16 Social Media Metrics That Matter in 2021

Is your social media marketing strategy working? How do you know? If you're still just tracking vanity metrics like followers, likes, and pageviews, we've got some bad news for you. While those social media metrics are great to make you feel good, they aren't the best indicator of an effective social media strategy. To get the best results from your social media efforts, there are much better metrics you should be tracking. In this article, we'll share the 16 social media metrics you'll need to start tracking now along with key insights into the social media marketing funnel, and some real talk about why those vanity metrics aren't all they're cracked up to be.

16 Social Media Metrics to Track for Best Results:


Before we get deep into the social media metrics we recommend that you start tracking, it's important to understand the social mediamarketing funnel。为什么?因为这些指标整齐地落入漏斗中。指标和渠道可以帮助您了解营销渠道表现良好以及在哪里分解的位置。我们的漏斗包括四个关键阶段buyer journey

  • Awareness.You'll use awareness/reach metrics to figure out how your social media strategy is performing for your potential audience.
  • Engagement.Engagement metrics will let you know if (and how) your audience is interacting with your social media content.
  • Conversion.Using the conversion social media metrics we've included, you'll be able to understand if your content is converting the way you need it to so you can make adjustments as necessary.
  • Customer.We all know it's more expensive to get a new customer than it is to keep an existing customer, so knowing how your existing customers feel about your brand and the content you're sharing is vital to maximizing your marketing budget.

Why Social Media Metrics Matter

社交媒体指标是KPI(关键绩效指标),可帮助您了解您的有效性社交媒体营销策略is. Tracking these important metrics can help you reach your marketing goals, connect with your audience, create better content, and generate more sales and leads. Here are some of the ways social media metrics can help you stay on top of your social media marketing efforts:

  • See the big picture.Social media can involve thousands of interactions, making it difficult to see the effect of yoursocial media campaignswhen you're in them. Having access to reporting and analytics can help you understand your performance better and give you the freedom and knowledge you need to make changes in the moment.
  • 找到您的基线。While you can always check your social media numbers against industry standards, tracking your metrics gives you a much better understanding of how you're performing from one minute to the next, using your own performance history as a guide.
  • Set goals.Tracking social media metrics helps you set goals for your marketing campaigns because you have better knowledge about the time and resources that go into getting the results your metrics are showing.
  • 快速行动。Social media快速变化。如果您不在指标的基础上,您可能会为时已晚,无法减少从不满意的客户那里得到的负面注意力,或者错过了利用帖子病毒性的机会。

Why Vanity Metrics Don't Help

It's true: vanity metrics feel good. When youget more followers,喜欢,转发和浏览量,这可能会感觉到您对这种社交媒体营销的事情真的很喜欢。但是,这些指标并没有真正告诉您营销活动在做您真正希望他们做的事情的有效性,这是转换的吧?虚荣指标可以追踪,听起来令人印象深刻,但是深入研究这些虚荣心标准背后的内容更为重要。您的追随者是因为您的覆盖范围增加了还是只是涌入了机器人?您是否从对您的品牌和产品或其他只是想建立自己的人数的人或其他人感兴趣的人那里获得了所有这些新的赞和最爱?

You want to make important marketing decisions based on data and evidence, not something as fickle as a follow.

16 Social Media Metrics to Track

全部social media platforms具有可供创作者使用的内置分析。但是,我们强烈建议投资social media analytics toolthat will let you pull data from multiple networks so you're not stuck going into each platform to run reports that then need to be aggregated into a single report if you want to know how your social media marketing is doing across platforms. In this section, you'll find the different social media metrics that your analytics tool should be able to track for you.

Reach Metrics


品牌知名度是您的品牌在社交媒体平台上引起的关注。188滚球地址这可能是提及,分享,链接,印象等等。要跟踪品牌知名度,您需要决定要与自己的指标相关的指标brand awareness并在您查看的任何时间段中始终如一地应用这些指标。注意指标是花费的时间,采取的行动和反应。


As you can probably guess, audience growth rate is the rate at which your brand is gaining followers on social media. The trick here isn't to measurehow manynew followers but to instead measure how fast you accrued new followers and if you outpaced your competitors. To calculate audience growth rate, tally your net new followers over a specific period, and then divide those net new followers by your total audience. Then, multiply by 100 to get your audience growth rate percentage.

3. Post Reach

Post reach lets you know how many people have seen your content since it was published. This tells you if you'reposting your content at the right time如果您的听众发现该内容有用。通过测量邮政覆盖率除以您的关注者总数,然后乘以100来计算邮政覆盖范围,以获取后覆盖范围的百分比。


社会的声音告诉你有多少人基于“增大化现实”技术e talking about your brand on social media as compared to your competitors. Mentions can be direct, with consumers using your social media handle to tag your brand, or indirect, where users just mention your name without tagging you. Social Share of Voice is important because it lets you know how visible your brand is. You can calculate it by tabulating the sum of your own mentions—direct and indirect—and the mentions of your competitors to get the total industry mentions. Then, divide your own brand mentions by the sum and multiply by 100.


