16 Influencer Marketing Trends That Will Shape 2023

If you want to know what influencer marketing trends 2023 will bring your way, you've come to the right place. Influencer marketing is already big, and it's only going to get bigger. Every year brings about new social media platforms, new types of content, and new ways brands can engage with their potential customers. The best influencers stay on top of the trends so they can offer brands what they need to shine. With the social media landscape changing so quickly, it's important that influencers leverage the hottest influencer marketing trends quickly to develop their authority and expertise, making themselves more attractive to brands. For their part, brands will want to jump on these influencer marketing trends to expand their audience, generate new leads, and earn more revenue.

After the pandemic during which brands found themselves scrambling to update their marketing and advertising campaigns to resonate with an audience suddenly stuck at home, 2023 offers tons of promise. Not only have businesses learned that they could operate virtually, but more and more consumers have turned to the internet to meet their eCommerce needs. And, since several traditional marketing methods were incompatible with the effects of a global pandemic, brands sought out content creators and influencers who are adept at creating reactive content. In fact, our金博宝188备用网址影响者营销基准报告found that influencer marketing increased during the pandemic. That's huge. And it's why influencers have seen the spotlight on them grow brighter.


金博宝188备用网址影响者营销趋势to Watch:


金博宝188备用网址影响者营销是一个2022年的164亿美元行业。但是,他们预计到2028年,全球影响者营销平台市场规模将达到848.9亿金博宝188备用网址美元。因此,毫不奇怪的是,2023年的预测是,营销人员将集体花费$4.5 billion on influencersAs popularity, demand, and marketing spend increase for influencer marketing, it's important to pay attention to these influencer marketing trends for 2023 so you're focusing attention and ad dollars on the right things.



This means that successful creators tend to have large audiences interacting seamlessly across their accounts. They aren't just Instagrammers or YouTubers, for example. Instead, they see themselves as specialist creators, showcasing their work to fans across the Web. And often, they will select the best platform for a purpose.

换句话说,虽然他们会their multiple social platforms for different purposes – they are all parts of a whole.

2. Influencers Will Become Key to Many Affiliate Programs


Both activities involve an "outsider" promoting and encouraging their supporters to buy somebody's products. Indeed, one of the platforms,Refersion,已经识别连接,并且加倍as an affiliate and influencer platform. As our reviewer of that platform observed, "The line between affiliates and influencers is becoming increasingly blurred as influencer platforms integrate witheCommerce越来越多的事情超越了简单的“意识”活动,可以实际推动销售。”


We're now seeing a change, however. Influencers are now recommending products to their followers – but typically only those they use or trust themselves. They don't want to alienate their followers by promoting products they don't believe in.

As a result, brands are discovering that influencers can be true champions of their products. Influencers will often give personal testimonials, demonstrations, and calls to action when talking about a brand. They can help their followers through the entire sales funnel, from awareness to consideration and even purchase.更重要的是,他们以真实的个人方式来完成所有这些。

On his blog, Neal Schaffer adds that as brands are starting to discover that influencers are indeed a type of affiliate, it can work in their favor. It can encourage influencers to work harder as they know they’ll get paid for their results. He also highlights that this new way of thinking about influencers will benefit brands and consumers. Brands will find that they don’t have to pay inflated rates, while, for consumers, affiliate links shared by their favorite influencers will make the whole shopping experience just more convenient.


Yes, we know. Every year for at least the last eight years, video content has been on everyone's list of not just influencer marketing trends but marketing trends in general. And, there's a good reason for that.

Bandwidth has improved worldwide in recent years. 5G is spreading across the globe, and fiber internet is commonplace in many countries. As a result, people are consuming more video and audio content nowadays. Creators on Twitch, YouTube, and even podcasts are becoming more influential.




而且,谁将营销团队转向 - 创作者。许多影响者更喜欢Tiktok和YouTube,它们是基于视频的社交平台,而不是Pinterest,Twitter或Facebook等其他媒介。188滚球地址因此,品牌应该没有问题来寻找影响者来创建视频内容。如果这是您首选的媒介,则希望与可能的合作伙伴关系进一步发展。

In their创作者ROI报告, NeoReach revealed that brands are driving more successful influencer marketing campaigns on video platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Out of thousands of FTC compliant videos posted in the first quarter of 2022, sponsored creator content gained over 107 million likes collectively regardless of campaign type. Across industry and influencer levels, short and long-form video content continues to dominate influencer marketing campaigns and social media trends as a whole.

