10 Most Inspiring LGBTQ+ Influencers to Follow

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)can’t be neglected anymore. The philosophy aims to create an environment where people’s differences and unique attributes are celebrated rather than criticized. Whether the difference is in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, abilities, or socioeconomic status, DEI acknowledges that equal participation means everybody has equal merit and can participate meaningfully in society.

有影响力的人有一个喧闹声,他们可以代表人类的这些不同方面。YouTube上领先的LGBTQ+影响者(例如Shane Dawson,Eva Gutowski)拥有超过1000万关注者。除YouTube外,影响者还主导了其他社交媒体平台,主要是Instagram。188滚球地址各个平台上的LGBTQ+表示反映了社会的多样性,这意味着消费者正在欣赏该社会的非基188滚球地址础景观社交媒体影响者行业。


Why LGBTQ+ Influencers Are Taking Over

的本质DEIis about celebrating what's been marginalized before. Years back, it would have been impossible to see people with disabilities in ads; gender fluidity was taboo, and consumers always see the "typical" archetype in all forms of media.

LGBTQ+ influencers disrupt the usual belief that only certain groups of people are worth the attention. They command respect and recognition now more than ever, excelling in the entertainment, political, technical, and other industries.


This is an important evolution in the marketing space, as about15.9% of Gen Z and 9.1% of millennials在2020年的一项调查中,在美国被确定为LGBT。的确,多样性,公平和包容不是,也不应该只是流行语。随着LGBTQ+影响者弥合代表方面的差距,关于种族薪酬差距,收入的性别不平等等等的讨论更有意义。

LGBTQ+ Influencers' Interests

There are popular LGBTQ+ influencers across industries, but among the most popular include fashion, body positivity, music and dance, arts, pets, DIY, health and wellness, fitness, and travel. These are highly saturated fields, but what makes audiences seek out LGBTQ+ influencers is how they’re able to enrich and add value to the topics with their personal reflections and experiences about the community. For binary individuals, such info broadens their knowledge about the LGBTQ+ communities. For those who belong to the LGBTQ+ community, they strongly relate to influencers’ experiences—LGBTQ+ influencers are thus able to validate their followers' own feelings.


Whatever the main content of an LGBTQ+ influencer, be it makeup tutorials,fitness, cooking, or teaching, they continue to promote discussions on DEI, Black Lives Matter, and healthy body image perception, which makes their content thought-provoking.

10 Most Inspiring LGBTQ+ Influencers to Follow

Social media has become a powerful platform for the LGBTQ+ community to educate others, express their creativity, and give accurate insights into their complex and evolving culture. Here are the top LGBTQ+ influencers to check out this year:

1.Rickey Thompson

里奇·汤普森(Rickey Thompson)在Vine上取得了广泛的成功,并继续扩大他的追随者。他是一个成功的模特,演员和喜剧演员。他在2016年以同性恋的身份公开出现,此后一直在名声中崛起。然后,他在2019年出现在同性恋时代的封面上。汤普森具有独特的狂热性格和强烈的幽默感,这激发了他的职业生涯。在IG上,他经常发布他的追随者想要的喜剧视频。

Thompson has around 5.3 million followers on Instagram, where he posts different content about life, career, and interests. His latest project is as a new face of Benefit Cosmetics, showcasing his new campaign, Brow Tales.

2.Blair Imani

Blair Imani is an LA Times Bestselling author of阅读此内容以变得更聪明, a book that helps readers navigate information and understanding of race, gender, sexual orientation, class, disability, and beyond—in order to reach genuine empathy and compassion as a modern person.


While her 515,000 following on Instagram may not sound much, she is a prominent influencer in "fighting the good fight" and educating people about progressive thinking and how history and culture affect policies and events today. Her posts are perky and vibrant, which can capture the attention of the younger generation as she delivers important messages.


Bretman(Da Baddest)Rock Sacayanan Laforga是位于夏威夷的FIL-AM内容创建者。他认为是同性恋,并成为YouTube和Vine Creator的名声,主要是专注于化妆教程。他的轮廓视频在2015年变得如此受欢迎,此后他就引起了人们的轰动。


Aside from beauty, Rock is into fitness and travel. He recently joined Nike’s #BeTrue campaign that emphasizes diversity.

4.Tom Daley

汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley)是一位英国奥运会游泳运动员,他在2021年东京奥运会上赢得了他的第一枚金牌。戴利(Daley)于2013年在YouTube视频中公开发行,此后提高了他的职业生涯和影响者的地位。

除了成为世界一流的奥运会金牌得主外,戴利还在像Instagram这样的社交媒体平台上拥有巨大的追随者,他拥有330万追随者。188滚球地址歌迷喜欢窥视自己的生活,就像2018年他和丈夫兰斯·布莱克(Lance Black)欢迎他们的第一个儿子一样。戴利(Daley)是一个狂热的编织者。实际上,他在东京奥运会上引起了轰动,当时他不参加比赛时编织。现在,他拥有自己的服装品牌,用爱制成,在那里展示了针织系列。戴利(Daley)还是阿迪达斯(Adidas)的大使运动员。

5.Hannah Hart

Hannah Hart is an American internet personality, actress, comedian, and author. She identifies as a lesbian and has established a strong following on Instagram and YouTube, where she posts a wide array of content about life. Hart is also known for starring in我的醉酒厨房, a YouTube series that documents her cooking something while intoxicated. Aside from this series, she has a podcast entitledHannahlyze This.

