
提供的服务:Automated RecruitingContent Library电子商务工具产品/赠送工具形式和合规性







There are two different plans offered by Refersion: the one with limits and the one without.

  • 专业,89美元/莫 -You can have an unlimited number of affiliates and influencers on your roster, but you’re limited to tracking on the first 130 affiliate sales each month. Additional features include setting commissions by SKU or product; sales tracking by referral links, coupon codes, emails, and SKUs; and custom integrations.
  • Enterprise, Custom Pricing —以上所有,通过无限的联盟销售跟踪,以及专业服务(船上,专用账户经理),多店铺支持,定制开发,白色标签。

细节, above all else, an affiliate and influencer marketing platform, which makes it an ideal fit for e-commerce brands. This is abundantly clear when you log in to set things up and one of the first things you have to do is integrate with your e-commerce solution. They have ready made apps that integrate with Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magent, Stripe, and Chargebee; any other e-commerce platform requires a custom integration with Refersions’s API. Unlike the apps that already exist, you won’t be ready to roll in minutes with this option, but you won’t be left in the dark, either.

一旦建立了整合,​​就是装载关联公司和影响者的时候(从这里开始,所有人都将被简单地称为影响因素,主要是因为本网站没有被称为联盟营销中心)进入平台。如果您还没有任何影响因素,并且尚未致力于任何其他IM平台,则首先要查看那些与重新转换集成的人来说是个好主意:Upfluence,#Paid和Cohley。188滚球地址您也可以利用自己的refersion Marketplace,它可以像任何影响者市场一样,您可以通过关于所需的细节以及您所需的具体信息以及您支付的内容,以及您支付的内容,并等待人们申请的竞选活动。但是,您可以删除可跟踪的链接和优惠券代码。该平台还与您并行设置着陆页,这可以在您的公司网站上存在。

These links and codes—along with email addresses and product SKUs—are very much the currency of the platform. Just as if you were paying in dollars, you need the flexibility to structure your offers in a way that makes the most sense for each campaign. This flexibility is one of Refersion’s highlights, as you’re not locked into a one-size-fits-all-approach. You can—and you will—grant flat rate commissions wherever you think appropriate. But you can also incentivise influencers by increasing those rates as sales volumes go up. You can set up very detailed performance-based commision structures almost as easily as you can say “5% across the board!”

Beyond just being able to set up simple referral rewards, offers can be structured such that a conversion needs to meet certain requirements to be considered payable. Refersion is then set up to make sure that the sales it tracks are conforming to these requirements. If they don’t, these sales still end up in the system, though it’s noted that they are Unqualified. It seems such a basic thing, but it was a really smart decision to include unqualified sales. At some point, someone will wonder why they haven’t been paid on a sale and this feature will have the answer to that question. Even better, Refersion’s made a portal for influencers, too, and they’ll be able to see these things on their own.

But enough about payments that aren’t being made, let’s talk about the ones that are. There’s no on-platform mechanism for payment, which is a bummer. They say that one is being developed, though that doesn’t clarify why a product meant to simplify the management of payments doesn’t have its own payment system in place? The most convenient way is to pay via Paypal, or integrate with Payment Rails for ACH payments. Digital gift cards can also be issued from the platform. Or you can pay with whatever method you like, and then manually reconcile what’s owed on the Refersion platform.

Finally, there’s Refersion’s reporting function, which is all focused around sales. You can see the data from a number of different angles—there are a few pre-fab reporting filters offered, but you can also request customised reports from the Refersion team breaking the data down in different ways (though these, too, are ultimately just different ways of seeing the same data: sales). Some audience analysis could be really helpful when looking for patterns in why or why not certain campaigns perform better than others

这只是涵盖了referse工作流程,并且还有一个功能我想呼唤出来的聪明才有和有用。该平台保留了一种内容库 - 这些是您的横幅广告的影响者使用的视觉资产,以担任其网站的关联公司或社交媒体上的联系人空间。这些资产在refersion平台上管理,品牌可以对他们想要的任何更改进行任何改变,例如他们想要更新销售折扣的广告,以获得即将到来的假期。通过在平台上更改广告,它会自动将其更改为影响者网站上游。他们所有的委员会结构都保持完整,并且他们必须做任何事情来选择融入这个竞选活动:他们已经在其中。有更多的功能,它旨在增强体验并推动更多销售 - 这是其中一个亮点。




重演做了什么? an affiliate marketing platform that connects to your ecommerce store to help manage all aspects in one place. It helps brands create and manage vast affiliate marketing networks, tracking the thousands of small transactions brand affiliates were generating, making payouts and reporting more streamlined than managing the whole thing with an excel spreadsheet.




These companies use Refersion to help grow their commerce:
Primally Pure.
Pura Vida.
DX Racer.





提供的服务:Automated RecruitingContent Library电子商务工具产品/赠送工具形式和合规性
