Facebook Influencer Marketing: The Essential Guide for Marketers

Facebook has had its fair share of bad publicity of late. It spent much of 2018 coping with the fallout from the Cambridge Analytica Scandal and has also suffered setbacks with data breaches and difficulties staying compliant with the new European data protection rules. It, like its sibling Instagram, has had to deal with the fallout from fake accounts, too.


The Essentials of Facebook Influencer Marketing:


在许多方面,Instagram已成为社交媒体应用程序的Facebook马stable的明星。然而,爷爷Facebook表现良好。它可能不再是青少年首选的社交网络,但仍然可以声称社会市场的主导地位,截至2018年底,有超过23.2亿活跃的用户。这是逐年增长1 9%。这些用户中有将近66%的人每天登录其Facebook帐户,截至2018年12月底,Facebook声称每天有15.2亿活跃用户。

We don’t talk about Facebook influencer marketing as much as we do marketing on Instagram. But if you are targeting a demographic that uses Facebook, it makes sense that that is where you focus your influencer marketing activity. And, of course, there is no shortage of influencers on Facebook. It is a very established network, and some influencers have had a long time to build their name and reputation.

According to the respondents to a 2018 survey byCPC策略, nearly 70% of them claimed they’re more likely to hear about new products, services, and events on Facebook than anywhere else.


It can be daunting knowing what to do if you are undertaking your first influencer marketing campaign. If you are genuinely an influencer marketing newbie then you should work your way through our影响者营销的权威指南 - 您需要了解的一金博宝188备用网址切


Decide Your Influencer Marketing Campaign Goals, KPIs and Target Audience


在许多方面,有影响力的营销是金博宝188备用网址内容营销的扩展 - 这是一种扩展内容分布的方式,远远超出了您自己的目标。您要么创建内容供有影响力的人与受众共享的内容,要么最好是设置内容参数,并让影响者在其典型样式中创建相关内容,因此内容对观众的真实性而言。



  1. 品牌意识
  2. Increased sales
  3. Attracting a new market
  4. Growing your own social media followers (i.e., influencers refer their followers to your social pages)
  5. Customer retention

This is also where you think carefully about who the target market for your campaign is. For example, if you are wanting to build brand awareness, who are you hoping will take an interest in your campaign? Where do they hang out, socially? If you are aiming to increase sales, you presumably already know the types of people who buy your products, so again you should have a reasonable idea as to their preferred social platforms.


Should the answers to your question suggest that the target market for your new influencer marketing campaign spends time on Facebook, then it makes sense to target Facebook influencers for your campaign.

Decide How You Intend to Organize Your Campaign

At this point, you need to make some crucial decisions. Your answers will be affected by your budget, along with your influencer marketing experience, and how much you want you and your team to be involved in the process.


You have three main choices, although you don’t need to stick exclusively to one option.

  1. 使用agency– there are many specialist influencer marketing agencies now to help businesses carry out their campaigns. We have在这里介绍了其中的许多, and if you click on the dark blue icon, you can limit your search to those agencies that work with Facebook influencers. Each agency has its own specialty, so it is worth checking which one appears to fit your work model best.
  2. 在内部操作您的Facebook影响者营销活动金博宝188备用网址,但使用平台as a tool to help simplify parts of the process, e.g., influencer discovery. We have extensively reviewed manyinfluencer marketing platforms here。检查哪些提供您想要的工具,并将Facebook列为其渠道之一。尽管有影响力的营销渠道最初金博宝188备用网址只是提供了影响者发现服务,但他们现在提供了更多有用的工具,例如关系管理,广告系列管理,影响者市场,第三方分析和互联网内容放大。
  3. 以传统方式运行您的广告系列,有机地建立一系列Facebook影响者。虽然这更便宜,但它可能会更令人沮丧和耗时。


The way you do this will very much be affected by your earlier decision on how to organize your campaign. Effectively you have three options:

