Ultimate Guide to Social Listening in 2022


So what is social listening exactly and how exactly does it help your business? More importantly, how can you get started with social listening? Read on to find out.

Ultimate Guide to Social Listening in 2022:


顾名思义,social listening是“聆听”社交媒体上发生的对话的过程。这意味着监视和分析有关您的品牌和其他相关主题的对话。因此,这是吸引客户思想,了解他们对您的品牌或某个主题的感觉,发现他们的兴趣和痛苦点并确定优化机会的好方法。

通过正确的方法,社交倾听可以为您的业务的各个方面提供信息 - 从您的营销策略到消息传递再到客户服务。请记住,社交倾听与社交媒体监控不同。尽管social media monitoringanswers thewhat问题,聆听更深入地回答为什么问题。换句话说,聆听还分析了您从社交媒体监控工作中收集的数据。

How Social Listening Can Benefit Your Business

有很多理由使用社会大学g with both direct and indirect benefits to your business. Some of the main ways you can use social listening include:




Understanding Your Audience

Listening in on social media conversations effectively helps you to understand who your audience is. It gives you an idea of the topics they’re talking about and the attitude they have toward those topics. This helps you go beyond demographic data to dive deeper into their interests, values, and needs.


社交聆听可用于查找可能对您的产品或服务感兴趣的人的对话,这对您的对话至关重要social selling战略。例如,有人可能会向追随者询问使用您的产品的经验。或者他们可能会要求提供与您的产品或服务相关的建议。这些是与潜在潜在客户互动并培养他们向客户付款的绝佳机会。


Staying on Top of the Latest Trends


Improving Brand Health

具有能力analyze sentiment为联合国、社会倾听也是非常有用的derstanding how people feel about your brand or your products. And by diving into the specifics of what influences this perception, you can identify the problems that need to be fixed or the sentiment that needs to be nurtured. This will then help you to develop practical action plans to improve brand health.



Resolving/Mitigating PR Disasters

Social listening is a great way to instantly spot issues that could potentially become a PR disaster. You can actively look out for negative conversations or reactions toward your ads, social media posts, products, and services. This gives you the opportunity to quickly respond and resolve the issue before it escalates.

Discovering Brand Advocates

One of the most underrated uses of social listening is for identifying brand advocates. Your social listening efforts could help you uncover people who are leading conversations about your brand. Whether they’re influential personalities or even just regular social media users, people who already love your products would make excellent advocates. Consider activating them in your品牌倡导计划和/或定期与他们互动以培养他们的忠诚度。

Providing Exceptional Customer Service

Complaints, questions, and issues are easily discovered using social listening. This allows you to quickly respond to your customers and provide them with the help they need. And the best part is that it lets you go beyond customers who directly message you on social media. You could set up alerts for tagged and untagged brand mentions so you’re immediately notified when someone talks about your brand online. You can then look for service-related issues that need immediate response.




从确定的想法开始为什么you need a social listening campaign. What do you plan to achieve with your listening efforts? Do you want to understand people’s perception of your brand? Do you want to monitor how people are responding to a new product or campaign? Or perhaps you want to use it as an ongoing effort to enhance the customer experience. Whatever goal it is you want to achieve through social listening, make sure it’s clearly defined so you know what you’re working toward.

Otherwise, your efforts will be all over the place and you won’t know how to make sense of all the conversational data that’s coming in. A goal will help you understand what you’re listening for, which conversations are important, and which conversations you should filter out. This will allow you to streamline your listening efforts so you can extract valuable and practical insights for your business.







Next, it’s time to choose which tool you’ll be using to conduct your social listening. This is one of the most critical steps because there are many factors that need to be considered and plenty of社交听力工具从中选择。除了预算外,您还必须考虑使用情况以及功能是否可以有效地满足您的需求。此外,您必须考虑该工具是否能够爬走所需的数据源。

For example, some high-end tools likeSprout Social提供全面的社交媒体管理工具,包括听力工具。但是它们通常处于昂贵的一面,可能更适合大型公司和代理商。

On the other hand, you can also find budget-friendly solutions likeMention那提供了基本的社交听力能力。此外,您甚至可以找到具有图像识别功能的工具 - 诸如YouScan,如果您想超越文本对话来分析视觉内容,这是理想的选择。





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Depending on the listening tool you’re using, you can get really specific with your query by adding more parameters. Some tools will even let you exclude certain words of phrases from your search so you only get the most accurate results.



At this stage of the listening process, you really need to key in on themetricsthat are relevant to your goals. For example, measuring brand health may require looking at sentiment metrics. Or if you want to see how people are responding to your latest campaign, you may want to look at metrics like media exposure, sentiment, and share of voice.


Turn Data into Insights to Inform Strategies


For example, let’s say you’re monitoring conversations about a newly-launched product and the sentiment is mostly negative. And if you look deeper into the conversations, you’re seeing lots of complaints about how a particular feature isn’t working as it should. So you can get the insight that this feature needs to be improved on. Additionally, you’ll also need to think about how to resolve the issue that people are already experiencing.


Start Listening for Growth

通过正确的方法和正确的工具,社交倾听可以使您的业务多个方面受益 - 从销售和客户服务到研究和开发。充分利用上面突出显示的技巧,以开始社交聆听,以便您可以将其用于业务增长。

Frequently Asked Questions

What is social listening example?

An example of social listening is finding conversations where people are expressing a pain point and then determining how you can address that pain point through your products or services.

What is a social listening tool?




What are the three benefits of social listening?

Social listening helps you discover opportunities to engage with your audience, sell to prospective customers, and fix potential PR issues before they escalate.

What’s the difference between social listening and social monitoring?


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