话虽如此,文本和图像还没有死 - Instagram仍然是最受欢迎的社交网站之一。但是,希望明年更多地重视视频和音频内容。Tiktok和YouTube正在上升,播客的流行量正在增加。甚至像Facebook和Twitter这样的旧主食现在都强调分享视频。

4. Live Shopping Will Continue to Play a Greater Role in Influencer Campaigns


实际上,根据有关现场购物的统计数据, the majority is starting to prefer livestream over other types of social media purchases. In response,亚马逊,Facebook、TikTok和Instagram developed livestream shopping tools and partnerships.例如,Instagram推出了现场购物,允许用户直接通过Instagram Live购买产品。根据该平台,这种格式的吸引力在于,它为购物者提供了一种沉浸式的发现和购买产品的方式。

这re are many成功使用现场购物的影响者and partnered with brands. For example, in March 2022 Walmart partnered with 10 TikTok creators for a second time to host a live shopping experience. So, expect to see many more of these types of collaborations over the next year…

5. A Greater Emphasis on Diversity and Representation in Influencer Marketing

我们看到最近在社会中更加重视多样性和代表。因此,看到这种流入有影响力的人营销并不奇怪。金博宝188备用网址leading LGBTQ+ influencers在YouTube上,有超过1000万关注者。

您甚至发现有影响力的机构致力于增加代表性。For example,REFLECT,媒体活动中代表性不足的团体的空间是确保每个人都在媒体中反映的使命。他们专门与品牌合作,他们分享对媒体多样化的热情,并希望将多样性并包含在品牌精神和营销活动中。

Other agencies, like阴影and黑人女孩数字,选择专注于代表黑人和棕色的创作者。顾名思义,例如,黑人女孩数字数字选择专门针对黑人女性。他们的目标是激发品牌希望与这群有影响力的人建立更深入的伙伴关系,使他们能够建立自己喜欢的可持续业务。

如今,有影响力的人和消费者都分析了品牌信息和广告系列,以确保每个人的代表。向前迈进,品牌转变将变得更加重要their corporate cultures to focus on inclusivity and remove any traces of exclusivity.

6. Micro and Nano Influencers Will Continue to Get More Love

有不同的地方types of influencers,来自纳米影响者,只有数千名追随者到拥有数百万人的名人影响者。Our金博宝188备用网址2022年影响者营销基准报告发现尽管参与率下降,但大多数纳米和微型影响者并非如此。除了参与外,这些类型的影响者还具有更好的转化率。

经过focusing on nano and micro-influencers, brands will be able to stretch their influencer marketing budgets while still working with influencers that are deeply connected to their audiences.因此,品牌将继续偏爱参与率,而不是追随者计数。


Throughout 2023, expect brands and influencers to join together for long-term, ongoing projects rather than one-off sponsored posts. In fact, Neal Schaffer suggests in one of his blog posts that it will become the norm moving forward. There are multiple reasons for this shift, but it ultimately comes down to this: it takes time to make a sale. Even influencers with the most engaged audiences will have trouble making any real contribution when commissioned for a single赞助帖子与特定影响者进行长期营销活动将比短期营销活动更有效。此外,品牌对建立与影响者的关系更加牢固,就像他们与品牌大使的关系一样。

如果您想利用这种影响者的营销趋势,我们建议您创建包装,您可以将其销售金博宝188备用网址给寻求您的服务的品牌,其中包括一段时间内的几个赞助帖子,就像它们在运行Facebook广告或广告时倾向于做的事情其他平台。188滚球地址它也可以帮助加入influencer marketing networkto give yourself some legitimacy.


If the last few years have taught us anything, it's that we always have room for more social media platforms.tiktok, in particular, had stellar years due, in large part, to the pandemic that swept the globe and kept people indoors with little to do.

在2020年初TikTok起飞的时候,我们有影响力的人re right there with it, amassing followers on the platform and partnering with brands to create sponsored posts and ads.毫无疑问,Tiktok在2023年的影响者和品牌中的普及将继续激增。实际上,尼尔·沙弗(Neal Schaffer)预测,蒂克托克(Tiktok)甚至可能会在2023年取代Instagram作为影响者的国王市场营销。金博宝188备用网址


使它更加令人印象深刻的是,它比他们在2020年所花费的近10倍。这大部分成功归功于该平台的重点是Tiktok Creative Exchange和创建者市场这使Tiktok影响者和品牌更容易连接。


As influencers are starting to play an important role in affiliate marketing programs and more brands are seeking out long-term partnerships with influencers, it’s anticipated that performance-based deals will become more popular in 2023.

这意味着客户会期望有影响力的人deliver on their promises, such as a specific number of sales or clicks. If you're an influencer confronted with a performance-based contract, you might want to consider turning it into ongoing royalties instead of accepting a single payment. You'll also want to be diligent in your contract review before signing to make sure you know what you're agreeing to before guaranteeing a specific return.


