5 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Open Rates in 2023

Many email marketers look to their email click-through rates as an indication of whether or not their email marketing is hitting the mark. But before your email subscribers can even click anything, they have to open your email, right? That’s why we’re sharing email marketing tips to increase open rates. This way, you’ll have what you need to convince your subscribers to open your emails so they actually can click through!

There are quite a few opinions out there about how best to increase your email open rates. We’ve curated a list of the 5 email marketing tips to increase open rates that are based on sound data and have the power of highly successful email marketing campaigns to back them up.

If you’re entirely new to email marketing, we suggest you start with our电子邮件营销指南before coming back and implementing these email marketing tips to increase open rates.

If you’re familiar with email marketing already, let’s get started off on the same page with a quick definition of what an email open rate actually is and what a typical open rate looks like.


What Is an Email Open Rate?


Email Open Rate

Email open rates are often shown with other email marketing metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates, but open rates are a pretty important starting point for understanding how your电子邮件营销活动正在执行以及可以改进的地方。例如,如果您的电子邮件开放率较低,则可以测试主题​​行,发件人名称或可能影响您广告系列绩效的任何其他细节。您可能还会查看发送电子邮件的频率,以确保您不会压倒订阅者。


Why Your Email Open Rate Matters

If your email subscribers aren’t opening your emails that means they’re not getting your marketing messages, they’re not taking action based on your emails, and, ultimately, not becoming customers. All of those stunning电子邮件营销templatesand the countless hours you’ve spent writing brilliant email copy are wasted.

Your email open-rate helps you understand the percentage of emails that are opened by existing and new subscribers or customers and lets you know how many people are actually seeing the content of your emails. The open rate can give you excellent signals about how your subject lines are performing, how the time you send your emails can make a difference for your specific audience, and if your email marketing is having its desired effect.

What Is a Typical Open Rate?

There really isn’t a typical open rate. But that answer isn’t super satisfying and doesn’t really tell the entire story. See, the open rate can vary due to how it’s measured, the size of your list, how often you send emails to your list, the industry you’re in, and any number of other factors. Even within your own电子邮件广告系列, you’ll find that your open rates vary.

There are a couple common trends we know about, though, based on the data that’s already out there. First, a larger list tends to mean lower open rates. This happens because larger lists are typically larger in scope, meaning that you have more people who are “kind of” interested in your brand instead of diehard fans. The other thing we’ve seen is that open rates for nonprofits, churches, sports teams, and entertainers tend to be higher than average. This happens because these types of consumers tend to be very interested in any news about their favorites in these areas. The general rule is that the more niche the topic, the higher the open rates are going to be.

The open rate average across industries in 2022 was 21.5% (Campaign Monitor), but typically open rates between 20%–40% are viewed as average.

现在你知道更多关于开放率nd why they matter, let’s dive into our email marketing tips to increase open rates. These are tips that you can put into practice any time, but there’s really no time like today!

5 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Open Rates

电子邮件营销是您在营销剧本中拥有的最强大的营销策略之一。它使您可以与新订户和客户建立关系,并提供惊人的ROI of 4200%。这意味着您每花费1美元用于电子邮件营销,您有可能获得42美元的回报。

But you’re not going to get anywhere if your subscribers don’t open your emails.

That’s why we’re sharing 5 of the best email marketing tips to increase open rates you can put to work right away to boost those open rates, get more engagement, and increase sales.

1. Keep Your Email List Clean

Your email list declines by about 22% every year, even if you email them regularly. This means that every single year, nearly a quarter of your list doesn’t actually want to hear from you anymore. That’s going to tank your open rates along with everything else. Fortunately, there are ways togrow your email listso you can replenish it with subscribers that are interested in what you have to say. The other end of that, though, is removing the subscribers who are no longer interested.

Most电子邮件营销servicesmake it easy to filter and segment your subscribers so you can create targeted email marketing messages. And inactive subscribers are a segment you’re going to want to define. You can define inactive subscribers however you want in your email marketing service. For example, you might consider an inactive subscriber to be someone who hasn’t engaged with any of your last 10 email campaigns or hasn’t engaged within a certain timeframe.

But when you’ve defined that segment, don’t just delete them right away.




在这封电子邮件中,布鲁克斯为订户提供了分享有关自己的更多信息的机会,因此他们希望看到的是从布鲁克斯那里获得的内容。If subscribers don’t interact with your email like this one, you could send a followup to let them know that you don’t want to keep emailing them if they’re not interested and give them the option to either stay on your list or leave. If your winback email or campaign doesn’t work, be prepared to cut those inactive subscribers loose.


2. Segment and Personalize


Relevant emails are the ones that get sales and inspire subscribers to take action. If you’re sending the same email to your best customers that you’re sending to your lapsed customers, neither of them is going to feel important. But to be able to send relevant emails, you need to segment your email list.

