The Essential Guide to Influencer Marketing

企业正在制造$6.50 for every $1 spenton金博宝188备用网址.我们采购这个统计从2015 Tomoson苏rvey, and the use of influencer marketing has skyrocketed since then. In this age when the reach and impact of traditional advertising are shrinking dramatically, is it any wonder that businesses choose to follow consumers to where they spend their time? Google Trends shows a very clear correlation: the increase in influencer marketing 2014-2016 mirrors the decrease in print advertising. It also matches a decline in fortunes for television advertising. According toeMarketer’s quarterly ad spending forecasts,2017年将首次看到数字广告超越电视广告。


金博宝188备用网址allows you to find the influencers in your niche, show them your content, and encourage them to share your content (or sometimes content they have created promoting your products) with their large, engaged audiences.


What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing involves building up relationships with people who are influential in the same niche as your potential customers online, both through their blogs/video channels and through social media. Once you have built up a relationship with these “influencers,” you leverage this relationship and have them promote your product or service to their followers and supporters.

有时是一条很好的界限金博宝188备用网址影响者营销和名人认可.The key difference is that with celebrity endorsement a brand hopes that it can cajole a celebrity’s fans to purchase their product, simply because their hero told them to do so. There is no particular connection between the celebrity’s fans and the product. Justin Bieber’s army of tween fans would probably buy (or beg their parents to buy) any product that Justin Bieber personally recommended.

Jay Baer: “True influence drives action, not just awareness.”

金博宝188备用网址另一方面,依赖于特定影响力的人的口口相传广告 - 大多数不是名人本身。他们通常是相对普通的人,他们对某些特定的利基主题获得了信任和追随者。

这并不意味着名人不能成为影响者 - 一些具有深厚口袋的公司仍然使用名人来推广其产品,就像预算较小的公司使用较少的知名人士一样。但是,大多数影响者不是名人。他们被称为微影响者 - 他们是特定领域的专家,并且是专注于该利基市场的社区的中心。


  1. Writing an article/blog post, or creating a video about your product or service
  2. Sharing information about you (including sharing your own content) on their social media accounts
  3. Giving you access to their site to write a guest post

关键是,他们有一个更大的奥迪nce than you, many of whom will, in turn, share the influencers’ material. These audiences value what an influencer says, and they take notice of the influencer's recommendations. Respect is very important too. Even if you have the same number of connections as an influencer, they generally will be able to build up much higher engagement than you. Members of your target audience are far more likely to act on what an influencer says than they are on what you say. They recognize your self-interest but respect an influencer’s opinion. For instance, even if you were able to match a particular influencer’s 20,000 Twitter followers, you would receive fewer shares from your posts. If you were to write content softly promoting your product you might receive 20 shares. If the influencer were to share the same content, he could more likely get 100 or more shares and therefore a wider potential reach.




Your goals could greatly affect your choice of influencers. If you want to increase tweets about your products, you obviously will need to target influencers who are strong on Twitter. If you want to increase the visibility of your products, then you probably want to focus on using influencers on the more visual networks such as Instagram, Pinterest or even YouTube. If you operate in the B2B sphere, and you want potential buyers to have greater in-depth product awareness, you may focus on pushing for a guest post on an influential industry blog or reaching out to an influencer with a strong Quora following.


To be able to benefit from金博宝188备用网址you need to know just who your influencers are going to influence. Justin Bieber has a huge influence - a Klout score of 92 is highly impressive. However, even if you could afford to pay him to promote your brand, it is unlikely he will be of much benefit to you unless your target audience is teenage girls. It is highly unlikely that Justin Bieber tweets will lead to increased sales of your office stationery products!



Having determined the type of people you want to focus your influencer campaign on, your next job is to work out who influences these people. You can either search for influencers yourself or use an influencer marketing platform to find the influencers in your niche for you.

