
From舞蹈挑战that get everyone grooving to viral songs that everyone’s using in their videos–TikTok is互联网趋势的故乡。和1 billion monthly active userswho watch 167 million videos per internet minute, trends catch on easily on the platform. And those trends then spread to other social networks, taking over the entire internet.

这就是为什么Tiktok如此品牌强大的营销平台,只要您知道如何充分利用它。如果您希望您的品牌和产品在平台上传播,为什么不利用Tiktok最有价值的资源 - 它的用户?用户生成的内容是趋势在tiktok上如此迅速捕捉到的原因,因为它们激发了其他激发其他用户等的用户。

在这篇文章中,我们仔细研究了Tiktok上用户生成的内容的构成,为什么它是一个强大的工具,以及您可以为Tiktok UGC广告系列做什么。让我们开始吧。




他们可能在视频中使用您的产品并查看它或向观众展示如何使用它。他们可能正在参加TikTok challenge您开始的 - 无论是舞蹈还是独特的任务。或者,他们可能只是使用您的品牌标签创建视频作为及时。

@buxomcosmeticsLooking @sarah_wolak puts the #BUXOMxTIPSY Full-On Plumping Lip Cream to the test. #BUxombabe ♬ original sound - buxomcosmetics



Why Focus on User-Generated Content for TikTok?

消费者信任其他消费者,这意味着他们最有可能信任像他们一样由其他客户创建的内容。实际上,大多数人Stackla study发现由消费者创建的内容是最真实的。研究中,几乎80%的受访者表示,这种类型的内容会影响他们的购买决定。

因此,由于其相关性和真实性,来自真实用户的内容即使在Tiktok上也可能表现良好。在一个study by the Real Eyesvideo testing platform, UGC videos on TikTok had a 22% higher score than brand videos. These UGC videos were able to capture and hold viewers’ attention for the longest time compared to TikTok brand videos and Facebook video ads.

此外,发现与品牌视频的视频相比,UGC视频具有更大的情感影响。Tiktok UGC视频可能比品牌视频更好22%。另外,他们的编码得分比Facebook广告高4.7倍,比传统广告高10倍。这说明了用户生成的Tiktok上用户生成的内容必须在情感上吸引观众的力量。

Tiktok UGC广告系列的最佳实践

现在您知道Tiktok用户生成的内容如何为您的品牌工作, you may be all set to start your own campaign. Before you start, make sure you’re following the best practices below to guide your campaign.

TikTok UGC Campaigns best practices


从明确的想法开始user-generated content那将最适合您的竞选活动。这完全取决于您的竞选活动的目标以及您希望最终实现的目标。您可以在Tiktok上看到的一些最常见的UGC类型是:

挑战 -这将涉及体育挑战你的听众rform a specific task based on your prompt and featuring your products. Let’s say you want to promote a new eyeshadow palette. You could challenge people to create a unique makeup look that incorporates the product. For example, Coca-Cola challenged people to #ShareTheMagic by connecting with their loved ones over Coca-Cola.

@gabby.jaye #adWe all know pizza brings people together, but when you#sharethemagic用@cocacola逐片使它变得更好!#ShareTheMagic #ad ♬ Open - Khalid feat. Majid Jordan

比赛 -这种类型的UGC广告系列使您的观众有机会赢得有价值的东西,从而为他们提供更多参与的理由。它可能是一张礼品卡,新产品,甚至是一种使他们成为您竞选活动的一部分的体验。

Reviews –In this type of UGC, reputable content creators provide an authentic review of your product. This is a great way to earn the trust of your target audience and inform their purchase decisions. Here’s an example of a TikTok influencer reviewing swimwear products from Skims.

@RemiBader我的实际@skims♬原始声音-Remi Jo

教学视频 -顾名思义,这种类型的UGC涉及创建者提供方法和说明。这是获得信任并激发人们的购买决策的另一种内容丰富的方法。



这是至关重要的,以避免混乱和你好gh-quality content from your audience. It’s especially important for UGC campaigns involving contests as you need to establish clear rules for people to follow so that their content can count toward a submission. That way, you can prevent the risk of people coming to you with complaints about how their submission wasn’t counted.



