什么是营销技术?- (+如何从Martech中受益)

营销技术(又名MarTech)包括企业用来帮助他们实现营销目标和目标的工具。您可以说Martech由营销经理所钟爱的工具组成。当营销团队使用营销技术工具的组合时,您可以将其称为组合营销技术堆栈. Most firms will use some combination of marketing technology in theirdigital marketing campaigns,通常也更传统的离线营销人员。加特纳将营销技术描述为“营销领导者使用的一系列软件解决方案,以支持关键任务业务目标并推动其组织内的创新。”

酋长Martec博客的编辑Scott Brinker研究了营销技术格局(大多数)。尽管他错过了撰写2021年概述,但他相信他的2020年营销技术格局仍然是相关的,而在2021年,Martech景观仍然相似。考虑到COVID造成的所有破坏,这是一个很大的成就。2020年,估计有8,000个Martech解决方案,比2019年的数据增长了13.6%。早在2011年酋长队开始调查时,只有150个营销技术解决方案。




最近的另一个营销流行词是Adtech. You might wonder whether AdTech is just another name for MarTech. Although the two concepts are similar, you can see the noticeable difference in their extended names: advertising technology vs. marketing technology. Although advertising is a component of marketing, it doesn't encompass all marketing. Similarly, AdTech does not include all the technology marketers consider to be MarTech.



Adtechis more focused. It is the technology marketing teams use to get their campaigns into the marketplace. These include ad exchanges, networks, servers, demand-side platforms, supply-side platforms, digital banners, and tag management systems.





Martech营销人员可以使用多种类型的方式来协助他们的营销活动。但是,并非所有类型都对每个公司都有价值 - 这完全取决于您在数字营销组合中包含的营销类型。




  • 营销归因软件
  • 内容管理系统
  • 客户关系管理软件

As we said above, advertising is a subset of marketing, so virtually all your advertising technology counts as marketing technology too.



While you will have to pay to use most marketing technology, you will benefit from increased efficiency and effectiveness. For example, suppose you intend to engage in influencer marketing. In that case, it is substantially easier to find and then contact quality relevant influencers using an influencer marketing platform than it is to use organic methods to find and communicate with suitable influencers. Similarly, email marketing is particularly complicated without email automation software because you hit anti-spam limitations set by your traditional email providers, meaning that you can't mass email from your regular accounts.


营销技术makes it possible to manage marketing across a wide range of channels where you're likely to find potential customers. Companies that invest in MarTech have the tools to spread their marketing across all the channels where they need a presence, a task that is virtually impossible without technology unless you have an enormous marketing team.

很多营销技术允许您的例子to determine the ROI of particular marketing activities. For example, many social media marketing platforms provide you with in-depth analytics showing how your posts and social account activities contribute to meeting your goals. Similarly, if you're a brand that uses affiliate marketers to promote your products, you can determine the additional sales these marketers generate by using your affiliate marketing software. Once you know your ROI, you can shift your resources towards the more successful forms of marketing and reduce your expenditure on activities that aren't helping you meet your goals.


Martech Stack


  1. 营销自动化(地图)
  2. 内容管理(CMS)
  3. 客户关系管理(CRM)
  4. 数字资产管理(DAM)




DAMs originally had a narrow implementation, perhaps used by a few marketers and possibly the social media team of an organization. However, DAM is now considered an enterprise-wide application, integrating with other business systems.

Many years ago, a firm might use a filing cabinet to store its documents and other content assets. Obviously, these were hard copies, not digital. However, now that most content assets are digital, firms must find MarTech-related solutions to store their content.

真实故事小组的特蕾莎·雷格里(Theresa Regli)在她的书中写道数字和营销资产管理:大坝技术与实践的真实故事,“内容营销不只是创建正确的内容:正确的数字营销技术内容营销策略需要有效。如果没有适当的系统来管理客户数据,引人注目的内容和产品信息,您就无法吸引,获取和吸引受众。为了收集,培养和培育潜在客户和客户。”随着营销变得更加以客户为中心,营销人员发现,新方法必须更加专注于客户的偏好,例如浏览和购买历史记录,并在客户选择的渠道中与他们见面。数字资产可以为此提供帮助。


  • 企业数据基金会 - 商业智能,分析以及客户和产品数据
  • 内容和参与管理 - 其他基础组件,例如数字资产管理,营销自动化,社交媒体参与和Web内容管理
  • 营销和销售服务 - 依靠较低层来简化特定功能的执行的技术,例如电子商务管理,内容交付网络,在线视频平台和自助服务门户。188滚球地址这些都需要内容
  • 主要渠道 - 营销人员执行策略以吸引目标受众的渠道,例如社交,电子邮件,网站,移动,印刷和电视




许多传统媒体公司,例如印刷,广播,电视和广告牌,已经使用了Martech Solutions一段时间了。例如,大多数报纸现在都有一个数字版本,其销售量通常比其印刷版更多。同样,电视和广播新闻编辑室经常与他们一起运行,经常在模拟新闻公告和节目中运行。

While most of the software we have reviewed on this site targets companies that engage in digital marketing, many are equally helpful for other types of marketing. Just because you use traditional methods to distribute your marketing doesn't mean that you can't use digital technology at other cycle stages. Virtually every newspaper ad, for instance, will have been created using Adobe Photoshop or some other type of digital photography software. Print copy (and even radio and television ad scripts) will probably have started life as a Microsoft Word document. Many businesses, including traditional media companies, use apps like Trello, Slack, Google Drive, and Dropbox to communicate and store their files.

Building Your MarTech Stack



  1. 您的业​​务模式是什么?你在卖什么?您是B2B还是B2C业务,还是涵盖两种类型的市场?
  2. 您的营销目标是什么?您对任何Martech投资的期望结果是什么?
  3. What is your marketing funnel? What stages do your customers go through from awareness to purchase (or re-purchase)?


MarTech Provides All the Necessary Information for Your Marketing Decision-making


Marketers can access analytics on virtually every part of the marketing process that they can use to inform their decision-making. For example, you can find out more about your target audience now than ever before, no matter the channel. You can even use tools like A/B testing, multivariate testing, and heat mapping to compare results for various marketing activities. In the past, determined marketers had to extract insights from raw data. Now they can access information already targeted and filtered to meet their needs.