You will most likely know who some of the “celebrities” in your niche are. In most cases, they will not be considered celebrities to the world as a whole, but they have established authority in their specialist area. You could begin with a simple Google search for your niche. Do you see multiple articles by any particular author? Ignoring the big sites like Wikipedia, are there obvious blogs or websites showing in the rankings which could be of use to you? You could also find sites that might allow you to guest post, or perhaps pay to sponsor them to write a post on your behalf.Services like Buzzsumo非常适合在特定的利基市场中识别内容当局和影响者,并通过社会影响力展示了受欢迎程度。



Don’t restrict your research to people with lots of followers. Just because somebody has one million Twitter followers does not mean that they are influential - he may have paid to buy his followers. You want to see evidence of engagement. If you haven’t done so already, follow them so that you can study them in operation using their social media accounts. A tool that you can use to gauge their social media reach isKlout.KLOUT为您的社交媒体影响力提供了1至100分之间的分数。例如,贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的KLOUT得分为92。平均KLOUT分数为40。您可以通过安装潜在的影响者的KLOUT分数来通过安装潜在的影响者的KLOUT分数Chrome的Klout扩展它直接在您的Twitter提要中显示了KLOUT分数。KLOUT可以为您提供帮助的另一种方法是,它为您提供推荐的专家,以遵循“ Explore”选项卡下的列表。查看您尚未分析的任何人,以找到潜在的进一步影响者。

There are many tools that you can use to help you find influencers. InHow To Identify Influencers in Social Media我们分析了您可以使用的14种工具和方法来找到您的广告系列的相关影响者。一旦您建立了潜在影响者的列表,请根据您认为最适合特定目标受众的最佳选择的人对他们进行排序和排名,以及您的感觉如何帮助您实现竞选目标。有些人可能具有很高的影响力,但是他们的关注可能与您理想的客户不完全匹配。您希望有影响力的人尽可能地与观众匹配。

4. Build a Relationship With Influencers

You need to build up a relationship with an influencer before you can expect him to share or promote your content. This relationship building can be a slow, gradual process. You are looking to find common ground between you and the influencer so that you can begin engaged conversations with them.

One method to build up a relationship with potential influencers is to regularly create content that would interest them and share it with them through your social media channels. If the content is good enough, they may eventually start sharing your content with their audiences.

You should start the relationship by interacting with them in a similar way to how you would begin a friendship. Try and provide value to them. If they pose a question online, make an effort to answer it. You don’t begin by promoting yourself - you begin by proving yourself to be of value to an influencer.

You can’t rush or force things. You have to build up a natural relationship.

Share valuable content with your audience - which will hopefully include the influencer. Don’t just restrict your help to one intended influencer. It will look much more natural if you share material with everybody. Don’t limit your sharing to your own material. Make sure you search for and share other people’s quality material too. Experts suggest that on Twitter four out of every five tweets should be retweets of other people’s material. If you have the opportunity to interact with an influencer in an offline situation (without being seen as a stalker), take it. Perhaps a potential influencer is going to be a keynote speaker at a conference near you. Buy tickets, front row if possible. If you get the chance, mingle with him in the bar afterwards.

Eventually, if you have done all of the groundwork carefully, the influencer should begin to show a genuine interest in you. At this point, you could suggest ways that you could collaborate and work together. An alternative method is to reach out to influencers with the aim of getting your work directly published for their audiences. An example of this is where you pitch a guest blog for their website. For this to work, you will probably already need a credible writing history, so that the website knows that you will produce quality material for them to present to their audience. Interacting with influencers can take a considerable amount of time, so you will need to prioritize where to place your focus.

Once you have built up a relationship with an influencer, there is a good likelihood that they will share some of your material with their audience, or promote your material in some way. I say “some” of your material, because they will never share everything you create. Your most shareable content will be:

  • Relevant- 无论多么出色,您的内容都必须适合他们的受众。当然,如果您已经完成了作业并从正确的利基市场中选择了一个影响者,那么这不是问题。
  • 独特的——如果你的内容只是一个重写版本的年代omething that other writers have already written about 100 times, people are unlikely to share you, unless you are paying for it
  • 质量-the influencer has spent time building up his audience. He is not going to risk alienating his fans by sharing poor quality material
    Trustworthy - if you haven’t built up a relationship, you are a nobody to the influencer, and they will have no reason to help you. Of course, if the influencer already uses and likes your product himself you have a bonus opportunity.
  • Visible-you have to do the initial promotion before an influencer sees your content. If you tweet your content once, it is likely that the influencer will miss it and it will remain unread (unless you manage to set up a more formal arrangement with the influencer where you can provide him with content to share)

