





Conduct a Social Media Audit

Before you start making changes to your social media marketing campaigns, take the time to assess where you are with a社交媒体审核。您目前在社交媒体上发布什么?您正在使用188滚球地址什么平台?您的社交媒体指标是什么样的?如果您不满足目标,请更深入地了解原因。


Research Your Competition

现在您知道在线形象正在发生什么,也要看看竞争对手。从您的顶级竞争对手列表以及他们使用的社交媒体平台的列表开始。188滚球地址他们正在参与什么样的内容?考虑使用social listening tools找到有关竞争对手的关键信息,以帮助您制定自己的社交媒体营销策略。这是您在许多社交听力工具中发现的报告的示例24:


现在是时候设定对您的业务有意义的目标和目标了。您希望您能实现什么social media marketing?您可能有多个目标和目标,没关系。将它们放下很重要,以便您可以围绕这些目标制定策略。例如,如果您的目标是社区建设,那将涉及与您的目标增加销售额不同的策略。稍后,当您制定社交媒体营销计划时,您需要考虑所有目标,以确保您围绕每个目标创建内容。



Establish Important Metrics and KPIs

有了您的目标,您现在准备弄清楚社交媒体指标and KPIs you need to track to ensure that you're on track to meet those goals. KPIs are important because knowing where you stand will help you make data-driven marketing decisions. Here are some of the more common metrics social media marketers track:

  • Reach.看到您帖子的唯一用户数量。
  • 订婚。The number of interactions on your posts divided by the number of impressions.
  • 点击。您的帖子或个人资料的点击次数。
  • 喜欢。Interactions involving both paid and organic content.
  • 主题标签性能。The hashtags most associated with and used by your brand.
  • Sentiment.用户如何在社交媒体上对您的品牌做出反应。


  • 提高品牌知名度:Followers, impressions, share of voice, traffic, and reach
  • Generate more leads and sales:销售收入,潜在客户转换率,电子邮件注册,非收入转换
  • 增加社区参与:Clicks, likes, comments, shares, mentions
  • 增加听众:Mentions, followers, engagement rate, share of voice, followers
  • 增加网站流量:流量,链接点击,电子邮件注册,产品试验,转换

Ultimately, the KPIs you decide to track are going to be the ones that are most important to your business and that give you the insights into your social media marketing that you want.


创建社交媒体营销策略的下一步是确定您的目标观众。While it may be a nice ego boost to see your social media profiles rack up a high follower count, having engaged followers is much more beneficial to your brand. The audience you should be targeting is the people who interact with you, the ones who are interested in what you have to say and who might actually convert into high-quality leads or sales.

We recommend creating buyer personas for each unique audience you hope to reach. To create these personas, you'll need to learn more about them like where they are, what they like, how old they are, where they work, how much they earn, and more. Your audience will probably vary depending on which social media platform you're looking at, so research each network to get all the pertinent data on your target audience segments.

Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

You may find, in the research of your target audience, that your target audience is either not well-represented on a platform you're investing time and money in, or your target audience is on社交媒体平台188滚球地址您不使用。您不必到处都有一个帐户,但是无论目标受众在哪里,都需要积极存在。

Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube tend to be pretty safe bets for marketing because those platforms have such enormous reach. However, different platforms draw different audiences. TikTok, for example, is popular with Gen Z and Millennial users but not as popular with Gen X and Boomers (though those audiences are growing on the platform). On Pinterest, the vast majority of users identify as women. LinkedIn's population tends to be well-educated professionals. When you're thinking about which social media platforms to include in your社交媒体营销平台,与观众闲逛的平台一起去。188滚球地址


At this point in creating your strategy, you'll start putting together a social media marketing plan. This plan is your outline for how you'll put your strategy into action—the actions you'll take and when. Here is where your social media marketing strategy will really come together and lay the groundwork for implementation.


Your social media marketing plan starts with optimizing your社交媒体概况。你的档案应该完全填写一个d should include photos and cover photos to make your brand appear professional. It's important to use consistent visuals across platforms but the information you include in the written part of your profile should be optimized for each specific platform. You'll still include roughly the same information, but you might present it in a different way depending on the platform. When planning out what you'll say in your profiles, keep it simple and straightforward. Use keywords but avoid jargon and buzzwords that can confuse and intimidate people not "in the know" about your industry.