5. Amplification Rate

这个社交媒体度量,放大,量ures the ratio of shares per post to your number of overall followers. The term was coined by Avinash Kaushik from Google. The amplification rate represents how willing your followers are to associate themselves with your brand. You can calculate it by tallying up the number of times your post was shared during a specific time period and dividing that number by your total followers. Then, multiply by 100.

6. Applause Rate

Applause rate has to do with "approval" actions such as likes and faves. This helps you understand what percentage of your audience finds your content valuable. As you can imagine, this knowledge can go a long way towards helping you develop a content marketing plan. Calculate applause rate by adding up the number of approval actions your post got over a specific period of time and dividing that number by your total number of followers. Then, multiply by 100.

7. Virality Rate

Doesn't everyone on social media want to传播病毒?如果您将社交媒体用于业务,那么开病毒可能会在转化率上产生巨大影响。这就是为什么跟踪病毒率如此有帮助的原因。这是相对于特定时期内发布的印象数量分享特定帖子的人数。您可以通过将邮政份额数量除以印象数量并乘以100来计算病毒率。





If you're tracking the rightemail marketing benchmarks, you already know all about click-through rates. This is how often people are clicking on the call to action in your emails, and it's the same for yoursocial media content。这不包括与参与有关(喜欢,分享和评论)的事情在您的网站上)。要计算您的CTR,请将社交帖子链接的总点击除以该帖子的印象数量,乘以100。

10. Bounce Rate

跳出率很重要,因为他们让您知道接下来的人们在做什么。该社交媒体指标有点棘手,需要类似Google Analytics(分析)与其他流量来源相比,完全衡量正在发生的事情。例如,如果您知道您的社交媒体跳出率低于从有机的Google搜索中获得的流量,那么您知道您的社交媒体广告系列在正确的道路上。要跟踪跳出率,请设置Google Analytics(分析)并转到收购>>所有流量>>频道。You can click on theBounce Rate按钮对字段进行排序(单击两次列名以从最低到最高跳出率排序)。


Your social media conversion rate is the total number of conversions coming from social media. This social media metric lets you know how effective your social media posts are. A high conversion rate tells you that your audience finds your content valuable and compelling enough to take action by making a purchase, subscribing to youremail newsletter, downloading a lead magnet, or any number of other actions you've requested they take. Tracking your social media conversion rate requires the use of cookies (tracking codes) to track user behavior. Once the cookie is in place, divide the total number of conversions for a specific post by the total number of clicks the post received. Then, multiply by 100.


对话率是另一个由Avinash Kaushik命名的社交媒体指标,让您知道每个帖子的评论比率与您拥有的关注者数量。这很有帮助,因为它可以帮助您了解有多少受众在评论。如果您有几百个关注者,那么获得15条评论听起来很棒,但是如果您有十万关注者,则不太好。要计算对话率,请将您在特定时间段内收到的评论数除以关注者总数,然后乘以100。



如果您曾经开着广告,那么您可能会熟悉每次点击费用。这是您每次点击付费帖子所支付的金额。虽然很诱人地关注您的广告总支出,但要了解您的CPC是否想知道您的广告工作的效率要重要得多。要跟踪您的CPC,请查看所选平台的广告管理器。这就是它的样子Facebook ads

Source: 9clouds.com

14. Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

每千印象的成本是每次看到您的赞助社交媒体帖子时,您每次付出多少。这是一种快速且便宜的方法来拆分测试您的内容(如果您的内容正常工作,那么人们会做的不仅仅是滚动过去)。这是另一个社交媒体指标,您应该跟踪您使用的平台的广告管理器。这就是它的样子TikTok ads

Source: omr.com

15. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSat)

Customer satisfaction lets you know how happy customers are with your products or services. Pretty straightforward, right? Brands typically will create a survey on social media asking a single question: "What is your overall satisfaction with this product/service/brand?" Customers can then rate their satisfaction on a scale (numerical or sentiment-based). To calculate customer satisfaction, tally the scores, and divide by the number of respondents. Then, multiply by 100 to get your score.

16. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net promoter scoreis a social media metric that measures customer loyalty by asking customers how likely it is that they'd recommend your brand, products, or services to a friend. Customers are asked to respond on a scale of zero to 10. From there, they're grouped into one of three categories as detractors (0–6 range), passives (7–8 range), and promoters (9–10 range). To calculate net promoter score subtract the total promoters from the total detractors and divide by the total number of respondents. Then, multiply by 100.

Track the Social Media Metrics That Matter

我们在这里包括的16个社交媒体指标将帮助您了解您的社交媒体营销活动are performing so you can create even better, more refined campaigns in the future. While each social media platform will probably have ways to measure and track these metrics for that specific platform, it's important to have a social media analytics software that will let you track data across all of yoursocial media platforms立刻。

