
With B2B buyers having to undergo a longer buying journey, they often need more nurturing. This makesemail marketingsuch a crucial part of your B2B marketing strategy as it offers you the perfect tool to engage and nurture your leads until they eventually convert into paying customers. In this post, we provide you with eight effective tips and best practices that will help you win at B2B email marketing. Let’s get started.


1: Use Segmentation for Increased Relevance

When you’re sending one email to everyone on your list, chances are that most of them won’t convert. This is because the email is only relevant to people who are looking for a specific solution or are at a particular stage in thebuying journey。请记住,您的邮件列表由不同种类的B2B购买者组成,这些B2B购买者在组织中担任不同职位,并且需要解决不同的痛苦点。

This makes it crucial to segment your mailing list to ensure that recipients receive emails that are most relevant to their roles and needs. So, you’d need to separate initiators and users from actual buyers and decision-makers, for starters. That way you can send product demos and how-to guides to one group while another group receives testimonials and cost analyses depending on what’s most relevant to their role.




2: Plan Your Campaign for Different Stages

并不是每一个电子邮件收件人是精读的过程中sidering a purchase; others may be much farther up in the sales funnel and are just starting to learn about your product. In many cases, your marketing emails will also end up with new or existing customers. This is why it’s important to consider the different stages of your buyer’s journey when planning a B2B email marketing campaign.

Plan Your Campaign for Different Stages 



  • 意识 -在旅途的这个阶段,人们只是在学习您的品牌以及产品或服务。他们尚不认真地进行实际购买。教育内容,例如思想领导文章,电子书,研究报告和操作指南,是您吸引它们并与它们建立联系的某些方式。
  • Consideration –At this stage of the journey, people are interested in your product but are still not ready to decide unless they have more information to convince them. This is when you can establish trust in your product by providing them with case studies and customer testimonials like in the following email from Asana.
  • Decision-making– By now, the目标听众is convinced about your product’s value. Now they’re in the process of deciding and are considering whether the product is within their budget and what kind of return they can expect. Providing them with free trials and discount offers could help push them toward the right decision.
  • Retention– Your B2B email marketing efforts shouldn’t just stop because someone has purchased your product. Continue your campaign to retain your customers by getting them to engage with your product or renew their subscription. Feature updates and product tutorials are some ways to encourage better customer retention.

Manyemail marketing toolsalso come with smart filters so you can exclude specific recipients from your emails. That way, you won’t accidentally pitch your product to someone who’s recently purchased it.

3: Craft Click-Worthy Subject Lines

Your主题行是人们有关您的电子邮件的第一件事之一。因此,这可能是说服他们打开电子邮件或将其直接发送到垃圾邮件文件夹的因素。实际上,69% of recipients由于主题行,将电子邮件报告为垃圾邮件。同时,引人入胜的主题行是33%的收件人打开电子邮件的原因。

There’s no underestimating the importance of subject lines in your B2B email marketing efforts. Here are a few suggestions on how to nail your电子邮件主题行:

  • Add some sort of personalization–whether it’s by including the recipient’s name or using second-person references like “you” and “your.”
  • Keep it brief so people can read the entire subject line. The magic number is around 60 characters.
  • 描述性的标题通常是一个好主意they come across as more trustworthy and less spammy. The idea is to communicate the specific benefit or deal you’re highlighting in your email. At the same time, they should still be brief enough to build curiosity and entice recipients to click on the email to read the rest of it.
  • 表情符号可能不一定是B2B营销电子邮件的最佳想法。根据您是否与您的品牌个性保持一致和目标受众的关系,尽可能决定使用它们。
  • Don’t be afraid to test different versions of your subject line. This will help you gauge the kind of language, tone, and offer that resonates the most with your audience.

Take, for example, the following subject line from The Social Intelligence Lab. It’s descriptive enough to let recipients know what the email is about. Yet it only gives a brief preview of what’s in store so recipients will want to open and read the rest of the email. They’ve included one emoji to make the subject line stand out, though it’s not too unprofessional that it’d ward off the brand’s B2B recipients.

