Tiktok创建者市场: The Ultimate Guide for 2023

If you want to break through the noise in today’s competitive market, one way is by being fresh and creative. You need to think outside the box and use new platforms to build your business brand. The TikTok Creator Marketplace, a global community of creators, artists, and influencers who create videos on TikTok, is one example.

在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何加入Tiktok Creator Marketplace以及2023年可以为您的业务带来什么好处。

Tiktok Creator Marketplace:2023年的最终指南:



什么是Tiktok Creator Marketplace?


借助诸如Tiktok之类的社交媒体平188滚球地址台,这些平台在Gen-Z用户中极为流行,品牌正在脱离电视广告等传统方法和投资数字营销策略。涌向Tiktok Creator Marketplace创建引起观众共鸣的视频是一个很好的方法。

Tiktok Creator Marketplace如何运作?

通过加入Tiktok Creator Marketplace平台,品牌可以访问各种可以为其产品或服务制作视频的Tiktok创作者。

一旦设置了帐户,您就可以查看Tiktok Creator MarketPlace主页,并可以按位置和类别浏览创建者,甚至可以浏览创建者,甚至可以浏览视图,关注者或触及范围。

品牌如何加入Tiktok Creator Marketplace?

如果您已经拥有Tiktok Ads Manager帐户,则可以使用它登录创建者市场平台。如果您不这样做,请注册Tiktok Creator Marketplace很容易,只需几分钟。

You will need to create an account and complete all the required information such as your name, business email address, and phone number. Afterward, you will need to verify your account by clicking on the link in the verification email TikTok sends you.


个人资料完成后,您可以开始浏览Tiktok Creator Marketplace,找到适合您目标受众的创建者,并与他们联系以共同努力。

当您找到想要与之合作的Tiktok创建者时,请通过Tiktok Creator Marketplace平台向他们发送消息。您也可以在Tiktok上关注他们,并在他们的视频中发表评论。

Tiktok Creator Marketplace有什么好处?

随着TikTok流行,TikTok创造者Marketplace is becoming an increasingly attractive option for businesses looking to reach a new audience. If you’re thinking about joining the TikTok Creator Marketplace in 2023, be sure to keep these benefits in mind.


1) TikTok is a global influencer platform next to Facebook and Instagram.

TikTok has grown to be an international phenomenon as a social media platform. With超过十亿活跃用户,就社交媒体平台而言,它仅次于Facebook。188滚球地址这意味着,如果您想通过有影响力的营销来吸引大量的视频,那么加入Tiktok Creator Marketplace是一个不错的选择。金博宝188备用网址

2) You have access to a global community of creators to engage your target audience.

注册创建者市场可以使您访问Tiktok Creator的全球社区。有超过800万活跃的创作者,无论您的目标受众如何,您的品牌都有一个完美的创造者。

Tiktok上的创作者对他们的作品具有创造力和热情,因此与他们合作可以帮助创建高质量,引人入胜和娱乐视频,这些视频会引起观众的共鸣。你可以reach out to creators directly通过平台使用现成的模板消息,并启动有关协作的对话。

3) It's a great way to build brand awareness across the globe.

Tiktok Creator Marketplace是建立品牌知名度的好方法。通过与Tiktok上有大量追随者的创作者合作,您可以吸引可能不知道您品牌的新受众。


4)Tiktok Creator Marketplace易于用作1-2-3。

Using the TikTok Creator Marketplace platform for creating brand campaigns is a straightforward process. Once you have decided on the您的竞选意图然后,您可以根据创建者列表的位置,受众范围和平均内容视图过滤,仅举几例。

5) Data is king in the TikTok Creator Marketplace.

与Tiktok上的创作者合作以建立您的品牌需要大量的准备和考虑。借助Tiktok Creator Marketplace,您可以详细概述每个创作者的统计数据,从核心指标页面到受众人口统计学和视频绩效趋势。


6)您可以通过Tiktok Creator Marketplace API访问第一方数据。

In September 2021, TikTok launched anAPI的创造者市场, which provides brands with access to TikTok’s first-party data. This data includes information on creator stats, video performance, and audience insights.

