

That is exactly whatmarketing funnelscan offer you—a structure.


Why Do You Need a Marketing Funnel?


This helps you reach the right people, with the right marketing tactics, at the right times.

Marketing funnels can help you save time, money, and effort by making your initiatives more focused and targeted. Therefore, it is a good idea to use funnels to improve your marketing ROI.


Now you know how important marketing funnels are and how they can help you get the best marketing ROI. Now, the only thing that remains is to actually create a funnel and see the results first-hand.






The idea is to not only understand who your target customers are but also how they interact with your website and content. Their online behaviours will help you understand how to shape your funnel and what stages to add.

For example, you might have a website that gets most of its traffic on your blog. Now, your goal is to direct this traffic to the product or service pages. This means that the blog will be a top-of-the-funnel marketing tactic for you and CRO (conversion rate optimisation) can be the next stage.

So the first step in building a marketing funnel is to understand how your customers behave online and interact with your website so that you can form a buyer journey map.


Once you understand a typical buyer’s journey before purchasing your products, then you can determine the different stages in your funnel. A marketing funnel, after all, is just a way to direct more people in the right direction on their journey. Therefore, your buyers’ journey map will be the basis for forming the stages of your marketing funnel.


Awareness and Interest (Top)



Desire (Middle)

This is the next stage where the consumer already knows about your brand, is interested, but is not sure whether or not to make a purchase. This is the stage where you need to convince your prospects that your products are better than the alternatives.


Action (Bottom)

This is the final stage of the funnel where the prospect already has purchase intent and you just have to close the deal. This is where you need to put the final nail in the coffin and ensure that your prospects end up making a purchase.






  • Social media marketing aimed at increasing social traffic to your website.
  • 金博宝188备用网址旨在传播品牌知名度并吸引更多人的活动。
  • Paid advertising campaigns to reach your target audience in a fast and precise manner.
  • 博客文章和其他有价值的内容,以获取更多有机搜索流量。实际上,有73%的B2B营销人员发现博客文章在买方旅程的早期阶段最有效。


  • SEO techniques aimed at getting more organic as well as referral traffic to your website.
  • Videos and podcasts are also effective content formats for attracting more prospective customers at this stage.
  • 主持赠品和竞赛,以吸引更多人,并为您的品牌获得更多的在线知名度。


This is the stage where your leads will either engage further with your content or leave. Here are some of the popular marketing tactics that you can try at this stage.

  • 在此阶段,影响者的产品评论或拆箱和试用视频非常有效。
  • Case studies that show how you helped other customers or anything that shows the benefits of your products or services.
  • 利用用户生成的内容来提供社交证明并建立对品牌的信任。
  • For B2B products, ebooks and whitepapers are also useful at engaging people and increasing their purchase intent.
  • 投资于您的网站的转化率优化,以使访问者足够长时间,并将其引导到正确的产品或服务页面。


marketing funnels


This is the stage where only leads with high purchase-intent are present and all you need to do is give them a nudge in the right direction. Here are some bottom-of-the-funnel marketing tactics to help you close the deal.

  • Provide offers and discounts to encourage people to buy. Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency and are known to be an effective sales technique.
  • 使用再营销来定位访问您的网站或与您的品牌互动的人,而无需购买。
  • Free product trials and demos are also a good way to get people to enrol and start using your products before you ask them to make a purchase.
  • 通过证明只有有限的库存而造成稀缺性也是一种对许多零售商有用的技术。



业内人已经足够长的时间n tell you how customer retention is more important than客户获取. Repeat customers are much more profitable in the long run and, therefore, your funnel should include a stage after purchase as well.


Use this post as your reference guide every time you want to create a marketing funnel for your business.

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