To do this, start by defining your most valuable audience. Are they customers who’ve made more than two purchases from you in the past year? Or maybe they’re customers who’ve任何一个made more than two purchasesor在过去的一年中,他们与您花了100多美元。无论他们是谁,都为那些最有价值的人创建一个细分市场。

Repeat for all segments you want to target. Once you have your segments created, think about what kind of content those people might want to get from you (and what you want them to do). For your most loyal customers, they’d probably like to get exclusive promotional offers or get to know about your new products and services before anyone else. A past customer who hasn’t purchased from you in six months might need a little discount to bring them back in.

After you segment your users and identify what they most likely want to see from you, you cancreate personalized, targeted marketing messagesfor those users. This goes beyond simply adding the subscriber’s name to your subject line, though that’s a pretty easy place to start. Plus, emails with a first name in the subject line can increase open rates by 26%!



Better Subject Line

Your subject line can make or break your电子邮件营销success. They’re the first thing your subscribers see and they use them to decide whether or not they’re going to open your email or just delete it without reading. The entire point of the subject line is to pique curiosity enough that subscribers just have to open and read your email. Boring subject lines like “Newsletter—May” or “Brand Updates” probably aren’t going to whip subscribers into a frenzy.

There are a few standardsubject line templates许多电子邮件营销人员使用:

  • Questions:Using questions in your subject lines are a great way to engage your subscribers. Just make sure you either answer the question in the email or direct them to where the answer can be found. Example: “How can you grow your YouTube channel?”
  • 预告片:If done incorrectly, teaser subject lines can turn into clickbaity, “you won’t BELIEVE what happened next” subject lines. Use your teaser subject line to generate interest in your topic without sensationalizing it. Example: “video ads”
  • Announcements:If there’s something new going on, your subscribers want to know about it. You don’t have to say “Announcing…” and make your announcement but these subject lines should be straightforward and written to generate excitement. Example: “[ANNOUNCING] Messenger Marketing with Molly Pittman”
  • Lists:人们喜欢编号清单。它很难融入我们的DNA之类的东西。另外,您的主题行中的一个数字将使它更加突出。示例:“您应该(可能)阅读的11本书的书籍书籍……”
  • 命令:Being direct isn’t a bad thing. Let subscribers know if you want them to take action. Example: “Before you write another blog post, read this”

Be sure to check out ouremail subject line tipsfor more ways to craft subject lines that drive action. You can also use thesesubject line tester tools确保您的主题行得到了优化。

4. Send the Right Number of Emails

How often do you email your subscribers? Depending on the preferences of your subscribers, you may be sending too many or too few emails to keep them engaged with your brand. How many emails you send will largely depend on what you’re hoping to accomplish with your电子邮件营销strategy。If you want to increase website traffic, more emails will do the trick. If you want to increase open rates on the other hand, sending more emails might have the opposite effect.

We recommend testing different email frequencies with your audience to see what they best respond to. You could also let subscribers choose their own email frequency if your email marketing service supports it. You could include a selection for email frequency on your opt-in form to segment them from the start or send an email blast to your list to ask them to self-segment based on how often they want to hear from your brand. Remember that you’ll need to create different email campaigns for different frequencies.

5. Send Your Emails at the Right Time

Before you ask, no, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all day and time when it’s best for every brand to send their emails. Every brand has a different audience with different needs and behaviors. So, the best time for Influencer Marketing Hub to send our emails might not be the best time for you and your users. As with everything related to marketing, you’ll want to test different days and times to find out what works best for your audience.


Best Time to send Emails


What really matters is that you find the day and time that works for your audience.

Better Emails Lead to Better Open Rates


准备更多的电子邮件营销的建议吗?看看these电子邮件营销best practicesto get the most from your email campaigns.



These are 5 tips for effective email marketing:

  • 保持短暂的文字和定点
  • Include a call-to-action
  • Offer users something valuable
  • 出售福利 - 不是功能
  • Avoid generic templates or emails

What are the 5 steps of email marketing?

These are the 5 steps of email marketing:

  • Understand and segment your audience
  • Establish your campaign goals
  • Create sign-up forms and capture analytics
  • Consider the frequency of your campaigns
  • 了解安排并发送电子邮件的最佳时间

What are the 4 types of email marketing?

These are the four types of popular email marketing campaigns and how you can use them to help your business grow:

  • Email newsletters
  • Acquisition emails
  • Promotional emails
  • Retention emails

What are the 4 D's of email?

The 4D method lets you pick from four options when you decide how to handle an email. You can delete it, do it, delegate it, or defer it. The goal of the 4D method is to increase email productivity and keep emails organized.
