A Complete Guide to Social Media Benchmarks to Refine Your Marketing Strategy

Collecting data on your social media marketing performance is just the first step—you actually need to understand and use the data if you want to see any improvements. And, if you really want to boost the impact and return of your social media marketing strategy, you also need to measure your performance against your competitors.




通过本社交媒体基准指南,您将确切知道应衡量的内容以及如何使用收集的数据来完善您的社交媒体营销策略for a better ROI.

A Complete Guide to Social Media Benchmarks to Refine Your Marketing Strategy:

What is Social Media Benchmarking?


Social media benchmarking, then, is simply an evaluation of your current social media performance against industry standards, your competitors, and your own historical performance. Through social media benchmarking you can track and compare importantsocial media metricslike engagement and reach, followers, and more.


Tracking your performance through social media benchmarks is important to the success of your社交媒体营销活动。Without the use of social media benchmarks, brands are hard-pressed to know how they measure up to their competitors and, without this information, it’s hard (if not impossible) to adjust your marketing strategy in any meaningful way.

定期执行基准测试可能会对您的品牌带来许多好处。首先,它可以帮助您改善内容策略and focus on content that has an impact on your target audience. Since you and your competitors are marketing to the same people, using competitive analysis in your social media benchmarking process can help you find the parts of your message you need to improve.

另一方面,如果您在没有社交媒体基准的情况下继续操作,则缺乏开发一个清晰度的清晰度社交媒体营销策略这样可行。这就像在黑暗中向目标开枪一样 - 您知道目标在某个地方,但是您将浪费大量时间和精力试图击中它。



When you have a thorough understanding of where you, your competitors, and your industry are in terms of performance, you get a much clearer picture of how you can usesocial media改善您的业务。这将有助于您设定现实的目标,并基于您可以实际改进的社交媒体基准(因为在您行业中的其他人几乎没有破解100k的其他所有人都没有帮助或可能发生时,目标是5百万追随者)。

2. Educate Your Strategy

一旦您了解了与竞争对手或行业相比,您的社交媒体营销活动的表现如何create a content strategy这是基于您的优势……您会知道它是数据驱动的。


Social media benchmarks are exceedingly helpful when it comes to evaluating the performance of your marketing campaigns. There are several great things that come of this. For starters, you’ll gain more confidence in your市场策略,这都是因为您看到了表现的改善,并且可以根据证据做出策略决策。这也可以回到设定现实的目标,因为您可以使用收集的数据来评估性能,并使用该信息重新定义或完善目标。

How to Do Social Media Benchmarking

While there’s no single way to approach social media benchmarks and the process of benchmarking, we do have a seven-step process you can use to help you get started.

Step 1: Find Your Why

在开始测量任何内容之前,您需要确切地确定自己正在测量的内容以及为什么需要进行社交媒体基准测试。为此,您需要首先分析社交媒体需要确定缺失的内容。是engagement ratesgoing to be your focus or do you need to take a look at your content strategy? Collecting and analyzing your data will help you choose the right steps to take with your social media marketing.

Step 2: Set Goals

一旦决定要关注的内容,就该设定目标了。可衡量的目标。如果你run an eCommerce businessand know your conversion rate, for instance, you might be interested in increasing traffic to your website since increasing the amount of traffic to your eCommerce site is likely to increase conversions. If you’re trying to increase brand affinity and build a community, your focus may be on engagement and increasing your number of followers. As you build out your social media benchmarking strategy, it’s important to tie everything back to the goals you set.

Step 3: Know Your Competitors

由于您大概与竞争对手有很多共同点,因此重要的是要保持他们的表现以及他们的表现。你可以用一个竞争分析。However, there are several different types of competitors to think about.

  • 直接竞争对手are competitors that provide the same services you do for your same target market.
  • 间接竞争对手是提供不同服务但仍在您的市场中竞争的人。
  • 替代竞争对手是不同行业的竞争对手,但其产品可以代替您。
  • Potential or future competitors是那些目前不为您的市场服务但将来可以的人。



现在该决定什么social media platforms您想用于基准测试。这里要注意的一个重要区别:您不是决定要用于社交媒体营销的社交媒体平台,而是选择要基准的社交媒体平台。188滚球地址

Refer to your competitor list and note the platforms your competitors are using. On which platforms are they seeing the most success? In addition to your competitors, you’ll want to think about your audience and the social media platforms they’re using.

