



Every time somebody opens their Facebook feed theFacebook算法经过四个步骤to decide which posts it will show that person:

Facebook algorithm

  1. 存货- 该算法检查了该人的朋友及其所关注的页面。
  2. 信号- 然后根据用户的过去行为来查看一系列信号。其中包括谁发表了职位,是在内容,参与后,标记和评论上花费的平均时间,该帖子的信息性如何以及许多其他信号。从赚钱的角度来看,一个重要的信号是,算法权重比页面的帖子更重要。
  3. 预测– the signal attempts to guess how the user will react to a particular story – will they share it, comment on it, read it, or ignore it?
  4. Score- 该算法生成一个相关得分对于每个帖子,基于信号及其预测。


We have previously shown how Instagram, which is Facebook-owned, operates a similar scheme inHow to Beat the Instagram Algorithm Without Actually Cheating



Facebook is primarily a social network; an online place where people can hang out, socialize and share things of common interest. This is one of the reasons why it gives posts from someone’s personal account a higher weighting than posts from a page.



如果一个人只有少数的Facebook朋友,他们将无法将这个词传播得很远 - 除非他们能够分享内容如此深刻,以至于人们多次分享它,并且它变得病了。


So the best way to ensure that people hear what you have to say is to build your support base up to the extent that they consider you an influencer. When you reach that point, it is easy to make money on Facebook.


然后,当然还有Facebook广告,这可以帮助额外推动帖子的范围。我们最近看了看Facebook广告的成本是多少 - 运行Facebook广告的真正成本

Build Your Audience First

The whole reason that influencers are successful on Facebook is that they have already gone through the process of building a following.

You need to build up your expertise on Facebook by sharing a string of excellent posts – interesting links, images, and updates. To really succeed as an individual you should build up an area of interest where you can become recognized as an expert.

而企业可以选择使用影响力market for them, they will probably also want to build up some form of Facebook presence themselves. Over time they can use it to help people recognize them as experts in their niche.星巴克已经展示了如何做到这一点,他们的页面有3700万关注者。


Kim Garst sums it up well当她说:“要在Facebook上出售,您需要停止像对待商品一样对待粉丝并开始像您的朋友一样对待他们。”

Selling Items in the Facebook Marketplace or a Facebook Buy and Sell Group






Similarly, there Buy and Sell groups on Facebook in most regions. You can make posts selling your spare goods in these groups. They often have a common core of members, and therefore suffer less haggling from people trying to get a bargain.



因此,要使用您的粉丝页面在Facebook上赚钱,您需要创建和共享人们定期重视的内容。正如金·加斯特(Kim Garst)所说的那样Facebook Selling Formulais “Be Useful + Be Authentic + Sell Occasionally = Big Facebook Sales.”

If you engage in influencer marketing, your influencers can help you with this. They can provide the useful and authentic content, and direct their supporters to your fan page.


通过Facebook广告,必须记住大多数Facebook用户在购买周期中的位置。他们没有使用该平台来购买任何东西。这不像在Google上做广告,潜在的买家搜索条款以帮助他们进行购买。人们来到Facebook与朋友聊天,赶上他们的熟人在做什么,并观看有趣的猫视频 - 不要购买您的产品。

因此,建立销售渠道是您的责任。为此,您想尽可能广泛地吸引观众 - 因此您应该分享各种内容。提供指向优质博客文章,视频,有趣的轶事,有争议的陈述,信息图表以及您认为会吸引人们的任何其他内容的链接。他们应该以某种方式与您正在推广的产品有关,或者至少对您的产品感兴趣的人类型。


You should then consider promoting content in ads targeted to Lookalike Audiences. Although these people will probably never have heard of you before, they have demonstrated from their past activities that they have similar interests to the people who have followed you. Therefore it shouldn’t be too complicated to attract these audiences with your content.

Operate a Facebook Group in Your Niche

Although there is little value in running a Facebook group with the sole focus of making sales, they can be a useful way in which to let people know what you offer.

Facebook Groups can be particularly useful if you sell information products. You can set up a group, encouraging members to help each other and share ideas. Once again you need to ensure that you offer group members useful content, and every so often you can suggest your product as a solution to their problems.


If you provide paid coaching, you could use a Facebook Group as a place where your clients can come together. You could perhaps even operate it as a Mastermind group.

A Suggested Facebook Sales Funnel

Neil Patel has written a detailed创建Facebook销售渠道的分步指南。像大多数其他评论员一样,他强调了逐步进行Facebook销售的重要性。

Neil believes there to be a seven-step funnel required for you to earn money on Facebook. In essence, his seven steps are:

A Suggested Facebook Sales Funnel

  1. 为您的“温暖受众”创建各种内容 - 那些已经对您或您的产品感兴趣的人
  2. 创建与热情观众相同兴趣的人的“看起来像观众”
  3. 向“看起来像观众”宣传高质量的内容。
  4. Some of the “Lookalike Audience” will like what they see, and become a fan of your Facebook page. Some may even choose to buy your product at this point
  5. 向尚未购买任何产品的人使用Facebook像素和上游
  6. Continue remarketing to those who have still not converted
  7. Maximise your conversions



有影响力的人已经完成了建筑物的艰苦嫁接。现在是Facebook影响者的任何人都开始了“ Facebook没有人”。但是,他们花了一些时间来建立自己的利基市场,他们已经采取了必要的步骤来建立权威和信任,从而成为追随者。



有时,有影响力的人可以以更微妙的,也许是幽默的方式推广产品。在英国中funny prank video。在剪辑中,布拉德(Brad)恶作剧,以为她订购了500公斤鸡而不是5kg,并带有2,000英镑的账单。在整个视频中,肉类的产品坐落在清晰标记的盒子中。

This Facebook influencer drove 7 million video views within 48 hours, and also led to newspaper coverage for The Meat Men. As a comparison, The Meat Man’s own Facebook page has only about 10,000 likes and could never have generated as much publicity on its own.

