社交媒体经理做什么?(Skills & Traits of Social Media Manager)

Small and medium-sized businesses usually operate their social accounts in one of three ways. Sometimes, one of the owners might run the social accounts in addition to his or her other duties. Alternatively, if the business is large enough to employ staff, they may give the task to one of the employees, possibly one of the younger clerical staff. The third option that smaller businesses use is to outsource their social media management, either to a specialist agency or perhaps to a freelancer.


So what makes an excellent social media manager, and what does he or she do?


Desirable Skills and Traits of a Social Media Manager

像所有人一样,您的社交媒体经理将具有各种技能和特质。您需要问自己的问题是,您很容易找到将技能和特质融为一体的人。两个术语之间存在区别。技能是该人带给您组织的切实因素。它们是可衡量的,大多数人可以通过足够的培训和在职体验来学习它们。另一方面,特质是某人具有的个人品质 - 这是该人的重要组成部分,是其核心个性的一部分。某人的特征通常会影响他们在学习和执行技能方面的表现。



There is little point in appointing somebody to run your social accounts if they don't have a solid understanding of the world of social media. They need to know the mechanics of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other sites that are relevant to your organization. They need to understand the differences between each platform and how to get the best results from each.


Good copy is essential for all social media marketing – even on inherently visual platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. You only have so many words you can use for most social sites, and you don't want to waste them. You want each post to stand out. You need your profile pages and bios to sound exciting and say precisely the right information about you. You want your social posts to tell your story and drive engagement.


social media manager design skills



Customer Service Skills

It is surprising how many people use social media to ask questions or express concerns regarding a brand. Your ideal social media manager can use social media for informal customer service. It could involve answering questions people ask about the product. It might be some form of reputation management or trying to resolve things when a customer has made a very public complaint.

Confidence Speaking to an Audience

The ability to speak to an audience may appear less clearcut than many of these skills and traits. However, it is becoming more important, thanks to the rise of live-streaming. More and more people watch live-streams on Facebook, Instagram, or one fo the specialist sites, such as Twitch or Mixer.




Understanding of Analytics



任何营销应该从制定目标开始。在the case of social media marketing, the goals may relate to increasing awareness, engagement, following, or even using social media posts to drum up additional sales. However, you need to have some way of measuring whether you are meeting your goals. The metrics on which your social media manager will focus should relate directly to your chosen goals.

You have to trust that your social media manager understands how the various social networks operate. He or she should be able to advise you which social channels should be your primary areas of focus.

Easily Adaptable

Adaptability is more of a trait than a skill. Social media is a fast-changing industry. You don't want a social media manager who is stuck in their ways and unwilling to change. There has been a definite move from all-text posts to image posts to video posts in recent times, along with increased popularity in live-streaming. Your social media manager needs to be able to keep up with the trends (for your average audience) and be willing to change his/her approach accordingly.

Main Responsibilities of a Social Media Manager



Implementing the Social Media Strategy

Once your social media manager knows the direction to take for future social campaigns, he or she can begin the process of running the social accounts as planned. Your manager may well choose to work with a社交媒体市场营销Platform帮助计划。他或她可以使用它提前设置帖子时间表,在某些情况下,甚至可以在平台上组装帖子。

If your social media manager oversees a social team, he or she will have to allocate specific tasks to the various team members. Many of the platforms can simplify communications between the team.




The social media manager will need to continually measure results to see how successful the posts are at meeting the organizational goals. He or she will need to adjust the metrics to follow for each campaign, not continually relying on the traditional "old favorites" or vanity metrics such as follower numbers.

Essential Tasks for a Social Media Manager

The specific tasks that your social media manager will need to do will relate to the responsibilities we set out above. For instance, communicating with all relevant stakeholders and putting together a social media strategy will have to be one of his/her first jobs. It is only once the plan is clear that the social media manager can get on with the task of sensibly operating the social accounts.



Your social media manager (or another member of the social team) may also have the responsibility to go into groups and forums to discuss issues relating to your business and its niche.

你的社交媒体内容管理器可能spend quite some time writing copy and designing visuals for posts. This will be particularly so if you also run a blog or a YouTube channel. He or she is also likely to write comments on posts, both your own and others in the niche. The comments on influencers' posts, in particular, will need to be well thought through and add value to the original content.

To be able to measure campaign results, your social media manager will first need to develop benchmarks against which you can compare the results of specific campaigns. He/she will then compare the actual results with these benchmarks to determine the success of the campaign, and then report back to senior management.

Your manager might even go further than this, and analyze how your firm is performing socially compared to your main opposition.


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