We've already seen influencers carving out niches for themselves, and that's an influencer marketing trend that shows no signs of changing. Influencers will continue to develop expertise in their niche or industry, making them even more sought after by brands in those verticals. As an influencer, it might be time to consider what industries you're most passionate about and start courting partnerships with brands that make sense for the direction you choose to go. Here's an example of a specialized influencer (just check out the bio!):



随着影响者变得越来越专业,我们可能会看到我们使用的语言发生了变化。我们已经看到一些影响者选择被称为“creators" or "content creators" instead.Since so many influencers are true artists — photographers, videographers, writers, etc. — it's not surprising that they'd want to be known for what they really do instead of being lumped together as "influencers" or "internet celebrities".我们认为它们可以俩都可以,但是正在寻找这些言语中的这些根本变化。

It’s not only influencers who will start viewing themselves as professionals, but also the industry as a whole. As Kolsquare, an influencer marketing platform, likes to put it, 2023 will bring about “the end of amateurism” aka the dawn of the professionalization of influencer marketing.


Influencer marketing trends indicate that 2023 will bring us more connections and collaborations between influencers.We've already seen有影响力的房屋成为一件事情,很可能会有更多的东西,因为有影响力的网络寻求增加影响者营销活动并获得更多回报的方法。金博宝188备用网址



In short, first-party data refers to data that’s shared by the users themselves as opposed to data that’s gathered via cookies. The web is becoming more cookieless and that will have an impact on influencer marketing and how influencers go about their job too. In 2023 and beyond, it will become critical for influencers to acquire as much data as they can about their audiences.





取而代之的是,影响者和品牌应仅与其他影响者和品牌与观众重叠的其他影响者和品牌建立伙伴关系。尽管有些东西,但公然赞助的帖子本身并不是问题social media marketing expertswould have you believe. You don't have to forgo production value or makeup to make your sponsored posts feel more authentic. What makes sponsored content authentic is a genuine sense of excitement about the brand and the product you're talking about. And this can come across no matter whether or not you're just sitting in your room or recording on a yacht, unless you're doing a sponsored post for a yacht-builder, in which case recording on a yacht would make a lot more sense.

What we tend to lose sight of when talking about the demand forauthentic content是我们真正想要的内容。对于大多数受众来说,这意味着与他们跟随的影响者以及价值驱动的内容的更深层次的联系。代替了以电视广告为模型的标准赞助帖子,为什么不尝试对您赞助的品牌或产品进行问答或显示使用它的感觉呢?您甚至可以谈论您不喜欢品牌或产品的事情,只要您确保您的追随者知道该产品即使存在缺点,仍然是最好的。有影响力的人的奖励是,您的听众会更信任您。对于品牌,它将显示您的诚信。正直是可爱的。


Adding to the earlier prediction about how influencers will become more professional, Kolsquare also predicts that the sector as whole will be seen as a field in its own right and a common element to corporate functions. In most companies, influencer marketing will be included in all marketing strategies.

As such, training institutions will start to adapt their curriculum to offer influencer marketing training and recognized qualifications, while businesses will give formal titles to those in charge of this specialized field.

15. Employee-Driven Content Will Increase


像梅西百货这样的品牌在这种方法上取得了巨大的成功。With its Style Crew, Macy's offers incentives and financial rewards to employees who use Macy's products in their everyday lives if sharing that content leads to sales.这适用于梅西百货的员工和公司本身,因为消费者看到“如何制作香肠”而着迷。


Giving employees the go-ahead to share that content just makes sense.毕竟,员工也是消费者。当他们不工作时,他们有自己的生活。

And, it’s not just for product suggestions or reviews that employees can be used as influencers. Moving forward, more businesses will use their own employees to attract new recruits. By featuring its own employees in a job ad, it just lends the brand more credibility.

@wendysPuttin’在工作#FYP #foryou #wendys@ricky.federici♬ original sound - Wendy’s





经过the looks of online data, influencer marketing is not going anywhere. Our own benchmark report found that in the past five years the industry has more than tripled from $4.6 billion in 2016 to exceed the $16-billion mark in 2022.


这past couple of years were marked by unexpected marketing problems that required out-of-the-box thinking to solve. As we look ahead to influencer marketing trends for 2023, those solutions will be put to the test.



Influencer marketing is becoming a big trend in 2023 and beyond. Key trends include a growing popularity of micro and nano influencers, brands looking for ongoing partnerships, different types of social media platforms, more performance-based deals, and more. From $1.7 billion in 2016, influencer marketing is estimated to have grown to have a market size of $16.4 billion in 2022. It's expected to reach $84.89 billion in 2028.





Is influencer marketing effective?



Influencers can have a big range of followers. Micro-influencers have around 100,000 followers, though micro-influencers often have less than 100,000 followers. Still, they have a strong specialty in a specific niche. They also typically have significant interactions with their followers. Bigger-time influencers can have hundreds of thousands of followers, if not more.
