70 Personalization Stats for Smart Marketers

Wondering whether personalization works? In this blog post, we’re sharing 70 data-backed personalization stats. Whether you're focused oncontent marketing, building a more engaging website oremail marketing, these stats show that personalization is the future and it will help you generate results. We’ve broken them into “business sentiment personalzsation stats”, “consumers sentiment personalization stats”, “personalization trends” and “personalization results”.

70 Personalization Stats for Smart Marketers:


  1. 88%的营销人员认为改善客户体验是确定个性化优先级的原因。((持有贷款)
  2. 74% of marketers think personalization needs greater focus and support in their organisations. (evergage and Researchscape)
  3. Almost 50% of global B2C marketing leaders said they would channel more budget to content and personalization technologies. (福雷斯特)
  4. 66% of marketers are realigning internal resources to drive more personalised marketing initiatives. (Conversant Media)
  5. 几乎三分之二的首席执行官确定了对客户对客户更重要的产品,服务和体验的需求。((埃森哲)
  6. 33%的营销人员将“个性化”确定为对未来营销最重要的一种功能。((Adage)
  7. 来自多个行业的客户见解和营销专业人员中有94%引用个性化是“重要的”,“非常重要”或“非常重要”,对于实现其当前的电子邮件营销目标而言,“非常重要”。((Conversant Media)
  8. Two-thirds of marketers identify a boost in visitor engagement and better customer experience as the top benefits of personalization. (持有贷款)
  9. 74%的营销人员将目标个性化归因于客户参与度增加的原因。((经济文献)
  10. In 2019, members of the Association of National Advertisers selected “Personalization” as the Word of the Year. (安娜)
  11. 50%的企业认为,他们可以通过增加个性化来推动电子邮件中的互动。((Experian)

Consumers Sentiment Personalization Stats

  1. 发现营销内容个性化“非常”或“有些”吸引人的美国消费者的份额为90%。((Statista)


  1. 72%的消费者声称他们只会与个性化的消息传递。((Smarterhq)
  2. Half of Millennials and Gen Zers generally ignore communications from companies that don’t personalise their content, and 73% expect companies to engage them in real-time. (Salesforce)
  3. 77% of consumers have picked, recommended, or paid more for a brand that prioritises personalised service or experience. (Zoominfo)
  4. 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very crucial to winning their wallet share. (Salesforce)
  5. 当出现无关紧要,广告,促销活动时,有74%的在线消费者会对网站感到沮丧。((Janrain– now Akamai)
  6. 63%的消费者将个性化视为服务标准。((Redpoint Global和Harris民意调查)
  7. 45%的消费者不会花时间与他们的利益无关的品牌内容。((OneSpot and Marketing Insider Group)
  8. 如果公司不给他们个性化沟通,则有52%的客户可能会更换品牌,而如果供应商不将沟通设置给公司,则有65%的企业购买者可能会切换品牌。((Salesforce)
  9. 75%的消费者更倾向于购买来回m a retailer that recognises them by name, recommends products or services based on past purchases, or knows their purchase history. (埃森哲)
  10. 当将广告定位为他们已经购买的商品时,有55%的企业买家(和54%的消费者)会感到烦恼。((Salesforce)
  11. 33%的放弃业务关系的客户由于个性化而这样做。((埃森哲)
  12. More than one-third of U.S. adults online want retailers to increase their personalization experiences. (福雷斯特)
  13. 平均而言,36%的消费者表示有兴趣购买个性化产品或服务。((经济文献)
  14. 69%的企业购买者期望个性化建议。((Salesforce)
  15. 50% of consumers say they would pay more for products and services from brands that prioritise personally relevant content. (OneSpot and Marketing Insider Group)
  16. 几乎80%的消费者只有在这些促销活动与以前与品牌互动的方式直接相关的情况下,只有使用优惠券或其他优惠才能与品牌互动。((Marketo)
  17. 64%的客户期望基于先前的品牌互动的个性化参与。((Salesforce)
  18. 73% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. (Salesforce)
  19. 72%的消费者只会与品牌的个性化营销信息互动。((Smarterhq)
  20. 80% of U.S. online adults feel comfortable sharing some personal information with retailers to personalise their experience. (福雷斯特)
  21. 70%的客户表示了解他们如何使用产品和服务对于赢得业务至关重要。((Salesforce)
  22. 62%的客户期望公司根据其行为和行为来适应。((Salesforce)
  23. 62.26% of consumers feel “happy” and “excited” to respond to a personalised message from a retailer. (Dynamic Yield Research)
  24. 32% of shoppers expect a personalization discount within just an hour of sharing their information with a retailer. (经济文献)
  25. 48% of people say it’s generally acceptable for companies to use their purchase history to deliver personalised offers via mobile, so long as they can be opted in and out of. (Statista)
  26. 81% of U.S. consumers think online retailers do a good job of delivering personalised experiences. (Statista)
  27. 54%的美国消费者使用其购买历史记录以移动购物建议来赞成在线零售商。((Statista)
  28. 70%的千禧一代愿意让零售商跟踪其浏览和购物行为,以换取更好的购物体验。((Smarterhq)
  29. 70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant emails. (Smarterhq)。
  30. 36%的消费者表示,零售商需要做更多的事情来提供个性化的体验。((零售接触点)