With around 1 million followers on Instagram, Hart has become an authentic source of engaging content about mental illness, sexuality, and other off-beat interests. She is an advocate for removing the stigma surrounding mental illness by continuing the conversation about it.

6。Jazzmyne Jay

Jazzmyne Jay is an American model and Buzzfeed producer who has a penchant for couture and fashion. She is a popular plus-sized model and a staunch LGBTQ advocate. Her influencer status came from her passion for fashion. Jay focuses on body positivity and 21st-century feminism, as highlighted by her YouTube channel: As/Is. The channel started in 2013 and now has around 10.5 million followers interested in tips about plus-size fashion, learning about women's experiences, and showcasing a body-positive lifestyle.

She identifies as a lesbian, and together with her partner Kate Kuczynski, enjoys posting content about style and makeup. Jay has a growing following on Instagram, with about 535,000 followers.


Chella Man是亚裔美国人,模特,艺术家和著名的YouTuber。作为社交媒体影响者,他激发了他的追随者基础,并分享了他作为跨性别,聋哑和犹太人的独特经历。

Back in 2019, Man starred as mute superhero Jericho in the second season ofTitans—this spurred his widespread popularity. Man garnered a huge following because people wanted to learn more about his personal experiences on gender dysmorphia, identity, and how he translates songs into American Sign Language. With close to half a million Instagram followers and a quarter of a million on YouTube, Man is a media personality who sheds light on how a transgender and deaf individual navigates relationships with himself and with others.

8。埃里卡·哈特(Ericka Hart)

埃里卡·哈特(Ericka Hart)是一位美国有影响力的人,他以“黑人,酷儿的非二进制女性”的身份识别,目的是鼓励他人对性和身份更加开放。哈特还是乳腺癌幸存者,她自豪地戴着自己的战斗疤痕,并张贴了自己的乳房切除术疤痕。


9。Munroe Bergdorf

Munroe Bergdorf是英国模特和激进主义者,实际上是英国第一个跨性别模式。伯格多夫(Bergdorf)在化妆品巨头欧莱雅(L'Oreal)下发起了一场运动,但由于种族争夺战而被丢弃。她是一个直言不讳的个性,倡导跨性别和种族权利。她还支持#Drawaline运动,该运动旨在消除文化中的女性生殖器肢解。

In 2018, Bergdorf was appointed an LGBT advisor to the Labour Party, although she resigned shortly. She has experienced some issues, but Bergdorf is never afraid to call out the systemic wrongs that少数民族experience. On top of that, she discusses important social issues while also dishing her most fashionable moments for her 556,000 followers on Instagram.

10.尼克·德·贾格(Nikkie de Jager)

尼克·德·贾格(Nikkie de Jager)is a Dutch makeup artist and beauty influencer, who is better known by her YouTube channel name NikkieTutorials. She rose to widespread popularity in 2015 after her YouTube post entitledThe Power of Makeupbecame viral and inspired people to show their faces with and without makeup. De Jager is one of the most successful influencers right now, with 13.9 million YouTube subscribers that have viewed her videos over 1.5 billion times and counting. Her Instagram following is also huge, with 16.3 million followers.

德·贾格(De Jager)最初并未表明她的性别认同,但在2020年,她出现在视频中(我出来了) as a transgender, sharing that she had been blackmailed by an unnamed person to make the information public before her revelation. She underwent gender reassignment surgery as a teen. To date, de Jager is still going for bold makeup looks and attention-grabbing fashion and has collaborated with the likes of Selena Gomez.

Embrace the LGBTQ+ Impact

这些影响者有真正的voice to promote diversity in their own respective fields. There's no better time than now for marketers to showcase the DEI philosophy in their campaigns. Because the public has a more nuanced understanding of what it means to belong to the LGBTQ community, putting these influencers at the forefront will help champion the inclusivity cause.

What's important for brands is to avoid fraudulent campaigns that only patronize the LGBTQ+ community without really embodying the message. These conversations can be challenging, but they are very important and go beyond sales and brand impressions. These conversations enable you to use social media and uncloud the previous mindset of racism and discrimination.

Therefore, if you want to maximize the influencer component of the LGBTQ+ community,找到影响者谁是真正的拥护者,以及那些可以为您的品牌提供正确观点的人。请记住,问题与身份一样多样化,因此与有影响力的人合作,他们的见解与您自己公司的哲学一起起作用。


Who is the most famous influencer?

These are the most famous influencers:

  • Charli d'Amelio(47.7 million followers)
  • Zach King (24.5 million followers)
  • Pewdiepie (21.8 million followers)
  • 大卫·多布里克(David Dobrik)(1,230万追随者)
  • AuronPlay (17.5 million followers)
  • Ajey Nagar (14.9 million followers)



  • 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)
  • Charli d'Amelio
  • 加里·瓦尼库克(Gary Vaynerchuk)



  • Cristiano Ronaldo - @cristiano.
  • Selena Gomez - @selenagomez.
  • Kylie - @kyliejenner.
  • Leo Messi - @leomessi.
  • 肯德尔 - @kendalljenner。
  • Beyoncé - @beyonce.
  • Billie Eilish- @Billieeilish。
  • Ariana Grande - @arianagrande.


Here are the top Instagram influencers:

  • Whindersonnunes:5270万关注者
  • hudabeauty: 46.8M followers
  • Lele Pons: 44M followers
  • nusr_et: 35.6M followers
  • 丹·比尔zerian: 32.4M followers
  • Amanda Cerny: 24.8M followers
  • Zach King: 24.3M followers
  • Chiara Ferragni:239万关注者