Tiktok Creator Marketplace API使您能够实时跟踪广告系列的表现并进行相应的更改。您也可以使用它为您的团队创建自定义报告和仪表板。话虽如此,您可以通过使用这些数据来做出有关合作的明智决定,从而最大程度地利用您的ROI。


Tiktok的品牌是关于乐趣和创造力的,因此使用Tiktok Creator Marketplace是一种建立品牌的有趣方式是有道理的。通过与具有创造性和引人入胜的内容的创作者合作,您可以创建既有趣又为观众提供信息的视频。


Creators Tool Tip

There are several tools likeBeaconsthat creators can use to monetize content and start selling virtually anything. With the help of tools like these, creators get access to valuable insights into target audiences helping them to make data-driven decisions.




  • 有一个明确的目标:与Tiktok创作者合作时,请始终有一个明确的目标。无论您是想提高品牌知名度,吸引网站流量还是增加销售量,都可以确保从一开始就明确合作的目标。
  • 给出明确的说明和准则:与Tiktok创作者合作时,重要的是要为他们提供有关您想要创建的内容的明确指示和准则。这将有助于确保最终产品与您品牌的目标和愿景保持一致。
  • 不要害怕给予反馈:作为客户,重要的是在整个协作过程中提供建设性的反馈。这将有助于创建者改善其内容,并实现您对广告系列的需求。
  • 准备投资:即使您可以根据自己的预算提出人才费,Tiktok的创作者可能并不便宜,尤其是如果您想利用更大的受众群体。但是,如果您取得理想的结果,则收益是值得的。
  • Keep track of your goals: It’s important to keep track of your goals for each collaboration and measure how successful they are in achieving them. This will help you better understand what works well with TikTok creators and what doesn’t, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • 与影响者建立您的关系: TikTok creators aren't just after the one-time payment, they want to build a relationship with your brand. By maintaining open communication and being responsive to their needs, you can create a long-term partnership that will be beneficial for both parties.

What To Keep in Mind When Using TikTok Creator Marketplace?

When it comes to TikTok, the sky's the limit. As a platform that continues to grow in popularity, more and more users are looking for ways to create content and share it with the world.

Tiktok创建者市场offers an easy way for creators of all levels of experience to sell their videos and gain exposure. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before using TikTok Creator Marketplace. Here are some tips:

What To Keep in Mind When Using TikTok Creator Marketplace?

  • 确保阅读条款和条件:在开始使用Tiktok Creator Marketplace之前,请务必阅读条款和条件。这将确保您了解市场的规章制度。
  • Make your own internal vetting process for your Creators:与Tiktok Creators合作对于您的竞选成功至关重要,但您不必与任何人合作。确保有一个内部审查过程,以确保您与与品牌和目标保持一致的创建者合作。
  • 确保视频遵循内容指南: TikTok has a set of content guidelines and policies. If you just started a collaboration with a TikTok Creator, it may be prudent for you to have a preview of the videos to make sure they follow TikTok’s guidelines.
  • 密切关注指标: As with any marketing campaign, it’s important tokeep track of the metrics并衡量协作在实现理想结果方面的成功。这将有助于您了解Tiktok的功能良好,什么不适用于,并帮助您确定未来的内容。
  • Be prepared for the unexpected: As with any marketing campaign, there is always a chance for something unplanned to happen. It could be a sudden change in the content guidelines or the possibility of your video being posted beyond your target date. Whatever it is, be prepared to have a backup plan in place.

By following these tips, you can maximize your chances of success when using TikTok Creator Marketplace. TikTok offers a great opportunity for brands to reach new audiences and achieve their marketing goals. With the right approach, you can find the TikTok creators that are a perfect fit for your brand and launch a successful campaign.



加入Tiktok Creator Marketplace是一种与一些最好的创作者建立联系和合作的好方法,以使您的品牌在Tiktok的大量观众面前。该平台易于使用,并提供对有价值的数据的访问权限,可以帮助您就协作做出明智的决定。

如果您正在寻找一种有趣且创造性的方式来建立品牌,那么Tiktok Creator Marketplace就是必需的。如果您尚未在Tiktok上,现在是时候加入乐趣了。