Personalization Trends

  1. Four in 10 marketers employ machine-learning personalization, using AI-based algorithms and predictive analytics to dynamically present recommendations and experiences at the 1-to-1 level. (evergage and Researchscape)
  2. 今天的数字营销人员在电子邮件中采用个性化(78%);在他们的网站上(58%);亲自在线广告中,例如通过商店员工和售货亭(42%)(35%);以及他们的移动应用程序(28%)和Web应用程序(19%)。((evergage and Researchscape)
  3. Marketers report personalising content and experiences based on campaign source (49%), pages/content viewed (35%), email opens (34%), products purchased (33%), email click-throughs (32%), demographics (32%), clicks (30%), geolocation (28%), stage of the customer journey (27%) and previous visit behaviour (26%). (evergage and Researchscape)
  4. Message personalization is the #1 tactic used by email marketers to increase engagement rates. (HubSpot)
  5. 只有39%的在线零售商通过电子邮件发送个性化产品建议。((Certona)


  1. 细分和有针对性的电子邮件产生了所有收入的58%。((DMA)
  2. 营销人员注意到,分段活动的收入增加了760%。((Campaign) Monitor
  3. 当使用个性化体验时,营销人员的销售量平均增加了20%。((Monetate)
  4. 90%的营销人员报告了可衡量的业务成果的提升,归因于个性化,而58%的人表示提升大于10%。((evergage and Researchscape)
  5. 几乎所有营销人员(98%)都指出,个性化都会提高其客户关系 - 其中有十分之一(70%)将影响描述为“强大”或“极强”。((evergage and Researchscape)
  6. The open rate for emails with a personalised message was 18.8%, as compared to 13.1% without any personalization in 2016. (Statista)
  7. 55%的消费者表示,他们喜欢包含相关产品和优惠的电子邮件。((liveclicker)
  8. In 2018, $87.5 billion in sales were influenced by personalised offers that resulted in consumers making a purchase they did not otherwise intend to make. (451研究)
  9. 当品牌提供个性化体验时,80%的消费者更有可能进行购买。((Epsilon)
  10. 分别针对51%和50%的营销影响者的最有效的个性化策略,能够分割电子邮件列表和个性化的电子邮件活动消息传递能力。((Ascend2, 2016)
  11. 个性化可以提供营销支出的投资回报率的五到八倍,并提高10%或更高的销售。((麦肯锡)
  12. 个性化电子邮件产生了6倍的交易率。((Experian)
  13. Four out of five companies report an uplift since implementing personalization. (经济文献)
  14. 具有个性化主题行的电子邮件打开的可能性要高26%。((Campaign Monitor)
  15. 53%的营销人员表示,与现有客户进行的持续,个性化的沟通会导致中等至重大收入影响。((需求根)
  16. 在网站上显示弹出案,将电子邮件通讯订阅增加了800%。((新鲜的相关性)
  1. 一些品牌已通过个性化视频与常规出站电子邮件广告系列记录了点击率的8倍和8倍的提高。((Marketing Land)
  2. 在个性化整合后的一年中,从其个性化工作中看到3倍投资回报率的公司中有95%的公司提高了盈利能力。((Monetate)
  3. 与标准促销电子邮件相比,生日电子邮件往往每封电子邮件的收入高342%。((Experian)
  4. 个性化呼叫的行动电话比标准或通用呼叫的行动转换202%。((HubSpot)
  5. 个性化电子邮件营销的平均投资回报率为122%。((Experian)
  6. Personalised email subject lines generate, on average, 50% higher open rates. (YesMarketing)
  7. 网站个性化的最高内容格式(按顺序)是横幅,呼叫消息,内联内容,调查问题,页面编辑,弹出窗口,信息栏和模式。((Statista)

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