
尽管Tiktok比其他社交媒体应用程序更新,但这个街上的新孩子很快就获得了极大的知名度,尤其是在年轻的观众中。更重要的是,它已经拥有其用户忠诚度。根据Tiktok的官方统计,90%of its users use the app several times per day.



1。khabane la脚(@khaby.lame)


Khabane Lame (aka Khaby) was born in Senegal, but moved to Italy at the age of one where he still currently resides. The former CNC machine operator posts short comedy skits on TikTok about people who make simple tasks more difficult than they have to be. Popular across various social channels, his biggest following is on TikTok where he has more than 80 million followers and 1 billion likes.

2。Bella Poarch (@bellapoarch)


With close to 75 million followers and 1.7 billion likes on TikTok, Bella Poarch is a US Navy veteran who turned social media influencer. The Filipino-American regularly posts content about gaming and cosplay. Though, it is her lip-syncing of “Sophie Aspin Send” by Millie B that got the heads nodding and thumbs liking. In May 2021, she released her debut single, “Build a Bitch”.

3。Charli D’Amelio (@charlidamelio)


在蒂克托克(Tiktok)上的舞蹈视频传播开来之后,查理·达·阿米利奥(Charli D’Amelio)有几个机会敲了敲她的门。她与Bebe Rexha一起为乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)开业,出现在The Tonight Show上,并在动画电影Stardog和Turbocat中扮演了角色角色,仅提及她职业生涯中的一些亮点。这位16岁的年轻人也是最好的之一influencer merch storeswhere she sells her designs.

4。Addison Rae(@addisonre)


艾迪生·雷(Addison Rae)于2019年开始将舞蹈视频上传到蒂克托克(Tiktok)。实际上,加入该平台几个月后,她设法吸引了一百万关注者。由于她的舞蹈视频的受欢迎程度,她在今晚的演出中露面,并将出演他的全部,这是一个目前正在生产中的青少年romcom。她还与American Eagle合作,帮助他们改善了Tiktok的存在,并与Madeby Collective合作创办了Cosmetics Companics,Item Beauty。

5.凯莉·詹纳(Kylie Jenner)(@kyliejenner)


凯莉·詹纳(Kylie Jenner)无需介绍。根据D'Marie Analytics的说法,她的广告资助的一篇帖子之一价值超过100万美元,使她成为其中之一最有影响力的女性影响者on Instagram. The influence that she and her sister, Kendall, have among youth on social media has been recognized by Time magazine when the pair was listed as one of the most influential teens across the globe in 2015. Two years later, Forbes also included her on its Celebrity 100 list.

6.Nikita Dragun(@nikitadragun)


Nikita Dragun(又名Nikita Nguyen)是模特和美国YouTuber。她坦率地分享了自己的经验过渡。像我们名单上的其他一些社交媒体影响者一样,她还拥有自己的化妆品系列Dragun Beauty,该系列针对主流和变性社区。她的名声在网上使她在比佛利山庄的真正家庭主妇以及几个音乐录影带中扮演了角色。



Michael Le (aka JustMaiko) is a social media personality and American dancer. He is one of the “oldest” TikTok influencers and started uploading videos to the platform in 2016 when it was still called Musical.ly. He often collaborates with his younger siblings who dream of following in his dancing footsteps. In 2020, he started another collaboration with his younger brother and four friends. Together the team of five createdShluv House,在洛杉矶的一间合作屋,在那里他们一起创建视频。



布雷特曼·洛克(Bretman Rock)(Sacayanan)是菲律宾裔美国人的社交媒体个性和美容人物。在专注于创建与美容相关的内容之前,他尝试了在YouTube上的喜剧和模因。除了出演《即时影响者》(Instant Thand Traumer)之外,詹姆斯·查尔斯(James Charles)的《 YouTube Originals》系列还在贝拉·普阿克(Bella Poarch)的首张单曲的音乐视频中发挥了一小部分。最近,他赢得了突破性社交明星类别的MTV电影和电视奖。




10.Zach King(@zachking)


Before Zach King (aka Zachary Michael Kings) became one of the top TikTok social media influencers to follow, his YouTube channel reached viral status. Here, he shared tutorials about Final Cut Pro, a video editing software. In 2016, he expanded his online presence to TikTok where he continued the success of his “digital sleight of hand” videos. His videos have won him several awards including the YouTube’s NextUp Creators Contest.

11。Fernan Floo(@fernanfloo)


Fernan Floo(又名Luis Fernando Flores Alvarado)来自El Salvador。虽然他最大的追随者是在YouTube上以幽默的游戏视频而闻名的,但他在Tiktok上建立了一大笔化的追随者,在那里他与近1000万关注者的粉丝群分享了舞蹈视频。

12。Dimpey (@dimpey6)


Dimpey rose to internet fame in 2019 when he started sharing videos on TikTok. Here, he likes to share his comedic skits with his following of 6.2 million. One of the American short-form comedy creator’s most popular videos on TikTok was created in celebration of Earth Day and was viewed over 41 million times. Other than that, much about this aspiring social media personality is still unknown.

13。Celeste Barber(@celestebarber)


Celeste Barber是澳大利亚媒体人物,在Tiktok上拥有超过500,000名追随者。她出演了许多电视节目,但觉得自己被喜剧吸引了。她的很多内容都取笑了女性应该如何完成日常活动。

14。Corey Whelan(@threedotcorey)


科里惠兰(又名threedotcorey)是美国cial media influencer known for his lip-sync and transition videos. Not only is he funny, but he also has a muscular body to flaunt. His shirtless dance videos have helped him to attract the attention of close to five million followers. His videos regularly get more than a million views, with one of his most recent videos boasting close to 20 million views.