There are two things to keep in mind when creating a branded hashtag for your TikTok用户生成的内容活动

It should be unique to your brand. That means it should contain your brand name, catchphrase, or product name to differentiate it from more generic hashtags. You don’t want to pick out something too generic as you’ll end up with people piggybacking on your hashtag only to create content that’s completely irrelevant to your campaign.

For example, Laura Mercier launched the #ReadySetGo challenge to get people to share their transformations using the brand’s products. However, the top videos using the hashtag are no longer relevant to the brand at all.

@ameliezilber迷你小grwm和@lauramercier半透明松散的粉末!每天,模型外观#readySETgo #lauramercierpartner #ad ♬#ReadySetgo -Lauramercier




Tiktok影响者have the kind of reach you need to get your campaign in front of hundreds of thousands of people at once. And what they do on TikTok tends to catch on very easily–whether it’s dancing to set choreography, using a certain product, or trying a “hack.” So, when you get them to participate in your challenge or contest, it could inspire many of their followers to follow suit.

当E.L.F Cosmetics提出“眼睛”时。嘴唇。Face”歌曲,他们挑战观众使用歌曲创建有趣的视频。布列塔尼·汤姆林森(Brittany Tomlinson)和基拉·科萨林(Kira Kosarin)等平台上的有影响力的创作者有助于扩大竞选活动的影响力。使用这首歌创建了超过140万个Tiktok视频,#eyeslipsface标签已获得超过94亿的观看次数。

@kirakosarinY’all need to hype me up#eyeslipsface ♬ Eyes. Lips. Face. (e.l.f.) - iLL Wayno & Holla FyeSixWun



Tiktok提供了许多功能来支持平台内的社区参与和协作。诸如二重奏andoffer an excellent opportunity for brands to encourage more user-generated content. You could create a video and challenge your followers to Duet or Stitch with it. This gives your audience the opportunity to get creative while you get to collect valuable user-generated content.


For example, when Urban Decay collaborated with Prince 4 Ever to come up with the new UD x Prince makeup collection, they had influential creators Stitch with their original video. These creators used the collection to come up with unique makeup looks or artwork to give the audience a preview of what they can expect.

@sigelarts #sponsored #缝使用@urbandecaycosmetics#udxprince设置很棒!@prince.4#urbandecaypartner ♬ original sound - Justin Sigel


Creating content for TikTok may seem like a walk in the park because you only need to create a few seconds of video. But TikTok is all about creativity if you truly want to engage your audience. As such, it can be challenging to consistently have to brainstorm new content ideas to share with your TikTok audience.



Fabletics regularly shares UGC from different customers to showcase the real people for whom their clothes are made. This gives them the recognition they deserve while establishing trust with potential customers.

@fableticsReminder: you’re killin’ it, good things are coming and you look in that outfit#灵感c/o @Elle Baez#summer #mantra #motivation #ootd ♬ original sound - fabletics




为了最大化广告的影响,您甚至可以涉及影响力TikTok creators在您的UGC广告活动中。收集由影响者为您的品牌创建的视频,并将其变成广告。这是吸引已经熟悉这些影响者并提高对您品牌的认识的受众注意力的好方法。

Become a TikTok Sensation with UGC

User-generated content holds the key to becoming a viral sensation on TikTok. But you have to be strategic with your approach so that your efforts don’t go to waste. Make the most of the tips and best practices we’ve provided above to leverage the power of UGC on TikTok.


What is an example of user-generated content?

Reviews, product photos, and customer videos are some examples of user-generated content.


Any form of content created by consumers such as written reviews, photos, and videos is considered user-generated content.


You can get user-generated content by coming up with hashtag challenges and contests and encouraging people to participate.

Is user-generated content worth it?


What is the purpose of user-generated content?

