How to Create Content that is Worth Promoting to Influencers

Influencer marketing works, and for a lot of reasons. It outsmarts ad blocking for one. Most importantly, it’s proven to build consumer trust and confidence. As influential as word of mouth, influencer marketing banks on people’s渴望知道他们的朋友,家人和值得信赖的消息来源在购买之前考虑产品。

随着越来越多的品牌和机构寻求增加预算in influencer marketing, it’s just expected that competition will get fiercer. Most companies and agencies work their backs off to produce good content. But when everyone’s vying for attention, how can you make your content stick to make influencers notice it?




Popcornmetrics的首席执行官兼联合创始人Paul Boyce总结了三个组成部分是什么使内容变得有价值

  • It’s accessible. If you want to present a complex idea, break it down to more bite-sized chunks.
  • 这是可行的。大多数人都有真正的问题,因此,如果您可以展示如何解决这些问题,就会有更多的价值。这就是为什么教学和操作方法如此受欢迎的原因。
  • 视觉上很吸引人。根据文章或视频,创建有用的屏幕截图或易于共享的图像,无论是在博客本身还是其他频道上,并使用共享按钮。High-quality thumbnails例如,在您的YouTube视频上,吸引更多注意力并使其高度单击。

Again, providing real value is your first step in making a connection. And that all boils down to knowing your audience and including just enough information in your posts to help them achieve something.

Do you always have to publish original content?


Brian Dean explains this摩天大楼技术之所以有效,是因为已经有需求和主要受众对已经效果很好的内容。更不用说现有内容在Google上已经很好地索引,并且排名很高,因此SEO的确定性也是如此。

别忘了把你的每一个数据来源,quote, and indirect mention you include in your post. These reliable sources include researches, white papers, studies, and guess what, tips and advice from experts in your niche. And citing these influencers in your quality content only strengthens their value, and value they give to their audience.


If don’t have much of an audience and you want to promote your blog content, including a lot of influencers in your content and effectively leveraging their audience helps for your promotion. Here are my suggestions:

  • 专家综述
  • 访谈
  • Listicles
  • 向您最喜欢的影响者询问报价,并在信息图中使用这些报价或创建幻灯片。
  • 索取专家的提示,然后将它们全部放在一篇博客文章中。


  • 与思想领袖合作并进行网络研讨会
  • 策划有影响力的人的内容并创建有关特定主题的详尽指南
  • 出版一本电子书


亚当·康奈尔(Adam Connell)英国Linkology的营销总监和博客巫师的创始人说,他最成功的成功来自人群中的内容,例如小组访谈。

In one blog post, Connell reached out to a number of industry influencers, asking for their best tip on expanding their online presence. The post hit an impressive 2,000-plus shares in social media. But what made it even better was when he teamed up with Niall from They republished the post as an infographic, which has been seen by over 30,000 people and gotten 2,000 -plus more social shares.

Connell’s advice? Don't push influencers to share your content. Ensure that they're only mentioned when relevant. More often than not, they will share your content, especially if it’s well constructed.

Email the influencers and let them know they've been featured in your article. If influencers do not respond to your message, send follow-ups and find其他参与方式them over time. However, if they are not interested in your content, some will politely decline and others will give you the silent treatment. There’s nothing much you can do at that point, and you need to rethink your strategy.

3. How do you find the right influencers?



Second, analyze the amount of engagement they are doing and getting in response. Although you need to look at the number of subscribers and followers, consider the quality of conversations they generate as well.

  • 他们的产品评论和其他帖子是否有重大评论和答复?
  • 影响者自己是否回答这些评论,无论是否有利?
  • What’s their attitude toward negative comments?
  • How many people are talking about the post or article?
  • How many marked it as favorite?
  • 它获得了多少股以及哪些渠道?

第三,使用influencer marketing tool找到社交媒体影响者,包括他们的姓名,电子邮件地址,网站,描述,SEO和追随者计数。这样做将使您在数百个网站和多个项目中轻松管理您的外展活动。


Influential marketing will not give you overnight success. It’s a gradual process of building relationships and nurturing them. Providing well-researched and valuable content alone takes a lot of time, as well as strengthening your connections and delivering consistent messaging. Do your homework. Connect. And be friendly and personable without sounding too desperate for attention.


David Schneider @NinjaOutreach

David Schneider is the Content Director at NinjaOutreach an all in one Influencer Outreach software for marketers. He blogs about business and you can also find him on twitter @ninjaoutreach. Dave no longer runs these websites, but can be found at