Step 5: Choose the Right Social Media Metrics


There are tons of social media metrics you can choose to track:

  • Post timing and frequency
  • 参与率
  • 追随者计数和增长
  • Reach, impressions, and views
  • 情绪
  • ...和更多

For each metric you choose, you’ll need to decide how you want to track the metric and how you’ll decide if you’ve met your goals with that metric or not. For example, if you choose to track engagement, are you going to track total engagement, average engagement, or both? Identify and use the data that has the most impact on your social media strategy.

根据Socialinsider的研究,这是数百个报告的最重要的社交媒体指标social media professionals

  • 每篇文章的参与率:5 (61.4% of answers)
  • 喜欢和评论:5(答案的48.7%)
  • Total Reach:5 (43.7% of answers)
  • Page/Follower Growth:5(答案的42.4%)
  • Reach Rate per Post:4 (40.5% of answers)
  • Total Impressions:3 (30.6% of answers)
  • 每个文章的印象率:3(答案的29.7%)

So, what’s the difference between average and median? The average is calculated by adding up all the values of a specific metric and then dividing that total by the sum of the number of values. The median is the middle value in the list.

Step 6: Create and Document Actionable Insights


Here are some examples of actionable insights:

  • 我们的竞争对手可以从他们的Instagram帖子中获得更大的影响力,但在他们的Facebook帖子上进行了更多参与。我们将重点介绍Instagram帖子,以提高品牌知名度,并使用Facebook吸引我们网站的流量。
  • Video content in our industry has 3X the engagement rate of photos, so we should use at least one video each week on social media.
  • 我们的竞争对手在竞争对手中拥有最好的Instagram参与度。他们的内容是励志报价,用户生成的内容和视频的混合,因此我们应该在策略中开始使用这些内容。

您创建的见解,应密切related to your goals.

Step 7: Implement, Evaluate, and Adjust

The last step in this process is implementation, evaluation, and adjustment. Here’s where you put your insights into action. But, you can’t just stop there. To get the most from your social media benchmarks you need to continuously evaluate and adjust your actionable insights.

Social Media Benchmarks: Find the Right Tools


  • Provides historical data about posts, engagement, growth, etc.
  • Data is accurate.
  • 提供深入的报告,您可以每月或每季度查看(自动报告的奖金点)
  • Data is collected using white-hat methods only.



Viralwoot是一个社交媒体调度程序and analytics platform specifically for Pinterest. You can use it to create and schedule content without the need to go into your social accounts directly. Plus, you can use it to build relationships and engagement. Viralwoot includes an analytics section that shows your Pinterest success and provides an influencer score with suggestions that will help you improve your presence on Pinterest.




Quintly provides more than 350 social media metrics you can use to measure your brand’s social media goals effectively. You can arrange your social media KPIs on the Quintly dashboard and either use a pre-built dashboard or create your own with just the information you want to see.


Cyfe提供了一个多合一的业务仪表板解决方案,可让用户监视社交媒体,网站分析,营销,销售,支持,基础架构等。它使用预先构建的小部件从大量服务中获取数据。这些服务包括社交网站,电子邮件收集站点,金融网站,WordPress等。Cyfe有八个中央仪表板,其中之一与社交媒体有关。您可以访问实时数据和指标,以跟踪您的品牌在社交媒体平台上的表现以及188滚球地址measure the ROI您的社交媒体营销工作。



Instagram参与利率下降和鹿nant on Facebook and Twitter

这是一段时间以来的第一次Instagramsaw a decrease in engagement while Facebook and Twitter maintained their 2019 engagement levels.

Posting Frequency Decreased

Brands posts slightly less often across social media platforms.

Giveaways Are Super Popular

Brands should look for opportunities to engage their followers with giveaways and online contests since contest and giveaway hashtags were popular across nearly all industries.

InstagramCarousels are Key

Carousel posts on Instagram导致所有行业的参与度高。由于旋转木马会重新交付给不首次参与的用户,因此品牌应该借此机会利用它们来获得更多的印象和更多的参与机会。

Use Social Media Benchmarks to Create a Strong Marketing Strategy


