
When Vine was shut down two years ago it left a massive hole in our hearts. Until we discoveredTikTok,用户发布的新的,非现实的社交媒体平台简短的15秒剪辑从恶作剧到舞蹈挑战到穿着有趣服装的宠物的视频。

Formerly known as Musical.ly in the US, Chinese social media network TikTok has had a陨石崛起,成为一个创造性的短犁式的无尽源泉tches, similar to the even shorter Vine skits. It is best known for its act-out and lip-synching memes backed by music and other sound clips, which are reproduced and remixed among its young users. That's also why it is often referred to as the lip-synching app.

Regardless, if you find TikTok cringeworthy and bizarre, that's probably because you grew up in the age before the social web. Generation Z's love the goofy online sharing platform and many now赚钱. It's simple, funny and irreverent – and a refreshing change of pace from more serious platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. It's the ultimate procrastination app and can suck you in for hours.

Here are 22 of the best TikTok memes we could find:

1. I'm Already Tracer

The "I'm Already Tracer" video has become the definition of an earworm. The meme is a series of duets in which users record videos of themselves lip synching lyrics from the song "No Mercy" by The Living Tombstone. It all started when the Mashed YouTube channel uploaded an animated music video for the song in 2017. The song contains a segment in which YouTubers Black Gryph0n and LittleJayneyCakes sing an argument over which characters to play in the game Overwatch. The takeout from the song has spun off into thousands of TikTok videos of users acting out their own version of the lyrics and has reached somewhat of a cult status.


Who doesn't love a catchy beat? Add to that some flight footed girls doing a stair shuffle and you've got yourself a viral meme. The TikTok stair shuffle dance challenge had thousands of users busting their moves up the stairs. It even led to the creation of tutorials on how to do the dance and the tune is simply addictive. (PS. Do not try this at home without adult supervision.)

3. Dame Tu Cosita

歌曲“ Dame Tu Cosita”(翻译为“给我您的东西”)最初是在1998年写的,没有太多大张旗鼓。二十年后,2018年10月,当法国视频游戏动画师Artnoux用作配乐时,它大量脱颖而出对于他的动画绿色外星人。它不仅产生了数百个用户模仿外星人舞蹈动作的用户的tiktok视频,而且还以1040万美国流和1,000次下载的速度进入了81号热门100。友好的绿色外星人对孩子们很受欢迎,他们尽力模仿他的舞蹈。

4. Gummy bear Adele

The scene opens with a lone gummy bear belting out the first words of the chorus to "Someone like you by Adele. Then, gummy bear Adele's mic cuts out and the audience sings the rest of the chorus as the camera pans over a crowd of gummy bears. The gummy bear crowd stretches as far as the eye can see as hundreds of bears sing with Adele. It's the feel-good video of the year and has inspired similar creations on TikTok.


Ever imagine how ice sculptures are made, bobby pins packaged, and broccoli bundled? There are so many weird and wonderful jobs out there and now many of them are being showcased on TikTok. One user, Kaitlyn Reed put together a Twitter thread on everyday and mysterious jobs. Some may seem mundane and tedious (like aforementioned bobby pin packaging) but displayed incredible skills by the people who do them. Watch and be amazed.

6. Karma is a Bitch

The "Karma is a Bitch" challenge is the ultimate vengeance. In it, users start by looking normal in a video selfie and then pull a scarf, blanket or piece of clothing over their heads to reveal their beautiful, sexier or more good looking self. There's also the ironic version where users look the same after the blanket reveals their true self, punted with the hashtag, #showyourbeauty.

7. Head banging dog


8. Pet dress-ups

当我们,为什么人们打扮自己的宠物吗?Because it makes for really funny TikTok videos. These guys dressing up their dogs as teddies and making them race down the hallway definitely have a sense of humor, and that is what the app is all about. If you need a laugh, watch this one. It's mindless fun.


4月,泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)丢下了她的单曲“我!”恐慌的布伦登·乌里(Brendon Urie)!在迪斯科舞厅。该视频具有万花筒柔和的色彩,合奏舞蹈数字以及服装和风景的几种变化。现在,它在#Anothlikeme挑战赛中流行。Swift的官方Tiktok帐户发布了带有标签#Anothlikeme和标题的“ Me”音乐视频中的剪辑,“向我们展示您对这款舞蹈的最佳创作,使用Medancechallenge,使用MedanceChallenge,我们会找到我们的最爱”。挑战几乎一无所有。这不会是Swift的歌曲之一第一次接管Tiktok。该应用程序充满了Swift歌曲作为配乐的视频。

10. Subway time warp

If stepping out of a train carriage into an alternate universe sounds strange to you, you应该看看这个Tiktok视频. It is exactly that and has led to a massive trend in China with TikTok users making similar videos. Even the subway system in the city of Xi’an has gotten in on the action, sharing a video that shows two employees dressed in casual clothes exiting a subway car and stepping onto open train tracks, ready for work in blue coveralls and yellow safety vests.

