
The stereotypical face of an influencer is a young white good-looking woman, often with a couple of equally stunning kids. You will find some representative guys in a few niches, but again, they tend to be easy on the eye and overwhelmingly white. But does that represent the real-world of the 2020s? Do most influencers genuinely represent the people they influence?


Although we predominantly refer to black influencers in this article, the reality is that you should work with a diverse group of influencers. Everything we say concerning black influencers is equally relevant to other diverse groups. Ideally, your influencers' overall make-up should represent the demographics and psychographics of your target audience – just ones who have displayed success and expertise in a topic of expertise.

How to Find and Engage with Minority Influencers:



Trust is影响者营销的中心金博宝188备用网址。有影响力的人通常从头开始建立观众。他们了解自己的追随者,只要有影响力的人仍然是真实的,他们就会回来。当有人分享一些影响者的内容时,这一点尤其明显。通过分享内容,他们准备保证有影响力的人的真实性。他们不仅喜欢影响者的内容;他们希望他们的朋友也阅读,倾听或观看。

There was a time when celebrity endorsement was the pinnacle of marketing success. If you managed to get somebody "famous" to promote your product, millions of people would see this recommendation. But celebrity endorsement is less relevant nowadays because most people don't live the life of a celebrity. Celebrities can scarcely empathize with everyday people's problems and pain points. The modern consumer can see through the sham of celebrity marketing; they understand that most celebrity claims are shallow and lack authenticity. They are not "people like us."

当然,只要他们向合适的受众推广正确的产品,一些促进合适事业的名人仍可能会提供品牌希望。例如,大多数黑人妇女可能没有与米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)相同的生活(或者如果年龄大一点,奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey))。然而,这些杰出的女士仍然可以赢得黑人妇女的观众,只要她们提供引起共鸣的信息。

Why You Should Consider Inclusive Influencer Marketing


This isn't merely a race-based issue, either. Members of the LGBT community are most likely to react well to messages from LGBT influencers. Disabled people take more credence in the views and recommendations of other disabled people. It is only human nature to notice people like yourself. By definition, influencers influence the thoughts, decisions, and actions of people. Therefore, you should always work with the people whose following most closely resembles your customer base.




Traditionally, people have referred to a strong black presence on Twitter. However, the differences in that network's usage have narrowed. 25% Hispanic and 24% black use Twitter compared to 21% white. The difference is much more noticeable on Pinterest, beloved by 22% Hispanic, 27% black, and 33% white. Perhaps the most striking difference is the use of WhatsApp, however. 42% of Hispanic people use the app, compared to 24% black and a mere 24% white.




有时,当公司汇集了一场竞选活动时,他们确实会误解市场。近年来的经典例子是臭名昭著的Kendall Jenner Pepsi广告。

该广告从黑人生活问题运动中借了图像。这件事使对警察杀害黑人杀害黑人的广泛抗议 - 使用特权的白人妇女(詹纳(Jenner))“解决世界上的问题”,只需向一个微笑的警察提供一罐百事可乐而“解决世界问题”。正如该公司承认的那样,“百事可乐正试图向全球的团结,和平与理解传达。显然,我们错过了标记并道歉。”正如《纽约时报》报道的那样:“在广告发布后,社交媒体上的评论员在洪水批评中,指责百事可乐从认真的抗议活动中拨出图像以出售其产品,同时最大程度地减少了抗议者遇到的危险抗议者和他们的挫败感。”

The Importance of Diversity in Influencer Marketing



成功的影响力营销需要你金博宝188备用网址find influencers with audiences to whom they relate and come across authentically. If they can manage that, then they will be much better at passing on your message.

Some believe the point of influencer marketing is solely to reach a larger audience. However, you need to temper this and say the real goal is to reach a larger and more defined audience. If you just want a mega audience, you might as well pay for old-style celebrity marketing, reaching millions of irrelevant people. Influencer marketing using minority influencers means the brand can cut through the noise of the mainstream, avoiding all those irrelevant people.


Earlier in 2020, HuffPost spoke to several黑人美容影响者谁呼吁品牌做得更好。随着黑人生活的事件的重要性,这些美容影响者利用他们的平台大声疾呼。他们利用自己的平台吸引了数百万想188滚球地址要与致力于结束种族压迫的品牌保持一致的消费者。

TV personality and fashion stylist Cindy Conroy spoke of the fears Black influencers faced by using their platforms for activism. Some worried that their white followers would leave them in droves. But they still felt they had to stand up for what was right.

但是,他们强调,尽管许多黑人影响者自然而然地与品牌合作,但兑现了黑人生活事务运动的货币运动。有影响力的人鲍比·阿肯伯勒(Bobby Akinboro)强调,“我最大的行动呼吁是让人们停止所有试图利用眼前问题的营销活动。”

少数派影响者还期望得到公平对待。流行的头发和美容影响者Mikai McDermott发现了这一点艰辛的道路。"I actually asked a white influencer what her rate was, and it was 10 times more than what I had asked for, despite the brand telling me they had no budget." Then the brand took over four months to pay her for her work.

这样的情况鼓励了影响者AGM人才的Adesuwa Ajayi创建影响者薪酬差距页面。在一个案件中,涉及一家家用化妆品公司,“一位参加的黑人影响者获得了1750英镑的收入,一名混血人士提到他们获得了10,000英镑的同一竞选活动,” Ajayi说。

Shade - 一家具有使影响者营销多样化的代理机构金博宝188备用网址

一家有影金博宝188备用网址响力的营销机构已将帮助色彩创造者在做自己喜欢的事情的同时成为自雇人士的使命。阴影came about due to founders, Dahcia and Jacques Bastien, noticing a lack of diversity in the influencer marketing space. Many creators of color are overlooked and underpaid for campaigns. As a result of this, they launched Shade to help creators of color build their digital influence while helping brands stay relevant among diverse audiences.

The agency has a roster of over 1,000 black and brown influencers, speakers, actors, entertainers, athletes, celebrities, and more. They handle every aspect of an influencer campaign, from influencer strategy and talent casting to content production and distribution.

Other platforms and agencies also let you search for influencers, using various search qualifiers to find influencers of the type you want. For example, Klear publishes a list of十大残疾人影响者



