



If you’re completely new to email marketing, we suggest starting with our电子邮件营销指南在回到个性化之前。



Email personalization is the act of targeting email campaigns to specific subscribers using the data and information you’ve already collected from them. This could be their names, products they’ve purchased, their location, how active they are on your app, or any other of a broad range of data. Here’s an example of a personalized email from Bulb Energy:

在上面的示例是复杂的,包括ns of personalized information, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply adding a subscriber’s name to an email subject line is email personalization. As you can see from Bulb Energy’s email, you can also get quite complex with your email personalization by including products or services specific to age, location, or gender identification, or other details you’ve learned about them.


  • 主题行
  • 致敬
  • 图片
  • 内容
  • Product offering



According to a study by Litmus, email personalization is the number one电子邮件营销的趋势with nearly 40% of email marketers indicating that improving email personalization was their number one email marketing goal. That’s because email事实证明,个性化可以改善电子邮件营销指标像ROI和参与率,以及提高发件人的声誉并提高开放率。

如您所见,电子邮件个性化提供了一些好处。除了上面提到的那些外,电子邮件营销人员还报告了个性化的电子邮件体验increases sales并提高客户满意度。这主要是因为人们不想被人看见,而其他许多人则只想被视为个人并被视为这样。




向您的订户发送个性化的,相关的,有针对性的电子邮件是一种好方法培育关系with the people on your email list. The more you can show your subscribers that you understand them and care about what they want, the more loyal they will be to your brand. To get the best results from your email marketing efforts, employ these 10 best practices for email personalization.


如果你不已经有他们,创建客户personas for each of the types of customers you want to bring in. You have to start with a good grasp on who your target audience is before you can hope to use personalization in your email marketing efforts. You’ll want to create at least one persona (most brands have 1–3 personas they target). Really work to build a complete picture of what your personas want and how they behave. This is a great starting point for email personalization.



  • What voice and tone do you want to use? Conversational? Formal?
  • 您是否要包含特定于订户的详细信息,例如以前的购买或浏览器历史记录?
  • Do you want to send valuable content to subscribers based on their interests and behavior?





一旦您开始收集数据,就可以分割电子邮件列表。您可以基于几乎任何内容进行细分电子邮件列表,但要注意超级细分。您已经创建了自己的角色,每个角色都是开始细分的好地方。但是,从那里开始,很容易真正进入杂草。您最终将获得数百个细分市场,诸如“ 7月第三个星期一购买三本紫色的袖珍书”之类的东西,而不是基于客户行为和位置的细分市场。


You’re not going to be able to keep everyone happy all of the time. That doesn’t mean that you segment and segment and segment. Instead, focus on broader commonalities between subscribers. Location is a great place to start because people love knowing what’s going on locally.



Econsultancy发现,有59%的消费者表示,个性化对其购买产生了重大影响。而且,在电子邮件活动中使用细分的营销人员的收入比这些活动增加了760%open rates增加26%。



Dynamic content is content in your emails that changes depending on the segment of your audience receiving the email. This means you can create multiple versions of the same email and customize the email to show a specific element only to a specific segment of your audience. Dynamic content changes based on the preferences, interests, and behavior of the recipient.



6. Use Personalization Naturally

Just because you have information about a subscriber doesn’t mean you should use it all the time. Email personalization should come across as natural. If it feels forced, your readers will definitely notice. Personalization should make it easier to build a personal connection with your readers. It will also help you create emails faster and easier, but you should only use it when it makes sense.



Don’t just test on computers, either. Nearly half of email users check their email from their smartphones, so you’ll want to make sure your emails look right on mobile devices, too.




9. Include Product Recommendations

A Salesforce study found that 76% of customers expect businesses to know their preferences, and personalized product recommendations will let subscribers know that you understand them. An easy way to add targeted product recommendations to personalize your emails is by offering customized product recommendations or information based on customers’ past purchases.


客户不想不断出售。但是,这并不意味着你信息,增值内容can’t increase your sales. When you include informational content that provides value, you can easily get additional sales for the complimentary items you’ve talked about.

您可以在服装店看到很多策略。After you’ve made a purchase for a particular item, you might receive a “how to wear it” email that shows how you can style and wear the item you already bought and includes links to additional products you can add to complete the look if you don’t already have them.

Customers love getting this type of personalized information. Studies have found that 96% of consumers want brands to help them find new products.




This email personalization tactic is particularly useful if you send cart recovery emails forabandoned carts, cross-sell, or upsell products.

Get the Most From Your Email Marketing With Personalization

Using email personalization in your subject line and greeting is a nice place to start but you certainly shouldn’t stop your personalization efforts there. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your personalization efforts through personalized images, videos,GIFs, 和更多。借助具有动态内容功能的电子邮件营销服务提供商,这很容易做到。

Email personalization can help you grab the attention of your subscribers and increase engagement. With the email personalization best practices included here, you have everything you need to create highly-targeted, personalized email marketing campaigns that are sure to get results.


