社交媒体营销机构在那里。有很多方法可以捆绑您的代理商提供的服务,但是在您开始随机捆绑之前,请看一下您的买家角色。他们将为您提供有关目标受众,他们正在挣扎的内容以及所寻找的信息的信息。从那里,您可以创建他们真正想要的全方位服务社交媒体包。

有几个things to consider when building social media service packages. For starters, the budget will play a large role in what your clients are looking for. Smaller businesses probably won’t have the budget for many of your higher-end services, so create an “essentials” type package that covers the basics that these smaller brands need for a smaller cost. On the other hand, if you have mid-to-large-sized clients, they’ll probably have a larger marketing budget so you can offer them higher-end packages.

预算的考虑之后,你要consider the amount of time your clients have to devote to implementing their own social media services. Do they have an in-house marketing team to rely on? They probably won’t want a full-service package that includes implementation because they can do it themselves. If they don’t have an in-house marketing team, offer them a package that includes implementation and management.







A社交媒体内容策略is mandatory. Sure, some brands just pick a platform and start to throw content out there. They may even see a little success. But without a solid social media content strategy, these brands are naturally limiting how far they can go. Developing a social media content strategy is a vital social media service that helps brands focus on the right audience, the right keywords, and the right message to get followers excited and ready to buy.

So, what goes into a social media content strategy? For starters, all content strategies need to include an编辑日历that brands can follow to achieve the social media marketing goals they’ve set. There are several different types of content brands can use and you should definitely mix it up to keep things interesting for your followers. Of course, some types of content work best on certain社交媒体平台s,例如视频YouTube在Twitter上,文本,图片Instagram,短小精悍to long-form text on LinkedIn, and short-form-video content ontiktok。但这并不意味着您无法使用所使用的内容类型具有创造力。另外,还有其他类型的内容,例如视觉活动,竞赛等等,可以真正鼓励参与。



有很多品牌没有想到他们社交媒体概况和品牌 - 不是其中之一。如果您是一个雇用代理商来处理您的社交媒体的品牌,请确保他们提供的社交媒体服务之一是个人资料创建和品牌。这项服务可帮助品牌在社交媒体上开始使用,其个人资料反映了他们作为品牌的人,使潜在客户可以轻松在不同的平台上找到它们,并知道他们参与时将获得什么。188滚球地址


5. Social Media Content Management


If you want to maintain control of your content but don’t have to do the work of发布或安排您的社交媒体内容,您始终可以聘请社交媒体营销机构安排内容并为您维护社交媒体的存在。在这种情况下,您将为您的代理商提供内容,然后他们将创建日历并进行计划。这意味着您的品牌仍然可以控制您的社交媒体内容,而无需花费时间来处理帐户管理。

Of course, there are many ways you can share the workload between brands and agencies. Brands could provide just a general idea of what they want to share and offer final approval on the content before it gets scheduled, for example. Or, brands could provide a complete post (with visuals and copy) that the agency then schedules and monitors. Regardless of how brands share the work with their agency, your social media content has to be valuable to followers, able to grab attention, and act as a conversation starter.

除了使用正确的消息创建正确类型的内容外,还需要在正确的时间发布内容才能获得最佳参与度。像许多人一样,当品牌使用多个社交媒体平台时,找到在每个平台上发布的合适时机可188滚球地址能很复杂。这best time to post on Instagram,毕竟,可能与在Facebook上发布的最佳时间。This can be further complicated if brands have an international audience.

品牌寻找提供社交媒体服务的机构,以使他们的生活更轻松并简化他们的生活社交媒体管理。As we mentioned earlier, a content calendar is one of the best ways to keep everything organized while still offering flexibility to change things up in response to current events as needed.

6. Influencer Outreach

金博宝188备用网址是另一个可能产生巨大影响的社交媒体服务。根据Rakutenmarketing(2019年)的一份报告,有80%的消费者在看到影响者推荐后进行了购买。显然,有影响力的营金博宝188备用网址销工作。但61% of marketers说很难为竞选寻找相关的影响者。

Agencies can make this process a lot easier by offering influencer outreach social media services like:


Community management是另一种社交媒体服务,对品牌可能非常有价值。强大的在线社区被证明可以增加客户支出,并提高品牌亲和力和忠诚度。以下是代理商可以提供的一些社区管理活动:

  • Adding and removing members from the brand’s community
  • 调节品牌的社区内容
  • 与用户互动并了解他们的挑战
  • 解决社区成员的查询并提供支持
  • Conducting brand events for community members
  • Gathering customer feedback for the brand
  • 制定和维护社区政策和准则
  • Moderating the user interactions within the community

8. Social Media Advertising

社交媒体广告预计在2020年全球范围内的支出将达到986.46亿美元,同比增长6.2%(Statista)。Facebook广告是最受欢迎的社交媒体广告平台之一,但重要的是要专注于对您品牌最有意义的平台的社交媒体广告。188滚球地址例如,如果您是B2B业务,那么最好的选择可能是LinkedIn广告。If your target audience is predominantly Gen Z,tiktok广告might be right for your brand.

Either way, expect to spend 10%–15% for advertising management fees on top of your actual ad spend if you go with an agency to manage your social media advertising.



有几个social media listening tools以及可以帮助品牌跟踪活动的分析工具,确定他们应该谈论的主题,hashtagsthey should be using, and where they should be engaging with followers. Keeping track of your performance will provide the data you need to adjust your campaigns to have a great impact so you’re not just spinning your wheels.

10. Social Media Training

尽管社交媒体在过去几年中的兴起,但一些企业主可能不熟悉它。尽管他们可能在个人生活中使用它,但与企业的社交媒体营销相比,这是完全不同的用途。为了弥合这一知识差距,许多机构现在都在其社交媒体服务中包括社交媒体培训。该培训可能包括教授品牌如何使用对话语言而不是行业流行语和行话与追随者互动。社交媒体培训的其他领域包括制定公司社交媒体政策, teaching员工如何成为品牌拥护者, or even teaching brands how to build an in-house social media team.

Give Your Clients the Social Media Services They Need

