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Instagram has changed its algorithm over the last few years, making it much more difficult for you to share visible posts on Instagram. It gives top priority to posts made by users’ friends and family, with less likelihood of business posts being added to people’s queues. It provides even less weighting to business posts that include links likely to take people away from the Instagram app. To succeed on Instagram, businesses need to play the game well. And that includes picking the best time to post on Instagram, targeting a time when people look at their Instagram accounts, but which doesn’t coincide with the time when most people upload their Instagram content.Are there any apparent trends – a “best” time on a “best day?”


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We have developed the Instagram Post Times Optimizer Tool, to help you post at the exact right times, so as to maximize your engagement rates based on your most active follower location time zones and research of over 12 million instagram posts.在此处优化您的Instagram帖子时间。

The Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2022

您可能希望我们能给您一个确切的时间来发表Instagram帖子。不幸的是,生活并不是那么简单 - 变量太多了。

Most of the studies we have looked at did pick a “best” time for your Instagram post. Please note, though, these do depend on time zone, and not all posts use the same time zone in their recommendations. The bulk of these surveys stated CT (Central Time US) in their findings.

尽管您大概每周发布一次以上,但是various studies suggest the following times as the best times to post on Instagram:



  • 星期四下午2点至下午3点
  • 11 AM on Wednesdays
  • 10 AM on Fridays

考虑到不同研究的变化,最好查看更多的时间,而不仅仅是在Instagram上发布的最佳时间 - 如果您想成功,您将每周发布一次以上。

Engagement is Usually Your Number 1 Priority on Instagram

Although each firm is different, most businesses aim to build as much engagement as possible on their Instagram account. Traditional Instagram engagement includes likes and comments. More recently, people have begun to add views, shares, and direct messages as well. Then you can further add the above types of engagement of Instagram spin-offs, such as Instagram Stories and IGTV.

This means that there is no longer a clear-cut definition of engagement, but it does include all interactions between your social followers/customers and your business on Instagram.

HubSpot datashows the surprising fact that the average Instagram post receives 5,963 likes. You might look at your own Instagram account statistics and feel profoundly disillusioned by that fact. However, that number is the mean – heavily influenced by viral posts shared by influencers. HubSpot found that the median number of likes received on an Instagram post is much nearer 100; meaning that half of all Instagram posts receive fewer than 100 likes.

The mean figures for comments on an Instagram post are similarly inflated by influencers. When you include these mega-posts, the average Instagram post earns 100 comments (up to 150 comments for video posts). If you remove viral videos from the calculations, though, the median number of comments per video post falls to 4.

There is a Big Difference Between Content and Compelling Content


但是你必须将发布时间添加到混合。你米ight create compelling content. But if you share it at the wrong time, nobody will see it. If people don’t see it, they can’t like it, share it, or comment on it.




best times to post on instagram 2022

Among the studies we have looked at are:

Key Considerations When looking for the Best Times to Post on Instagram

  1. Day of the Week


  1. Breaks in the Workday


Similarly, people’s interest in their work flags in the late afternoon and quite a few turn their attention to Instagram instead.

  1. Use Time Zones to Your Advantage

The wider the geographical spread of your audience, the less critical set posting times become. However, if your target audience is in one location, make sure you use that time zone as the basis for setting your Instagram posting times, even if it isn’t your own time zone.

If you want to make an Instagram post at wake-up time, you want to make it the time when the bulk of your audience is just waking and getting up for the day.

  1. Follow Your Specific Audience

It’s all okay to follow these “best practice” posting times. But if your audience is different from a typical audience, then these posting times are irrelevant for your account.

If you have a Business Instagram account (as every business and influencer should) you have access to Instagram Insights. Go to the Followers section of Instagram Insights, and you will discover information about when your audience is most active on the platform. It makes sense that you structure your posting practices to match this.

Some of the social media management platforms, such as Later, also include data about when your Instagram audience is online.

  1. Frequency of Posting on Instagram


  1. Different Sectors Prefer Posts at Different Times

To add to the confusion, your best posting times will depend on the sector in which you operate. For example, HubSpot’s data shows a clear variation:

  • Best Times to Post on Instagram for Technology Companies: Wednesday at 10 AM
  • 在B2C公司Instagram上发布的最佳时间:星期六上午11点和下午1点
  • 在Instagram上发布教育组织的最佳时间:星期一晚上8点
  • 在医疗保健公司Instagram上发布的最佳时间:星期二下午1点
  • Best Times to Post on Instagram for Non-Profit Organizations: Tuesday at 3 PM and 9 PM, Wednesday at 3 PM and 4 PM, Thursday at 2 PM & 3 PM, and Friday at 10 AM & 2 PM.

发芽社交looks at a few additional sectors:

  • 在Instagram上为消费品公司发布的最佳时间:星期三下午3点
  • 在Instagram上发布媒体公司的最佳时间:星期五上午9点

More Detailed List of Best Posting Times

While deciding a single best time to post on Instagram is tricky, and in all honesty, pointless, most of these studies have come up with a series of good posting times. Here are some suggestions (again, all expressed in CT and ignoring sectors):

1. HubSpot

  • Sunday: 10 AM – 2 PM CDT
  • Monday: 11 AM – 5 PM CDT
  • Tuesday: 5 AM, 9 AM – 6 PM CDT
  • 星期三:上午5点,上午11点, *下午3点CDT
  • 星期四: *上午5点, *上午11点, *3 - 4 pm CDT
  • Friday: *5 AM, 9 AM – 4 PM CDT
  • Saturday: 11 AM CDT

Times marked with * offer particularly high levels of engagement.


  • Wednesday at * 11 AM
  • 星期五 *上午10-11点
  • 星期三是总体最好的一天
  • Tuesday through Friday, 10AM–3PM


  • Monday: 6AM, 10AM, 10PM
  • Tuesday: 2AM, 4AM, 9AM
  • Wednesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 9 AM
  • 星期四:上午7点<上午8点,晚上11点
  • 星期五:凌晨5点,下午3点,下午3点
  • 星期六上午11点,晚上7点,晚上8点
  • 星期日:上午7点,上午8点,下午4点
global instagram best time to post


Unfortunately, as you can see, there is no single best time to post on Instagram. However, you can get a general idea of popular times from the recent studies, and then combine it with your actual data from your Instagram Insights to get a good guide to the Instagram habits of your audience.


What is the best time to post on Instagram?

There have been quite a few studies on what is the best time to post on Instagram. Most of the reviews we looked at picked a "best" time for your Instagram post. Please note, though, these do depend on time zone. Some of the times suggested by studies are:
集线器 - 下午2点至下午3点之间
Sprout Social-星期三上午11点和星期五上午10-11
Expert Voice - Wednesday: 11 am and 3 pm
Later – 9 am-11 am EST

Is it bad to post on Instagram at night?

As a general rule, posting on Instagram at night is unlikely to get you your biggest audience. Most studies show the best time to post on Instagram as being mid-morning to early afternoon. However, this is simply a general rule. If your audience is different from a typical following, then best practice posting times are irrelevant for your account. Also, time zones are important. If your audience is overseas, then posting in your night might be the best time for them.

What is the worst time to post on Instagram?


Is Monday a bad time to post on Instagram?



It is always good to be a regular poster on Instagram; however, unlike Twitter, you can easily overdo your Instagram posting. It is more important to have a regular posting schedule than it is to post at specific times. Your followers will learn to expect new posts from you at particular times. You probably should aim to post at least once daily. Some brands post up to 30 times daily. Ideally, you want your followers to see a few posts each day.

Does Instagram have a post limit?



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