11. Nala the cat

纳拉·卡特(Nala Cat)是一位8岁的暹罗/塔比混合物,被纽约的Shorty Awards加冕为2018年最佳TikToker。从那以后,她从五个月大的时候就从庇护所中救出了她,她的催眠蓝眼睛一直是迷人的社交媒体用户。纳拉(Nala)在Instagram上拥有吉尼斯(Guinness)世界纪录,并拥有近400万追随者。她还拥有142 000多名Tiktok粉丝,并经常从观众那里吸引“ AWW”,从而在房屋周围上传了一生的照片。

12. The ultimate friend zone

美国多米尼克·托利弗(American Dominic Toliver)是简短的在线喜剧之王。在葡萄藤上建立了巨大的追随者之后,多米尼克现在拥有超过600万的粉丝,他们上传了近1.3亿颗心。他的终极朋友Zone视频因其喜剧和音乐的完美融合而获得了120万心,将歌词和歌曲融入了他的素描中。在Tiktok出现之前,他在Vine上很受欢迎,在Short Form Video App上获得了90,000多名关注者。多米尼克(Dominic)的蒂克托克(Tiktok)个人资料启动了他作为社交媒体明星和喜剧演员的职业生涯。他也是一个榜样(出于明显的原因)。


Sometimes all you need is four notes and a paper basket to make a hit anthem. Which is exactly what this TikTok user realised. Recognise this song?

14. Shoe change challenge

The #shoechangechallenge, complete with catchy song, had TikTokers changing their outfits on the beat of the song by kicking their shoes into the screen. The challenge actually started with shoes changing as people stomped the ground on the beat of the song, but evolved into outfit changes. It was one of 2018's most popular trends and was viewed over 12 million times.


If you've heard someone randomly yell out the phrase "hit or miss" in public lately, you can blame TikTok. The social media platform has inspired a real-life challenge, where people yell the phrase and wait for a response. If they get one, they know that there's another TikToker nearby. Even better if they capture it on video so that they can share it on TikTok.

16. Trendy grandparents

Grandparents who are up for some fun are the best. This elderly couple, no doubt filmed by their teenage grandchild, love doing dance moves on TikTok. We just wish they could use the camera right. Nevertheless, their moves are priceless and they seem like the grandparents every child needs in their life.

17. Cosplay

Cosplay, short for "costume play" is a performance art in which participants wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character. In the age of the Internet, this means dressing up to look like an anime, manga, video game, Japanese rock, or Kpop character. It is a huge, ongoing trend on TikTok that has inspired hundreds of videos.

18. #prankwars


19. Ice cream man

This ice cream maker has found internet fame with his over the top ice cream preparation “for all the beautiful ladies out there”. The man known for his handcrafted ice cream-making technique is Pan-n-Ice cofounder Rob Huysinga, who masterminded the video sensation.

在一段视频中,他在英国售货亭的冰板上从头开始制作冰淇淋引起了Tiktok使用者的注意之后,将近1400万人看到了他对Nutella和Oreo Mix-Ins的戏剧性准备。现在,他拥有稳定的追随者,并通过制作冰淇淋来使慈善机构提请注意特殊原因来利用自己的才能。

20. Teens eating their own fingers


21. Cringe videos

The cringe-factor is one of the foundations of TikTok's success. For a while, cringe videos were the essence of what made the app popular. These are usually videos in which someone does something embarrassing or awkward in a sincere manner. YouTube users would take the most cringeworthy videos and create compilations and reactions to them. As TikTok evolved, users have embraced the fun of making cringe-inducing content.

22. Duets

Duets are another core part of the TikTok experience. Think of it like remixing a song. Users can take another person’s video and add to it. It’s like setting up a joke and giving another person the chance to deliver the punchline. For example, someone may post a video of them dancing on the above-mentioned Taylor Swift song. Other TikTok users can then take that video and add themselves performing corresponding dance moves.

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