

The most effective tool in an online marketer's pocket these days is the ability social media gives you to really get to know your target market. This can be achieved by what has been termedsocial media listening, or social listening.



It also means looking further than just your followers' interaction with your brand or profile, to the overall industry and social landscape. This ultimately allows you to make better marketing decisions. By listening to your followers and getting to know their behavior, habits, likes and dislikes you'll be able to pick up on dissatisfaction, spot gaps in the market and improve your business strategy. Whether your aim is to promote a product or brand, increase your social media following or tap into a new market, having a sound social listening strategy can be make or break for your business.

Here are 10 ways social listening can work for your business:



例如,设置您的跟踪软件,以向您显示关键字术语,例如“ [竞争对手的产品]不会”或“ [竞争对手的产品]不能”。然后,您可以决定是否要询问人们有关他们的不满或有关他们为什么沮丧的更多信息。您还可以告诉他们您自己产品的好处以及为什么它是更好的选择。


2. Find new customers

设置您的跟踪软件寻找关键词that potential customers might use when searching for your product. Do this for various networks and platforms and where possible, engage with users to find out what it is they're looking for in the product. This is really market research made easy, where you have direct access to your target market. You can also ask them to suggest tips and ideas on how to improve your product or suggest new products or innovations they would like to see in the market. If customers know you're engaging and give easy feedback on questions, they will spread the word.


While it might seem obvious, the best place to start listening for customer needs is actually in your existing list of followers. Put on your investigating hat and find out who your followers actually are. Follow them back to get a sense of what they're talking about. This lets you plug into the world of your audience and see your brand through their eyes. Remember, social listening is all about understanding what your audience cares about. Following someone back is the quickest, easiest way to get to know your people.


4. Find influencers that love your products



一旦确定它们,请与他们联系以开始建立关系。您还需要确定最大的品牌拥护者。通过特别优惠或赠品奖励他们,或建立产品发布或活动,您可以将它们正确介绍给您的品牌。随着品牌的增长,继续保持它们的参与度 - 这种有机营销是无价的,您希望将影响者保持在您的角落。


社交聆听的最大好处之一是,您可以直接与客户建立关系并建立关系。大多数人发现,在Facebook或Twitter上发布状态比在自动呼叫中心或等待年龄的回复电子邮件中更容易。通过满足他们所处的客户服务需求 - 在社交媒体上 - 您将不可避免地提供更好的客户服务体验。

监视品牌和产品名称将使您在满足客户需求方面保持领先地位 - 无论是在投诉之前,您可以在获得太多的牵引力之前处理,还是回答常见客户的问题,使您的耳朵保持警惕您的追随者和客户的反馈意见确实可以回报。



Good social listening will also enable you to anticipate any negative virality that might be heading your way and, even more important, you will empower yourself to avoid any possible crises. When you're aware of sensitivities around certain topics, you'll be able to avoid putting any posts or content out there that might possibly offend your audience.

Whenever you do have negative feedback on a large scale from your followers you can use your tracking software to investigate if the increased negativity has caused people to unfollow you or led to a dip in sales or fewer comments, or whatever metric you are interested in. This will allow you to make an informed decision about whether you need to take steps to respond to the negativity or whether it's simply a phase that you need to stick out.

6. Learn what people really want



Customer review sites are also a valuable source of customer insights as recommendations and criticism here often include a detailed description on the product/service, which can influence consumer decisions. This can, in turn, be leveraged in product development to make sure you create exactly what your customers want.

7. Support marketing campaigns



2015年Carlsberg在伦敦的砖巷(Brick Lane)揭幕了“世界上最好的海报”,该广告牌可分配免费啤酒。这是一个非常简单的概念,但品牌上很完美。毫不奇怪,特技表演引起了人们对社交的极大兴趣,#prythe The Thebest在短短一天内就产生了超过300万个Twitter印象。


8. Create user generated content

2016年,奥迪·瑞典(Audi Sweden)挑战人们在偏远地区捕获Instagram照片,而不是以前。他们使用Instagram的Geo Tagging和照片共享功能来自动将用户的照片绘制在地图上,然后将其上传到主题标签时,#catchtheunseen。获胜者收到了奥迪Q7汽车,这实际上是该品牌试图推广的。

鼓励用户以激励它们的方式发布自己的有关您的产品的内容,这是获取UGC的一种非常有效的方法,一种有机的方法是在您的个人资料或品牌上创造炒作。它为营销活动增添了信誉,因为它没有为营销而付费,并且直接来自马的嘴 - 消费者。除了解释器视频和广告奥迪创建外,此广告系列并没有花很多钱。通过使用UGC,您可以与大量金钱和大型在线追随者竞争,而无需支付现金。


全球IT公司CISCO achieved a 281% ROI在业务部分实施社交聆听之后。该公司监视人们如何在线对特定关键字,产品和事件做出反应,并根据收集到的数据做出反应,他们能够确定未来几个月的需求量很高。思科为昂贵的市场研究节省了很多钱。更重要的是,他们的预后非常准确。

By using tracking software you'll be able to spot trends in user attitudes, sentiments and behavior, and use that to maximize profitability. Don't go at it haphazardly. Gather the data so you have evidence to back your decisions.



But, even more important, people like to post about things going on in their lives and this includes when they are job hunting. For your HR department who is looking for highly qualified personnel, the internet is a source for endless opportunities. Job ads websites and networks such as LinkedIn employ social media as a recruiting tool.