  1. 将其留给您的代理商,推荐合适的Facebook影响者(他们可能有一个内部影响者团队,他们自己的影响者发现工具,或者他们可能会使用其中一个影响者平台来帮助他们为您的广告系列找到合适的影响者)。188滚球地址
  2. 使用影响者发现平台决定最合适的Facebook影响者,以帮助您实现影响者的营销目标金博宝188备用网址
  3. 亲自进入Facebook,并在利基市场中找到合适的影响者。查看相关页面。加入您的领域的Facebook组。逐渐与他们建立关系,随着时间的流逝,他们就以某种形式的关系进行了协作。您可以使用关键字搜索页面,以帮助您找到相关的影响者。您将需要仔细考虑如何过滤结果,以获得最佳结果。

You will want to scrutinize potential influencers, even if you pay an agency to come up with suggestions. The main things that you will want to know about each potential Facebook influencer are:

  1. 它们会产生与您的利基市场相关的内容吗?
  2. 他们的听众像您希望吸引的人一样吗?如果您创建了客户角色,则需要分析影响者的追随者是否像您的客户角色。
  3. 影响者是否与追随者有良好的参与率?Rivaliq的2018年社交媒体行业基准报告表明Facebook的典型参与率因行业而异,但2018年的平均参与率为:
    • 食品和饮料 - 0.24%
    • 酒店和度假村 - 0.21%
    • 高级ED - 0.19%
    • 运动队 - 0.19%
    • Non-Profits – 0.17%
    • 家庭装饰0.11%
    • 时尚 - 0.10%
    • 健康与美丽 - 0.10%
    • Media – 0.08%
  4. 是否有证据表明,影响者将创建和/或交付您要在广告系列中使用的内容类型?



Some of the platforms also have systems to ease outreach to influencers. This is particularly so for those platforms that work with pre-vetted and signed-up influencers.

Other platforms may not include a system for reaching out to influencers. However, they will most likely provide you with suitable contact addresses so you can sound them out yourself.


Sign up Suitable Facebook Influencers for Your Campaign and Begin Your Campaign

Once you have decided the influencers with whom you most want to work and had an indication that they are happy to work with you, then you can sign them up to your campaign. Again, this process will be dependent on your method of campaign organization. You will have little to do if you are working through an agency. Those platforms offering relationship management and campaign management tools will have systems in place to simplify this process for you.


Take Notice of Your Campaign Performance and Tweak Your Campaign as Needed

永远不要忘记你的活动目标和密切eye on your recognized KPIs as the campaign progresses. Agencies and many platforms will provide you with the necessary data as your campaign progresses. Indeed, some of the platforms offer a plethora of data about virtually every aspect of the campaign.

如果您没有为有影响力的工具付费,那么您可能必须依靠有影响力的数据。如果您的目标和相关的KPI与您自己的Facebook页面有关,那么您将可以访问详细的Facebook Analytics,可以访问您页面的Facebook Insights部分。这应该向您显示竞选活动对您的覆盖范围和参与率的影响。同样,如果您的目标与您的公司网站有关,那么您将能够从Google Analytics(分析)中提取数据,以说明该广告系列是否按预期运行。


鼓励您的影响者使用Facebook Live

Facebook Live has proved to be a compelling way to attract a Facebook audience. People often suffer from FOMO – fear of missing out – and usually, take a keen interest in what their influencers broadcast.

FA3Book影响者可以使用Facebook Live分享他们使用您的产品的经验。确实,如果您的产品合适,他们甚至可以在实时环境中使用您的产品。

Provide Giveaways Your Influencers Can Use in Contests



Just ensure that you provide a relevant prize for the competition. You don’t want people entering the contest, purely for the prize, who would not otherwise be interested in your product.

Tell Stories




How do you become a Facebook influencer?

- 更好地优化您的Facebook个人资料页面
- 深入利基并与观众互动
- 了解您的听众
- Post engaging and compelling content
- Stick to a posting schedule
- Engage with your audience

How much do Facebook influencers make?

Facebook can be a lucrative platform, and Facebook influencers can make a lot of money. If you have more than a million followers on Facebook, you can reportedly make more than $250,000. You can do this through ads, sponsored content, and brand posts.




Facebook is not the best platform for influencers because Facebook makes it difficult to track down influencers. Facebook’s algorithm will also seriously limit the reach of each organic post, making it difficult for influencers to get results for their clients and for themselves. Most influencers tend to prefer TikTok or Instagram.

How can I become an influencer overnight?

1. Pick your niche
3. Share stories and personal experiences with your followers
4. Take advantage of cross promotion
5. Post content daily, at least