There's a reason that金博宝188备用网址is so popular. Influencers can help your brand increase engagement, boost brand awareness, build trust, and a host of other things that will translate to a stronger bottom line. Look for influencers that specialize in the platforms you're going to be using and whose audience overlaps with yours. If you can找到一个影响者谁已经对您的产品充满热情,甚至更好。

Create a Social Media Content Calendar



If you've created a content calendar, this one should be easy. In addition to your own content (that mix of promotional and valuable content we just mentioned), your content and posting strategy should also include curated content from influencers and thought leaders in your industry that will benefit your followers.

When it comes to posting, you'll want to think about what to post and when, as well as how often you're going to post on each platform. While there's no hard rule about how often to post, there has been research on the subject. Here's what the research suggests are optimal times to post on social media by platform:

  • Facebook:每周至少发布1-3次,理想情况下每天一次。
  • 推特:Post a minimum of 1–6 times per day, ideally 15–23 times per day.
  • Pinterest:每天至少发布1-5次,理想情况下每天10-25次。
  • Instagram:每周至少发表1-3次,理想情况下每天1-2次。
  • LinkedIn:每周至少发布两次,每天不超过一次。
  • YouTube:坚持既定的时间表,理想情况下每周至少上传一个视频。
  • 您的博客:每月至少发布一次,理想情况下每周1-3次。

要找到特定受众的最佳位置,请开始测试不同的发布频率并检查您的分析,以查看更改对您的参与度有何影响。您还想确保schedule your social media posts在每个平台上,当您的受众处于活动状态,并且最有可能看到您的内容。

Implement Your Social Media Marketing Strategy



  • 创建引人入胜的内容
  • 在最佳关注者的最佳时间发布您的内容
  • 与您的追随者互动
  • 跟踪社交媒体营销的表现



在创建方面,您有很多选择social media contentthat your followers are going to love. To make sure you don't get stuck on one type of content, here are a few content ideas that we recommend:

  • Instagram故事。故事are exciting to Instagram users because, unless you add them to your highlights, they aren't available after 24 hours. This inspires a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) that will make your audience turn to your Stories as soon as they open Instagram.
  • 坦率和风度翩翩的内容。Social media is social. As such, your followers are looking to make a human connection with the people behind the brand. While every post doesn't have to be personal or candid, it's important to add in some relatable content so your followers keep in mind that there are real people in your company who care about them as people, not as dollars.
  • 短形式视频。tiktokis popular for a reason. People love those short, easy to consume videos. If your target audience isn't on TikTok, giveInstagramReels试图满足您的简短视频内容需求。

Actively Engage With Fans and Followers

除了posting meaningful content for your followers, you'll need to be ready to engage with them in the comments. You can automate this process to a certain extent on many social media platforms, but there's really no substitute for authentic engagement. Take the time to see what your followers are saying to and about your brand and reply to their comments as often as possible.



您可以做的最重要的事情之一确保您的努力得到回报,就是跟踪社交媒体营销活动的表现。尽管大多数社交媒体平台都有自己的分析,但它可以节188滚球地址省大量时间来使用social media analytics toolthat can show you your performance across social media platforms from a single place. Here's a look at analytics tool Agorapulse showing the best times to post:

Don't just look at your analytics, say "oh, okay," and forget about them, either.

深入挖掘以找出您的内容使您更接近您的目标以及目标。停止执行工作和交易,以获取更多有效的内容。完全测试其他东西。而且,不要只看虚荣指标就被卡住了。真正检查您的分析,以确保您开会很重要social media benchmarks


There you have it! Eight steps to creating a social media marketing strategy that will help you meet your goals. We highly recommend working through each step in order to get the best results from your efforts since each step is designed to build on the next. Once you've reached Step 8, it's all about creating, publishing, engaging, and tracking your performance so you can change up your tactics to get even better results.

将您的社交媒体营销策略视为充分利用它的生动文件。社交媒体变化很快,重要的是能够根据需要调整您的策略。您可能想检查我们的guide to agile marketing找到一些有助于保持营销敏捷的策略。除此之外,享受智能社交媒体营销策略的好处!
