
Whether you're a social media influencer, marketer, business owner or simply interested in boosting your personal profile online, chances are you've thought about how to increase your engagement on Instagram. Yes, there's the tried and tested way of personally interacting with followers in authentic ways, but let's be real. There's never enough time for this and with Instagram's super intelligent algorithm, it's not a foregone conclusion that this will even work.

参与已成为Instagram影响者和营销人员的圣杯。平台增长的越多,用户越多,遵循,共享和标记其他用户,潜在客户就能发现您的业务更容易。许多小型企业 - 从咖啡店到化妆师再到老式的服装店 - 以及大名人在熟练的追随者方面取得了成功。而且超过4.2 billion photoslike every day and 50 billion posts shared to date, you want to get in on that action.

你是怎么做到的?首先,重要的是要知道Instagram上有哪些不同类型的参与。什么是订婚?确实,这取决于观众参与您的内容的程度。他们对您的故事,帖子和评论的互动方式表明了他们对帖子的兴趣和与您的帖子的互动水平。使用我们的Instagram Engagement Checkerto see how you are doing.

Here are some important measures that define engagement on Instagram:

Instagram engagement measures







4. Shares/Reposts





最大的挑战之一是保持人们enticed to keep coming back to engage with your content. A good way to build a loyal following on Instagram and keep people entertained is to post regularly. This will show your followers that you are committed and loyal to your brand but also to them. There's nothing more attractive than someone who is truly invested in their content and passionate about what they do. And there's nothing less inspiring than an account that only bothers to post something new once every two months.


如果在Instagram上始终如一地发布您的优先事项(应该是)使用社交媒体日历是实现此目的的好方法,因为它可以让您计划和计划。阅读《影响者媒体枢纽》的文章如何在社交媒体日历上创建您的, if you are unsure how to do it.


Instagram建立在主题标签上。它是平台分类和过滤内容的主要方法。与Twitter不同,大多数人在一条推文中仅使用一个或两个主题标签,Instagrammers每个帖子最多可能会使用30个主题标签。但是,使用太多无关紧要的主题标签可能会使系统认为您正在垃圾邮件追随者,这可能会使您有接收Instagram Shadowban的风险。可以在您的生物,Instagram故事中使用导致主题页面的主题标签,或者是基于位置的标签以创建更高的可见性,或者可用于创建用户生成的内容广告系列。Instagram上的主题标签通常比Twitter上更具描述性。诸如位置主题标签之类的内容主题标签对于增加参与度特别有用。


Make sure you employ the right主题分析to track whether you are using the best hashtags to improve your engagement rate.


Because Instagram is primarily visually-driven, its most popular feature is the filter options that give your images and videos a distinct look and identity if used consistently. According to a WebDam report,60% of the best-performing brandson Instagram use the same filter each and every time they post. So try out a few filters and then stick to one that gives your content a distinct look and feel so that your followers can recognise and relate to it. Graphic design company Canva did a study that showed Clarendon is the most used Instagram filter in the US and worldwide. Other studies show that brightness is the key to attract viewers and more important, engagement.

If you don't like the filters Instagram offers, there are tons of third-party photo editing apps that需要各种程度的技术知识。


As we all know, Instagram Stories only last 24 hours (although you can save them to your profile for those who missed it) but if youuse them like a pro,您可以从故事中获得更多的里程。每次添加新故事时,您的个人资料图像都会在其周围变红圆圈,向您的追随者表明有新内容。通过每天发布,您可以不断提醒您的新内容,以使观众更加新鲜。您的追随者将学会定期回来检查您是否发布了一个新故事,这样您就可以增加参与度。


Remember to use hashtags in your Stories, just like you would in regular Instagram posts. With Stories, you can use broader and more popular hashtags, as long as they are relevant to the content you’re posting.

5. Get feedback with polls, questions and stickers




The Swipe Meter allows you to survey your audience to get their thoughts on something. Use it to find out how much your audience loves a specific product, workout, outfit, etc.

6. Be careful of follower fatigue


如果您是社交媒体影响者,那么您就从事信息业务 - 您正在为追随者提供有关某些产品,品牌,趋势或将有助于他们做出决定的物品的宝贵信息。您希望您的追随者觉得自己对可能对他们有用的事物感兴趣,或者可能为他们的生活增加价值。






媒体机构Zenith预测,到2020年,消费者将花费每天84分钟观看在线视频, up 25% from 67 minutes in 2018. That's a lot of time spent watching video and if you're not using this feature, you are missing out. There is simply no arguing with the efficacy and popularity of online video content. Instagram knows this and offers a range of video options for marketers and influencers to use that accommodate various video lengths and formats.

Instagram Stories的实时视频选项可能非常适合有关新产品或服务的大揭示。或者,您可以使用预先记录的广告来进行更精心策略的内容。Instagram故事可以将视频和静止不动的广告或独立的60秒视频融合在一起。最新功能,Instagram电视是长色功能的理想选择。



You can be as clever, funny or artistic as you want, nothing beats being authentic. When you really live your Instagram brand, it shows. This is true of your photos, captions, videos and stories. You want to show your followers real content that shows them the value of your brand.


Repost your followers' images in which they tagged you. Think of Australian fitness rolemodel Kayla Itsines whose Bikini Body Program absolutely exploded. She often shares the success stories of her clients on her Instagram page and congratulates and motivates them.



