10个很棒的电子邮件营销示例for Marketers

电子邮件营销是常绿趋势。当您的营销预算有限时,您将无需忽略与电子邮件营销一样有效的工具。在2019年,每花1美元用于电子邮件$ 42.

For SMBs,email marketing仍然是客户获取的最佳方法(对于81%of SMBs) and retention (80%). There are many reasons why emails work so well. Effective emails are personalized, actionable, and mobile-optimized—factors that guarantee a strong return on investment.


您如何使您的电子邮件脱颖而出,打开并采取行动?有吗?email marketing best practices你需要遵循吗?您可以通过研究提供良好结果的电子邮件营销活动来找到这些答案。




Whether it’s a welcome email or a cart checkout reminder, your emails need to catch the recipients’ attention and prompt them to take the desired action. You can useemail marketing templates由营销专家设计的。

但是有时您找不到与品牌的声音或设计美学相匹配的模板。然后,制作自己的电子邮件活动是有意义的。Here are 10 email marketing campaign examples to give you a great head start.


Cute, catchy, and compelling—that’s BuzzFeed’s daily newsletter for you. It’s called “BuzzFeed Daily” and it’s delivered Monday through Friday, with specially curated resources, news items, and articles.



You can also select newsletters from their trending newsletters that you’d like delivered to your inbox. For instance, we subscribed to their Tasty newsletter which has four weekly updates. The newsletter contained cooking hacks, delish recipes, and a Tasty Starter Pack. We could also join their mammoth network of foodies and participate in their food quizzes.


您的收获: Give more than you take. Pack your emails/newsletters with valuable resources so that audiences look forward to the next edition.

2.charity: water

Interactive emails are the future of email marketing. Videos in emails provide an immersive experience to readers and retain them longer than plain text emails. We witnessed this when we signed up for charity: water’s newsletter.

Their welcome email has a video of their founder, Scott Harrison, who tells the brand’s story in an engaging way. The use of first-person language in the accompanying message humanises the brand.


They include a short survey at the end where they ask for your feedback so that they can optimise their reporting methodology. That’s commitment!

您的收获: Don’t undermine the power of transactional emails (emails that are triggered after a transaction is made). Use them to keep customers engaged and move them through the sales funnel.


The attention span of netizens is short. Uber understands this fact well and uses clever copywriting to convey its message succinctly. Uber’s brilliant team highlights the key phrases and keeps the captions concise.


We also love how consistently Uber follows its visual branding aesthetics. They use the same geometric designs and colour palettes in their emails, app, social posts, and website. This creates a memorable impression on audiences.




the skimm email marketing example


The email aims to convert a subscriber into a brand ambassador. First, they complement the recipient. Then, using a conversational and light tone, they explain the benefits of becoming an ambassador. They place links in just the right places to make the task as painless as possible. The Instagram handle in the P.S. helps facilitate easy sharing and cross-promotion of the offer.


5。Mom and Dad Money


Mom and Dad Money includes crisp surveys and questionnaires in their emails to get to know their customers better. Using the information gathered from these, they create targeted email content and financial plans.


They use the information you submit to create a precise buyer persona that has an uncanny resemblance to the real you. Naturally, the content you’ll receive henceforth will be more relevant to you than a random email. The click-through rate and open rate are bound to shoot up.



Make your email subscribers feel special by providing them with insider scoops and gated offers. Through your welcome email, explain the benefits you offer to subscribers. If you’re making your email contacts privy to exclusive content, add quick links to take them to the given page.

starbucks email marketing example



您的收获:Once again, it’s about giving value to your customers. Sometimes, people subscribe to your newsletter as a last resort, just to get their hands on a content piece that you keep gated on your website. They take no time in unsubscribing once their agenda is met. But if you explain succinctly the benefits of remaining subscribed, they might just stay.


Who doesn’t enjoy a dash of emotion in their emails? Dropbox re-engages lost contacts by sending reminders about their tool’s great features. They use hand-drawn pictures to paint a picture and say that they’re missing their old users.



您的收获:Once a customer, always a customer. Not exactly, but you got the point. Don’t let go of your old subscribers once you earn new ones. Keep in mind that it’s relatively easy to re-engage old customers since they already trust you enough to share their contact information.



We particularly love their quirky CTAs. Often, they add a direct link to an exclusive webinar or interview with an industry stalwart. This is one loaded newsletter you won’t want to miss.

您的收获:Nobody enjoys reading text-heavy emails. Balance text with high-quality images, GIFs, or videos to keep readers hooked.

9.沃比·帕克(Warby Parker)

Personalisation works, especially in emails. Emails with personalised subject lines and dynamic content appeal to audiences. Warby Parker, the prescription glasses brand, nails their subject lines every time. Their “Hey, Joe! Uh-oh your prescription is expiring.” is hard to miss even in a crowded inbox.

The expiry date is mentioned in large font to create a sense of urgency. The CTAs have a standout colour scheme of light text over a dark background and aligns with the brand’s theme colours.

The smart co-marketing at the bottom is unmissable. They include the nearest optometrist from where you can get a new prescription. It doesn’t get easier than that.

您的收获:即使您一次将电子邮件发送到大批联系人,即使您将电子邮件发送到电子邮件写作的方法。花时间个性化每封电子邮件,尽管不是手动。采用subject line tester tools比较不同的主题行。电子邮件营销工具可帮助您进行联系细分和个性化。


You can be doing everything right, yet there will be email unsubscribe requests. If you’re using email marketing tools, sometimes alerts and reminders will be sent automatically if a recipient hasn’t been opening your emails for some time.

HireVuehas perfected its goodbye email. Their tone is persuasive but not desperate. The red CTA stands out against the stark white background and its label is heart-stirring. They could have sweetened the deal by offering a discount code or subscribers-only privilege.


您的收获:Activate unsubscribe triggers if you are using email marketing tools. It’s best not to invest in unproductive contacts. Inform these contacts that you are striking them off your contact list and give them a last chance to prevent you from doing so. If they don’t take up your offer, give up gracefully.



You too can try new电子邮件营销想法、A / B测试的邮件内容和不同的发送ing times. If you optimise your emails, you can open up a great channel for customer retention and acquisition.

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