Craft Click-Worthy Subject Lines


Craft Click-Worthy Subject Lines


4: Write Enticing Email Copy that Adds Value

While the subject line is the reason people open your email, the copy is what makes them stay to read the rest of your email. As such, it could be the reason why people decide to buy your product, renew their subscription, or keep engaging with your brand. So, it’s important to create an email copy that follows through on the promise that your subject line has made.

Although you’re targeting a B2B audience, you’re still speaking to human beings. Make sure you keep the tone of the copy conversational and friendly so that your recipients will feel as if you’re talking to them one-on-one.

More importantly, make sure your email adds value. The copy should be able to highlight how the product or offer can add value to their lives or their organization. For example, if you’re selling an email marketing tool, your email should focus on how the tool can help recipients to save time orincrease their open ratesrather than simply talking about the features.

For example, the following email from Zoom targets professionals who are working from home. The content of the email offers tips on how to use the tool effectively, helping to highlight the use case and benefits of the product. It’s also a great way to encourage people to engage more frequently with the tool.

Write Enticing Email Copy that Adds Value




Many email marketing tools will come with template builders so you can design stunning email templates to reuse multiple times. Make sure your templates are designed to encourage flawless scanning so that recipients can seamlessly follow the information in your email copy. You can even find pre-designed templates that are already optimized for seamless reading, so you can opt to use those and customize them for your own needs.

6: Leverage Automation to Save Time

Let’s face it–B2B email marketing is a time-consuming process. There’s a lot that goes into segmenting your list, planning your emails, and sending out the right emails at just the right time.

This is where automation can save you by taking care of the time-consuming and mundane aspects of your email marketing efforts. For instance, you can find自动化工具这将根据表单提交和其他行为信号(例如下载内容或参加网络研讨会)自动创建分段列表。

Moreover, these automation tools will automatically send out timely emails triggered by audience behavior. This could be welcome emails sent out to new subscribers, confirmation emails sent out for new purchases, follow-up emails sent out when someone visits a certain page, and so on.

Leverage Automation to Save Time



7: Deliver Your Emails at the Right Time

Just like withsocial media marketing, timing is everything when it comes to B2B email marketing. You have to reach your recipients at a time when they’re most likely to notice and engage with your email. Otherwise, you risk having your email buried beneath a pile of promotional and personal emails from other senders.

Test different send timings to see when you’re most likely to get higher open and click-through rates. This will help you narrow down the best timing for your marketing emails. You could even test different timings between different customer segments to see if it makes a difference.

Many email marketing platforms offer solutions to optimize your send time. They provide you with suggestions on when to send your emails for the best deliverability and engagement based on previous email performance. This simplifies the process of finding a send time that works best for your business.



8: Finish with a Compelling CTA


To avoid any confusion, try limiting your calls-to-action (CTA) to just one. This is particularly true for shorter emails in which you’re promoting an offer or specific product. Longer emails like newsletters may require a few CTAs spread out throughout the email.


Finish with a Compelling CTA

Start Winning at B2B Email Marketing

B2B email marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right tools andemail strategy,您可以完美地执行单击和转换的电子邮件营销活动。充分利用我们上面分享的八个技巧和最佳实践,以开始在B2B电子邮件营销中获胜。


Is email marketing good for B2B?


How can I improve my B2B email marketing?

You can improve your B2B email marketing by delivering high-quality relevant content and using automation to save time.

What are the top email marketing best practices?

Some of the top email marketing best practices include segmenting your list, planning your campaign for different stages of the customer’s journey, writing enticing subject lines and email copy, and ending with a strong CTA.

How do I write a good B2B email?

You can write a good B2B email by highlighting the value of the product or offer for the recipient rather than simply listing the features.

How do I start a B2B email campaign?

You can start a B2B email campaign by planning around the different stages of the buyer’s journey and targeting specific customer segments for each campaign.
