这Facebook Algorithm: How It Works and How to Make It Work for You


这Facebook algorithm.

While Facebook’s algorithm isn’t the only factor that impacts reach, it’s definitely one of the stronger factors. If you’re not keeping up with changes to the Facebook algorithm you’re going to have a much harder time getting your posts seen by the people who matter most to your business.In 2019, Facebook made a big change to its algorithm by giving users more control over what they see on their news feed, even giving users an option to find out why a certain post is showing up on their feed. Fortunately, there’s a lot that brands can do to make sure that users are seeing their posts—even without the help of paid ads.

In this article, we’re going to share a quick overview of how the Facebook algorithm works and how you can make it work for you.

这Facebook Algorithm: How It Works and How to Make It Work for You:

How the Facebook Algorithm Works

Facebook的算法,比如搜索引擎algorithms, ranks all the posts that have the possibility of being shown on a user’s news feed based on how likely a user will have a positive reaction to that content. Facebook prioritizes posts from friends over brands, emphasizing “有意义的互动。”


  • 可以显示的帖子的清单(“库存”)
  • Signals from each post that tell Facebook what it is
  • 关于用户将如何对库存中的每个帖子做出反应的预测
  • 基于所有排名信号的最终分数

Facebook’s ranking factors are based on data about user behavior and also take into account the behavior of everyone on the platform. There are three major categories that Facebook looks at:

  • 谁通常与谁互动
  • type of content:视频,图像,链接等。
  • 这post’s popularity

As of May 2019, Facebook started directly surveying users to better understand the content they want to see. Facebook asked users things like:

  • 谁是你的密友?
  • 您发现哪些帖子有价值?
  • 这个Facebook小组对您有多重要?
  • How interested are you in seeing content from this Page you follow?

Based on those responses, Facebook updated its algorithm to make the news feed better for users. This included showing users more content from Groups and Pages that they’ve been following the longest or engaging with the most. Other content would then get pushed lower in the news feed.

How to Use the Facebook Algorithm Effectively


But the powers behind Facebook also know that showing users content they don’t really want to see is a surefire way to get them to leave the platform. That means brands will be less likely to pay for ads since Facebook’s audience would be smaller. So, let’s just assume that it’s a combination of things: Facebook wants users to be happy with what they’re seeing in their news feeds while pushing brands to创建更好,更相关的内容如果他们想在不将每个帖子变成付费广告的情况下吸引用户。

Since Facebook’s algorithm focuses on building more authentic or meaningful interactions, your brand will need to create better content with the intent of driving real interactions. How, though?

Glad you asked! Here are 11 ways you can make the Facebook algorithm work for you.

1. Post Content at the Right Time

这Facebook algorithm prioritizes posts with more engagement, so it’s important to understand when your audience is online and most active so you can post during those peak times. To get you started, check out our article about the在Facebook上发布的最佳时间。当您通过您的工作时,这将为您提供一个起点Facebook metrics要查找有关特定受众的更多信息,以便您可以微调发布时间。

2. Post Often and Regularly

始终发表的品牌更有可能获得更好的参与度。Facebook的算法奖励奖励,因此旨在经常发布高质量的内容。我们强烈建议creating a content calendar对于Facebook,因此您可以使用内容。


在过去的几年中,video contenthas become more and more popular. If you haven’t started using video marketing, stop waiting. According to a survey by Wyzowl (2020):

  • 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  • 84% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
  • 74% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy or download a piece of software or app by watching a video.

而且,从2019年5月开始,Facebook调整了其算法,以在用户的​​新闻提要中显示更多原始的高质量视频。有三个排名因素需要考虑何时creating video content for Facebook

  • 意图和忠诚:创建视频,将一遍又一遍地带回用户。
  • 长度和持续时间:your video needs to be engaging enough to get viewers to watch at least one minute, but you can likely skip creating videos longer than three minutes.
  • Originality:像所有社交媒体平台一样,Facebook更喜188滚球地址欢原始内容,这些内容并未从其他平台上重新使用。

Also, don’t shy away fromFacebook Live。When you go live, your followers are notified which is sure to increase engagement.


