What Is Agile Marketing and How to Use It to Make Your Marketing Better


If you want to build an agile marketing team, keep reading. In this article, we’re going to walk you through everything you need to know about what agile marketing is, how to build the right agile marketing team, and why you should.


What Is Agile Marketing?

Agile marketing is a市场策略in which teams work collaboratively to complete projects within short, finite periods of time known as sprints. Agile marketing helps teams respond to changes as they come up rather than staidly following a plan regardless of what happens. This allows marketing plans to be “in the moment” by focusing on:

  • 测试和证据而不是假设
  • Several small experiments in place of siloed guesses
  • Collaboration as opposed to hierarchy






Project Progress Tracker

The point of agile marketing is to make sure that projects get completed on time, so having a project management tool like Trello, Asana, ActiveCollab or others is important for tracking. You can even go low-tech and use a whiteboard and Post-its.

Differences Between Traditional and Agile Marketing

重要的是要注意,从传统的营销系统转换为敏捷营销系统并不意味着您就抛出了营销策略。您将关注您的市场策略as you always would, but the way you handle the work that you do within your marketing strategy will change.

There are 4 key differences between traditional and agile marketing:

Agile Marketing Is Fast-Paced

With agile marketing, you can split large projects into shorter sprints. During those 2–6 week sprints, your marketing team will meet to discuss what they’ve done and what they’re planning to accomplish. This keeps everyone informed about the project and better able to respond to any challenges that arise.

Agile Marketing Is Rapidly Iterative

敏捷营销使它更容易让陈ges to content you’ve already created in order to address the needs of your customers or website visitors. This can help you boost the performance of content that may be high-quality but that is missing the mark in terms of engagement and conversions.

您还可以在前端采取其他步骤create content that’s more engaging. When you’re making the effort during the content creation process it makes it a lot easier to optimize your content further later on.

Agile Marketing Is Collaborative

Agile marketing teams work collaboratively toward achieving a common goal. This means that each member of the marketing team is involved in the successful completion of the project, removing the siloed approach that can produce barriers to completing a project when there are delays with getting approval or assigning tasks.

Agile Marketing Is Driven by Testing and Analytics

Agile marketing is evidence-based. Agile marketing teams are driving by testing the content that they produce and evaluating the results to make the content even better, faster. Due to the fast-paced nature of agile marketing, these teams can conduct tests quickly, evaluate the results, and implement changes in a short period of time.

Benefits of Agile Marketing

Due to its fast-paced, collaborative nature, agile marketing has several far-reaching benefits for your business that can increase productivity, boost conversions, and generate more sales. Here are the 3 biggest benefits we’ve seen with agile marketing:


Agile teams are much more agile and able to change course than traditional teams. This is largely due to the collaborative effort where each team member is actively engaged in the process. These teams also seem to have a higher threshold for experimentation and are likely to produce more innovative ideas.






Agile marketing works through constant evaluation and optimization, making it easily adaptable for any business. You create the agile marketing system that works for your company and build a repeatable framework. While your business needs are unique, moving to an agile marketing system involves a 5-step process that any business can use. In this section, we’ll walk you through the 5 steps you should follow to build your agile marketing system.

Step 1: Get the Agile Marketing Framework Right

While there are numerous frameworks that can be used for agile marketing, there are 2 common frameworks that stand out: Scrum and Kanban.



This framework relies on direction from several defined roles:

ScrumMaster (or Agile Lead):This role’s sole purpose is to make the team successful by removing obstacles. They schedule and run the daily standups, track and remove obstacles, maintain the marketing backlog, as well as organizing and leading the sprint planning sessions, sprint review, and sprint retrospective. They’re also tasked with making sure the team follows the Scrum rules as the team has laid them out.

产品所有者(营销所有者):This role acts as a liaison between the marketing team and stakeholders who aren’t part of the team. They’re essentially the team’s spokesperson with sales (if your sales and marketing teams are separate), executives and C-levels, the product development team, and more to make sure that marketing is doing what they should be doing when. They will also work to protect the team from interruptions.

Team Members:There’s very little, if any, hierarchy in an agile marketing team. Everyone works together to achieve the team’s goals.

The Scrum agile marketing framework also includes a few different meetings:

Sprint Planning:Agile sprint planning helps your marketing team break larger projects into smaller pieces that can be completed efficiently in a set amount of time.

Daily Standup:Daily standups are how teams share what they’re working on and what obstacles they’re meeting. Standups are short meetings (15 minutes, max) that typically involve each team member answering these 3 questions:

  • What did you accomplish yesterday?
  • What are your goals for today?
  • 是什么让你退缩?

Then, the team works together to address and eliminate the obstacles.


  • What went well?
  • 什么不好?
  • How can we improve?


Sprint Review:In the sprint review, the team shares information from its retrospective with those who are outside of the team.





Image Source: https://www.kanbanchi.com/what-is-kanban-system



Of course, there’s more to Kanban than the board and WIP limits, but this is an excellent place to start.

Step 2: Creating Your Agile Marketing Team

Not every agile marketing team is going to look the same. Roles vary between Scrum and Kanban frameworks and across industries or departments. We’ve already covered the basic roles you’re like to see with agile marketing teams, so in this section, we’re going to take a closer look at the characteristics you’ll want to look for and keep in mind when building your agile marketing team.

1. Adaptable

Agile teams must be easily adaptable to new situations and feedback. Your marketing team will be involved in everything from领先一代并养育customer experience, so it’s important that they can move within those skills with minimal disruption.


如果没有好奇心,敏捷团队将无法生存。敏捷的营销团队不仅总是问“如果是什么”,而且是“数据告诉我们什么”,然后将这些信息用于improve content更好的参与their audience.

3. T形或跨功能




5. Team-Oriented

Agile teams are oriented toward group success rather than individual efforts. This may seem to run counter to the entrepreneurial spirit valued in agile teams, but they really complement each other quite well.

You shouldn’t expect every member of your agile marketing team to have all of these characteristics. However, the more of these characteristics embodied by your agile marketing team, the better it will be able to meet the needs of your business.


One of the biggest mistakes marketing teams make when moving to an agile marketing framework is trying to do too much all at once. You don’t need to immediately adopt every single aspect of agile marketing right off the bat. In fact, doing so may backfire due to the “all or nothing” nature of such approaches.


Step 4: Ask for Support

It’s important to remember that your marketing team isn’t the first one to switch to an agile marketing system. Seek out an agile marketing practitioner who can help you understand the process and move your team toward the agile marketing framework that’s right for you—and who can help you implement it.



Agile marketing involves extensive testing and evaluation. This is a requirement for agile marketing, but the您跟踪的指标should be your own. Base your experiments and tests on your business’s goals and use the results of your testing to improve your content and find other ways to get better results.

Adopt Agile Marketing for 2020

Agile marketing is the best possible response to the demanding and competitive business landscape of 2020 and beyond. When you’re able to adapt to changing consumer needs by传递正确的营销信息to the right customers at the right time, you’re in the best position to get more leads, boost conversions, and generate more sales.