请注意,您并非所有与影响者合作的尝试都会成功。您不是唯一尝试这种技术的人。很可能有其他人提供的内容比您更引人注目,或者有影响力的人可能会更喜欢其他产品。一些有影响力的人可能根本不希望参与内容共享或促销。在某些情况下,可能需要花费非常长的时间才能成功 - 众所周知,这需要数年的时间。因此,不要完全依靠吸引一个特定的影响者与之合作。始终致力于建立多种关系。


5. Engage Influencers


在其他情况下,您可能会与有影响力的人建立更正式的安排。他们可能很简单,就像他们同意让您免费为他们撰写客人帖子一样简单。在另一个极端情况下,您很可能会签署他们的全面产品认可(向他们支付商定的报酬水平以回报)。根据《福布斯》的说法,您的影响者营销预算应该是关于金博宝188备用网址half of what you would otherwise spend在社交媒体广告上。一些品牌甚至雇用有影响力的人接管他们的社交媒体帐户固定的时间。例如,古奇(Gucci)雇用了涂鸦艺术家Trouble Andrew在米兰时装周期间经营其Instagram和Snapchat帐户,这非常成功。

It just got Real® #guccighost @gucci


You do need to be careful using influencers who require payment, though. The whole point of using influencers to promote your product is that it needs to come across as sincere and authentic to the audience. If it is obvious that an influencer is making a paid recommendation (and under FTC rules, they are required to admit this), then you could lose the feeling of authenticity. This becomes less of an issue if the audience already has a genuine passion and interest in your brand.

If you have chosen your influencer carefully, he will probably be genuinely interested in your product. In this case, product discounts and giveaways often work well as a reward. You could even consider paying the influencer a commission or set up some form of affiliate marketing program.

6. Work With Influencers to Publish and Amplify


  • 创建直接宣传运动
  • 自己创建高级内容,然后将其定位于您的影响者,希望他们能够产生参与度
  • Getting your influencers to create content for your brand
  • Approaching influencers for quotes, interviews or other items for your content, e.g. items you could include in a round-up blog post
  • 鼓励有影响力的人审查您的产品
  • Creating content promoting your influencers as well as yourself, in the hope that your influencers will share it

It is a good idea to study your influencers’ content, and see how they have worked in the past. If it is obvious that a particular technique has worked before, emulate it. For instance, if you can see that an influential Twitter user often shares tweets that mention him, make sure that you create tweets referring to the influencer by name, e.g. @twitterhandle.




We have a free eBook at the Influencer Marketing Hub which you can download, that shows you in more detailHow to Measure Influencer Marketing ROI

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Influencer Marketing Platforms and Agencies

It is possible to speed up your progress through these steps if you choose to work with an influencer marketing platform. They take over quite a few of the administrative tasks for you. One major advantage of using a platform is that they have already identified influencers who are happy to work with brands.



  1. Activation
  2. Discovery
  3. 全面服务



From a brand’s point of view, the success of an influencer marketing campaign working through a social activation platform very much depends on just how many suitable influencers the platform has signed up for the relevant niche topic.


Discovery platforms have huge databases of influencers covering every niche imaginable. One example isHYPRwhich has 9 million profiles in its database. The focus here is for brands discovering influencers who are the perfect fit for their goals. The discovery platforms provide contact details for the brands to communicate directly with the influencers.

hypr discover



许多传统机构在其客户服务列表中添加了影响者营销。金博宝188备用网址它们通常是全面的服务,从某种意义上说,它们几乎涵盖了有影响力的营销的所有阶段 - 包括查找有影响力的人,与影响者合作以及创建影响者可以使用的内容。金博宝188备用网址当一个品牌想要与大名称著名的影响者合作时,这些机构特别有用。有一些机构,例如IMA, who now specialize in assisting firms to create influencer marketing campaigns.


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