You know those posts that your younger cousins used to share all the time: “like if you remember this” or “comment a number and I’ll do this?” Well, Facebook is now penalizing brands using those same tactics to get comments, tags, and likes. While that doesn’t mean you should never use posts like that (they can be an engaging way to poll your followers), Facebook wants to encourage creators to drive discussions instead of simply asking followers to “like” something.

To drive conversation, use questions and encourage debate. While you don’t want to post content that’s too controversial, there are ways to encourage debate on topics related to your brand. For example, if you’re an电子邮件营销service provider, you might ask your followers’ opinions on cold emailing.

5. Say “No” to Clickbait and Low-quality Content


Aside from clickbait, there are a few other types of content that Facebook frowns upon:

  • Misinformation and fake news
  • 令人反感但不符合禁止内容的门槛的内容
  • 链接到不增加价值或包含被盗或刮擦内容的网站的链接
  • Misleading health information
  • Faked videos that have been flagged by third-party fact-checkers


If you have employees or useFacebook influencers, you have a built-in way to use the Facebook algorithm to your advantage. Ask your employees and partners to share and engage with your content to help you stand out on other users’ news feeds.

Why does this work?

Facebook prioritizes content from people you know personally, so you’re more likely to see content from friends and family than posts from businesses you follow on the platform. By asking your employees and partners to share your posts with their networks, your content will have a greater reach. Plus, people are 16X more likely to read content from friends and family instead of your brand (Survata, 2016). For some great ways to increase the reach of your content, check out theseFacebook post-boosting tips

If you don’t already have anemployee advocacy program,现在是开始一个的好时机。

7. Focus on Images and Tags Instead of External Links


Along with using native content, Facebook lovesvisual content。So do your followers. In fact, BuzzSumo found that Facebook posts with images get 3.2X more engagement than posts without images. Be sure to include a visual (GIF, image, video, infographic, etc.) with every post.


We briefly covered this in the previous tip but we’ll go into a bit more detail here since Facebook-specific content is so important to making the Facebook algorithm happy.

Start bywriting unique and engaging descriptions for your posts—even if you repurpose content you’ve shared on Facebook before. Don’t just share the exact same thing. Switch it up a bit to avoid becoming repetitive. This doesn’t just apply to your post captions; you can use an image editing tool to turn posts into eye-catching images or turn posts into video content using a视频编辑工具

9. Leverage Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are one of the best ways to make sure that your followers are seeing your content at the top of their news feeds more often. You can leverage the power of Facebook Groups by creating a new group for your brand. This group is a place to encourage discussion, provide product education, entertainment, solutions to user problems, and other content that provides value to your followers.

Check out our guide toFacebook Group marketing要深入了解如何使用小组与追随者建立联系并建立参与的社区。

10. Focus on the Right (Narrow) Audience

Facebook提供了极好的audience targeting toolsthat you can use to fine-tune who sees your content. While it may seem counterintuitive to narrow your audience, you’ll see engagement increase as a result. Increased engagement, in turn, means that your content will be rewarded by the Facebook algorithm and rank higher on users’ news feeds.

11. Run Facebook Ads

Your organic (non-paid) content is going to do a lot to create and nurture relationships with your audience but we would be remiss if we didn’t includeFacebook广告作为提高平台上品牌知名度的最佳和最快的方法。有了Facebook的受众定位,您就可以准确地达到需要的人来增加观众。从那里,您将能够更好地理解适合您想要接触的人类型的内容类型。


如果您是Facebook上付费广告的新手,请务必查看我们的guide to Facebook advertising。If you’re ready to jump right into Facebook Ads, here’s our step-by-stepguide to creating Facebook ads。Already familiar with Facebook Ads but ready to step up your advertising efforts? Here areFacebook广告tipsto make your ads more effective.

Make the Facebook Algorithm Work for You