15.Kris HC(@KallMekris)


Kris Collins is a former Canadian hairdresser who turned to TikTok during the pandemic. She mostly shares lip-sync videos with funny facial expressions and witty captions with her followers of more than 31 million. She has created a few popular personas that include a fed-up mom and tiny-handed toddler.

16.Darian Rojas(@darianrojasc)


Darian Rojas (aka Darian Fernanda Rojas Crawston) first joined TikTok in 2020. In just over a year, she has managed to gain more than 26 million followers. The social media influencer from Mexico likes to post comedy videos in which she often lip-syncs and dances. She is also part of the Prive Crew, a collective of short-form creators.

17.Ralf Morales (@ralf)


就像Darian Rojas一样,Ralf(又名Marco Antonio Morales de la Pena)也是墨西哥社交媒体明星,也是Prive Crew的成员。他主要分享了Lip-sync视频,并在Tiktok的2018年崛起明星榜单中包括在2018年。三年快进,他拥有超过1500万关注者的视频,其视频经常获得超过100万次观看次数。

18.Sebastien Andrade(@ayesebastien)


Sebastien Andrade often shares point-of-view videos (POV) and comedic content about relationships. To date, he has over 5 million followers and close to 200,000 likes.

19.Sisca Kohl (@siscakohl)


Sisca is mainly known for the food-related content that she has been sharing on TikTok for the past three years. Hailing from Indonesia, this social media celebrity likes to share videos in which she shows off her wealth. Along with her sister, the pair went viral for making ice cream from different types of food.



迪伦·霍利斯(Dylan Hollis)是百慕大的互联网个性和音乐家,几乎在tiktok上发布任何内容,但尤其喜欢发布烹饪视频。根据他的LinkedIn页面(是的,他是少数在LinkedIn出现的Tiktok影响者之一),他每周都有1000万。

21。Nicholas Philmon (@nicholasphilmon)


尼古拉斯·菲尔蒙(Nicholas Philmon)于2020年3月加入了蒂克托克(Tiktok),在短短的一年中,他设法将自己的粉丝群增长到250万追随者。他是一个直言不讳的音乐创作者,他分享了对皇后的热爱。他大部分都穿着从善意那里得到的衣服。

22.Cale Brown(@CaleBrown)


Cale Brown是一个以舞蹈而闻名的内容创作者。美国的舞蹈轰动一时,有近400万追随者,他的视频平均可获得数百万的观看次数。尽管他的第一个Tiktok视频没有任何舞蹈,但此后他所有的其他视频都向他展示了他在外面的大部分时间都在进行舞蹈动作。



托马斯·西蒙斯(Thomas Simons)(又名Tommyinnit)是YouTuber和Twitch彩带,以分享有关Minecraft的视频而闻名。在2021年,他在Twitch上创下了最喜欢的Minecraft频道,以及Minecraft游戏玩法中最受关注的Minecraft频道,在Twitch上实时直播。虽然他在Twitch和YouTube上广为人知,但自2020年加入以来,他设法在Tiktok上获得了超过800万的追随者和8500万个赞。

24。Lele Pons (@lelepons)


Lele Pons(又名Eleonora Pons Maronese)是最多的成功的拉丁美洲影响者和YouTuber。实际上,在2016年,她被列入互联网上30位最有影响力的人的时代名单。当她没有在视频中恶作剧时,您可以在电影和音乐视频中瞥见她。她饰演Lele Pons的秘密生活,并举办了自己的播客,最好与Lele Pons保持秘密。




26。Kimberly Loaiza(@kimberly.loaiza)


根据Hypeauditor的说法,金伯利·洛阿萨(Kimberly Loaiza)目前是墨西哥的第三大蒂克托克影响者。在Tiktok上建立了超过4500万的追随者之前,墨西哥有影响力的人和歌手创建了同样成功的YouTube频道。实际上,在加入YouTube后的第一周,她设法获得了100,000个订户。

27.Jojo Siwa(@itsjojosiwa)


JoJo (aka Joelle Joanie) Siwa is an actress, singer, and dancer. The American YouTube personality first captured attention when she starred in Dance Moms with her mother. Her singing career has also taken off and she has released two singles already. On TikTok, she boasts more than 34 million “Siwanatorzs” (her affectionate name for her followers). On top of that, her videos in which she mostly dances have received more than 1.1 billion likes.



Daniel is an athlete who mostly shares short-form physical comedy videos on TikTok. Before rising to internet fame on TikTok, he worked as a professional photographer. In 2020, he also launched his first merch.

29.Sienna Mae Gomez(@siennamae)


Sienna是一位竞争激烈的舞者,也是Tiktok上最大的影响者之一。她实际上在Tiktok上有两个帐户,都有数百万追随者。多亏了她在Tiktok上的大量追随,她与美宝莲建立了伙伴关系。虽然她以创造身体阳性的内容而闻名,但在2021年,当她被指控对前任杰克·赖特(Jack Wright)进行性侵犯时,她陷入了一些消极情绪。

30。Dixie d’Amelio(@dixiedamelio)


迪克西(Dixie)是查理·达·阿米利奥(Charli D’Amelio)的姐姐。与姐姐不同,她选择更多地专注于音乐。2020年6月,她发行了第一首单曲,曾经是YouTube上排名第一的趋势视频。从那以后,她继续发行另外四首单曲。在2020年,她和她的姐姐被人民选择奖提名为2020年的社会明星,但最终,艾玛·张伯伦(Emma Chamberlain)被加冕为赢家。


